Interactive Multi-objective Optimiza

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Interactive Multi-objective Optimization Design for the Pylon Structure of an Airplane

The pylon structure of an airplane is very complex, and its high-fidelity analysis is quite time-consuming. If posterior preference optimization algorithm is used to solve this problem, the huge time consumption will be unacceptable in engineering practice due to the large amount of evaluation needed for the algorithm. So, a new interactive optimization algorithm-interactive multi-objective particle swarm optimization (IMOPSO) is presented. IMOPSO is efficient, simple and operable. The decision-maker can expediently determine the accurate preference in IMOPSO. IMOPSO is used to perform the pylon structure optimization design of an airplane, and a satisfactory design is achieved after only 12 generations of IMOPSO evolutions. Compared with original design, the maximum displacement of the satisfactory design is reduced, and the mass of the satisfactory design is decreased for 22%.

作 者: An Weigang Li Weiji   作者单位: College of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China  刊 名: 中国航空学报(英文版)  ISTIC 英文刊名: CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS  年,卷(期): 2007 20(6)  分类号: V2  关键词: pylon structure   multi-objective optimization algorithm   interactive algorithm   multi-objective particle swarm optimization   neural network