Current Approaches to Improving Stud

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Current Approaches to Improving Students Writing Proficiency in an EFL Context

Writing,one of the four basic macro skills,is of great importance in learning English.This paper first analyzes the current context of teaching writing in Jiangsu,China and then reviews the principles of teaching writing.Finally,it will talk about the pedagogical implications of these principles in teaching writing.aiming to stimulate students and help them to develop their writing skills in an EFL context.

作 者: 张茹芳   作者单位: 南京市第九中学,江苏,南京,210018  刊 名: 海外英语  英文刊名: OVERSEAS ENGLISH  年,卷(期): 2010 ""(6)  分类号: G623  关键词: teaching writing   current approaches   implications  

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