
时间:2023-05-06 16:18:14 考研英语 我要投稿
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  1. Clear it all out. Before you can arrange your things or add new supplies, you'll need to take stock of what you already have at your desk. Begin by emptying any drawers and pulling folders from the shelves. As you remove the items, sort them intocategories: keep, toss, and undecided. Set the undecided pieces aside to deal with later.


  1. 清理一切。在安置东西或添新用品之前,你需要清理办公桌上已有的物品。首先,清空所有抽屉,从柜子上撤下文件夹。当你移走这些东西后,把它们分类成:保留,丢弃,和待处理。把“待处理”的物件留到以后处理。

  2. Sort by type. Divide the keep pile into loose papers, folders, tools, and personal items. Designate specific drawers or shelves for each category, and remember to arrange them in a way that's tailored to your work habits.

  2. 按类型排序。将“保留”那一堆的文件分成活页、文件夹,工具和个人物品。每个类别放在特定的抽屉或架子上,别忘了安排它们的方式要符合你的工作习惯。

  3. Decide what's important. Evaluate the items in your keep pile and pull out anything that you use on a daily basis. You'll want to make sure that those pieces are stored in a convenient, easy-to-reach location. Store all tools — scissors, tape, ruler, etc. — in one drawer and all personal items in another. Take a moment to consider which things you rarely use and plan to store those in a tougher-to-reach box or drawer.

  3. 决定哪些文件重要。评定“保留堆”中的东西,找出每天使用的那些。你要确保物品都存储在一个方便、易于拿到的位置。将所有的工具——剪刀,胶带,尺子等等——放在一个抽屉,个人物品放在另一个抽屉。花时间考虑哪些物品你很少使用,并计划把它们存储在一个较难接触到的盒子或抽屉里。

  4. Classify, highlight, and tab. Now that your things are properly divided, go ahead and divide them into even smaller groups. Use standard organization techniques — tabbed portfolios, file folders, and color labels — and take advantage of any organization products that are provided by your office. This is the time to take care of the undecided pile, too, so use your best judgment to allocate those items among the categories you've just created.

  4. 分类,突出和标签。现在你的东西被正确分类了,继续将其划分为更小的群体。使用标准的“整理技能”——标签组合,文件夹和色标——利用任何办公室中所提供的整理工具。现在也是时候整理“待处理”物品了,因此在你刚刚创建的类别中,用你最佳的判断力来分配这些东西。

  5. Vow to maintain. Make a conscious effort to keep things organized and clear your desk at the end of every workday. As time goes on, decide which methods work for you and which don't, and refine your organization process to suit your needs.

  5. 下决心保持。每个工作日结束时,有意识地清理你的办公桌,将东西放好。随着时间的推移,决定哪些整理方法有效,哪些没有作用,将整理过程完善以满足你的需求。




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