
时间:2023-04-30 07:56:05 考研真题 我要投稿
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1. The board deemed it urgent that these files ____ right away.

A. had to be printed B. should have been printed


C. must be printed D. should be printed

2. The local health organization is reported ____ twenty-five years ago when Dr. Audon became its first president.

A. to be set up B. being set up

C. to have been set up D. having been set up

3. The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers _____ for.

A. be demonstrating B. demonstrate

C. had been demonstrating D. have demonstrated

4. Ted had told me that he always escapes ____ as he has got a very fast sport car.

A. to fine B. to be fined

C. being fined D. having been fined

5. More than one third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, _____ in San Francisco.

A. previously B. predominantly

C. practically D. permanently

6. Prof. Lee`s book will show you ___ can be used in other contexts.

A. that you have observed B. that how you have observed

C. how that you have observed D. how what you have obs4erved

7. All fights ______ because of the snowstorm, we decided to take the train.

A. were canceled B. had been canceled

C. having canceled D. having been canceled

8. The new secretary has written a remarkably ____ report only in a few pages but with all the details.

A. concise B. clear C. precise D. elaborate

9. With prices ___ so much, it`s hard for the company to plan a budget.

A. fluctuating B. waving C. swinging D. vibrating

10. Expert say walking is one of the best ways for a person to ___ healthy.

A. preserve B. stay C. maintain D. reserve

11. Expected noises are usually more ___ than unexpected ones of the like magnitude.

A. manageable B. controllable C. tolerable D. perceivable

12. It isn`t so much whether he works hard; the question is whether he works ___.

A. above all B. in all C. at all D. after all

13. There is an incorrect assumption among scientists and medical people that everyone agrees ___ what constitutes a benefit to an individual.

A. on B. with C. to D. in

14. All the information we have collected in relation to that case ______ very little.

A. makes up for B. adds up to C. comes up with D. puts up with

15. A really powerful speaker can ____ the feelings of the audience to the fever of excitement.

A. work out B. work over C. work at D. work up

16. Before the students set off, they spent much time setting a limit ____ the expenses of the trip.

A. to B. about C. in D. for

17. According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes form the ______ of maturity.

A. fulfillment B. achievement C. establishment D. accomplishment

18. From the tears in Nedra`s eyes we can deduce that something sad ____.

A. must have occurred B. would have occurred

C. might be occurring D. should occur

19. You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting ____ you don`t mind taking the night train.

A. provided B. unless C. though D. until

20. Hardly a month goes by without ___ of another survey revealing new depths of scientific among U.S. citizens.

A. words B. a word C. the word D. word

21. If you ____ Jerry Brown until recently, you`d think the photograph on the right was strange.

A. shouldn`t contact B. didn`t contact

C. weren`t to contact D. hadn`t contacted

22. Some teenagers harbor a generalized resentment against society, which ____ them the rights and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature.

A. deprives B. restricts C. rejects D. denies

23. I must go now. ___ , if you want that book I`ll bring it next time.

A. Incidentally B. Accidentally C. Occasionally D. Subsequently

24. There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, _____ they can limit how much water you drink.

A. much more than B. no more than C. no less than D. any more than

25. Though ___ in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record , the plain facts of small-town life.

A. raised B. grown C. developed D. cultivated

26. Most electronic devices of this kind, ____ manufactured for such purposes , are tightly packed.

A. that are B. as are C. which is D. it is

27. As for the winter, it is inconvenient to be cold, with most of ___ furnace fuel is allowed saved for the dawn.

A. what B. that C. which D. such

28. Achieving a high degree of proficiency in English as a foreign language is not a mysterious ____ without scientific basic.

A. process B. practice C. procedure D. program

29. We cannot always ____ the wind, so new windmills should be so designed that they can also be driven by water.

A. hang on B. count on C, hold on D. come on

30. The storm sweeping over this area now is sure to cause ____ of vegetables in the coming days.

A. rarity B. scarcity C. invalidity D. variety

Ⅱ. Each of the passages below is followed by some quetions. For each question there are four

answers marked A,B,C, and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the answer to each of

the questions. Then mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding

letter in the brackets. (30 points)

????????????????????????????????? 1

???Is language, like food, a basic human need without which a child at a critical period of life

can be starved and damaged? Judging from the drastic experiment of Frederick Ⅱ in the thir-

teenth century, it may be. Hoping to discover what language a child would speak if he heard no

mother tongue, he told the nurses to keep silent.

???All the infants died before the first year. But clearly there was more than lack of language

here. What was missing was good mothering. Without good mothering, in the first year of life

especially, the capacity to survive is seriously affected.

???Today no such severe lack exists as that ordered by Frederick. Nevertheless, some children

are still backward in speaking. Most often the reason for this is that the mother is insensitive to

the signals of the infant, whose brain is programmed to learn language rapidly. If these sensitive

periods are neglected , the ideal time for acquiring skills passes and they might never be learned so

easily again. A bird learns to sing and to fly rapidly at the right time, but the process is slow and

hard once the critical stage has passed.

???Experts suggest that speech stages are reached in a fixed sequence and at a constant age, but

there are cases where speech has started late in a child who eventuaLly turns out to be of high IQ.

At twelve weeks a baby smiles and makes vowel-like sounds; at twelve months he can speak sim-

ple words and understand simple commands; at eighteen months he has a vocabulary of three to

fifty words. At three he knows about l ,000 words which he can put into sentences, and at four

his language differs from that of his parents in style rather than grammar.

???Recent evidence suggests that an infant is born with the capacity to speak. What is special

about man`s brain, compared with that of the monkey, if the complex system which enables a

child to connect the sight and feel of, say, a toy-bear with the sound pattem "toy-bear" . And

even more incredible is the young brain` s ability to pick out an order in language from the mixture

of sound around him, to analyse, to combine and recombine the parts of a language in new ways.

???But speech has to be induced, and this depends on interaction between the mother and the

child , where the mother recognizes the signals in the child` s babbling ( 咿呀学语) , grasping and

smiling, and responds to them. Insensitivity of the mother to these signals dulls the interaction

because the child gets discouraged and sends out only the obvious signals. Sensitivity to the

child ` s non-verbal signals is essential to the growth and development of language










