The Myth of the Omniscient Translato

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The Myth of the Omniscient Translator and the Perfect Translation

Translation is a complex and misleading field of knowledge.Many people consider that some translators are incredibly skillful and that "perfect" translation truly exists.While this fantasy is so appealing,we must know that such things as perfect translation and omniscient translators do not exist,and the reasons are often too subtle for people to realize.Even though the prospect of translation seems to be a little bit frustrating,it is not a hopeless field where we can still make progress.In this essay,I will first introduce what are "omniscient translator" and "perfect transhtion",and then I will analyze why they do notexist in real world,and why many people take these two fantasies for granted.At last,I will tell that what we can do to get improvement in translation.

作 者: 赵玉莉   作者单位: 辽宁师范大学外国语学院  刊 名: 海外英语  英文刊名: OVERSEAS ENGLISH  年,卷(期): 2010 ""(6)  分类号: G623.31  关键词: translation   omnixcient   culture elements   translator   language   source language   context   society   perfect