Relation of Mineralizable N to Organ

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Relation of Mineralizable N to Organic N Components in Dark Loessial Soils

Mineralizable N and organic N components in different layers (0~15, 15~30, 30~45, 45~60, 60~80 and80~100 em) of six soils with different fertilities sampled from Yongshou County, Shaanxi Province, China,were determined by the aerobic incubation method and the Bremner procedure, respectively. Correlation,multiple regression and path analyses were performed to study the relation of mineralizable N to organic Ncomponents. Results of correlation and regression analyses showed that the amounts of the N mineralizedwere parallel to, and significantly correlated with, the total acid hydrolyzable N, but was not so with the acid-insoluble N. Of the hydrolyzable N, the amino acid N and the ammonia N had a highly consistent significantcorrelation with the mineralized N, and their partial regression coefficients were significant in the regressionequations, showing their importance in contribution to the mineralizable N. The amino sugar N, on the otherhand, had a relatively high correlation with the mineralized N, but their partial regression coefficients werenot significant in the regression equations. In contrast, the hydrolyzable unknown N had no such relations.Path analysis further indicated that the amino acid N and ammonia N made great direct contributions tothe mineralized N, but the contributions of the amino sugar N were very low. These strongly suggested thatthe mineralized N in the soils tested was mainly from the hydrolyzable N, particularly the amino acid N andammonia N which are the major sources for its production.

作 者: LI JUMEI LI SHENGXIU   作者单位: College of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Northwestern Science and Technology University of Agriculture and Forestry, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100 China  刊 名: 土壤圈(意译名)  ISTIC SCI 英文刊名: PEDOSPHERE  年,卷(期): 2003 13(3)  分类号: S15  关键词: acid-insoluble N   hydrolyzable N   mineralizable N   organic N component  

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