
毕业论文-对女性独立人格的追寻—《伤逝》与《玩偶之家》比较 - 语言文学

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毕业论文-对女性独立人格的追寻—《伤逝》与《玩偶之家》比较 - 语言文学论文

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毕业论文-对女性独立人格的追寻—《伤逝》与《玩偶之家》比较 - 语言文学论文






Zi Jun in Lu Xuns  Mourn the Death , and Ibsen Na in Laszo s  House of Doll, are  all typical images of rebelling  women. They all struggle strongely for their own independence and freedom. However, their contradict  personality lead them a tragic result finally. Although they have difference at womens consciousness sprout, their pursueing at womens independence proves that womens real liberation, not only  depend on the social historical condition,  but also depend on their own indepent personality and struggle spirit.

  Key words: Mourn the Death; House of Doll; women; independent personality; compare