A new factory

时间:2023-05-02 03:33:30 高中英语教案 我要投稿
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A new factory


一、Teaching aims


Teaching important and difficult points

二、Teaching important and difficult points

1.Words and phrases

as, supply, abroad, notice, spend, certain, take a look at, agree on, do a lot of walking, at least, at the beginning, all over the country, plenty of, begin. . .with. . . , set up, a training center, far away, as follows, a Sound Lab, put up, by sea

2.Daily expressions

How long have you had. . . ?

I say, let’s go out for a drive.

We’ll meet...

Don’t be late.


1.Revision the Passive Voice of the Present and Past.

2.Learning the Passive Voice in the future tense.



本单元的对话是以围绕新车的话题而展开,对话内容较简单,容易理解和掌握,如:how far, how long等同时也给学生们介绍关于通知的一篇文章,本单元的课文是以新工厂的建立为话题,了解新工厂的建立给人们的影响。在23课中学习到将来时的被动语态,课文中给出了将来时被动语态的例子与练习。






1. 教师组织学生针对课文内容进行问答对话练习,并能将课文内容进行缩写。

2. 教师要求学生通过对课文的整体阅读和快速阅读,提高阅读能力。

3. 教师组织学生进行针对当地某一新建工程,它对人民日常生活和经济生活的影响。


build, put up , found 和set up 的区别


They built their homes and made their farms there.他们在那儿建立了家园,办起了农场。

在表示建立一个商店、企业时,也可用start 和open. 如:start/open a factory (shop, business) 开办工厂(商店、公司)

2)set up意为“开办,建立”,常和表示组织、机构、团体等意义的名词连用,与found基本相同,但found更着重打基础。

set up a school (hospital, state ,government, shop, business) 建立学校(医院、国家、政府、商店、企业)

found a city ( state, party, university, etc. ) 兴建城市(建立国家、党派;创办大学等)

3)put着重指建造或搭起一个具有高度的具体的物体,口语中set up 和build也有此意。例如:

They put up (set up) a new house /tent.他们建了一座新房子/搭起一个帐篷。

wear, put on ,dress, have on的区别

1)wear 是“穿着”,“戴着”的意思,可用于穿衣、穿鞋、戴帽子,戴手套、佩戴首饰等,强调状态。

I don't wear glasses. 我不戴眼镜。

2)put on指“戴上”,“穿上”,表示穿衣服的动作,其反义词是take off。

Put on your coat, it is cold today. 穿上外套吧,今天天气冷。

3)dress 可作及物动词,有“穿着”,“打扮”的意思,但只用于穿衣,它既表示动作,又表状态,常用于下列结构:dress sb / oneself(给某人穿衣服)、dress well和be dressed in 等

She always dresses well.她总是打扮得很漂亮。

4)have on 和 be in+颜色也是“穿着”的意思,都指穿的状态,但have on不用于进行时态。

He has a blue coat on. ( =He’s wearing a blue coat. )他穿着一件蓝衣服。

The building of a new car factory was agreed on last month. 建新汽车厂的协议已于上月达成,…


Walking is a good exercise.

agree on 表示双方就某件事取得一致意见或达成共识。例如:

Finally they agreed on a cease-fire. 最后他们达成了停火协议。

agree to

agree to(接名词或动词不定式)意思是“赞同”某种提议、方法、计划,或“同意”做某事。

We agreed to leave at once.我们同意立即离开。

agree with(接名词、代词)意思是“同意”某人的意见或看法。

My mother doesn’t agree with me to make friends with him. 我妈妈不同意我跟他交朋友。

In the afternoon we’ll visit the factory which makes minibuses and trucks.下午我们将要参观生产小型公共汽车和卡车的工厂。

这是一个复合句,which makes minibuses and trucks 是宾语从句,修饰factory。此句的先行词factory,指地点,但由于引导词在从句中作主语,必须用which或that,不能用where,也不能省略,又如:

The house which stands ten yards from the road belongs to Tom. 离马路十码远的那座房子是汤姆的。


The park which is near the sea is very beautiful.位于海滨的那座公园很美。

The cars will be supplied to people all over the country. 汽车将向全国供应。


supply sb. with sth. ; supply sth. to / for sb.

This river supplies water to/for people along it. 这条河流向沿岸人民供给饮用水。

The bookshop supplies textbooks to/ for students./The bookshop supplies students with textbooks. 这家商店供应学生教科书。

Milk is supplied to each house in bottles by the shop. 这家商店供应各家各户瓶装牛奶。

They will spend almost 100 million yuan on the project.这个工程将耗资他们1亿元。

“spend+表示钱的名词或短语+ on + n.”结构的意思是“花多少钱买某物”。例如:

He spent ten dollars on that jacket. 买那件夹克他花了10美元。

“spend + 表示时间的名词或短语 + on + n”结构表示“花费多少时间做某事”。例如:

They spent five years on the bridge. 他们建那座桥用了5年时间。


She spent a whole morning ( in) learning English. 她一早上都在学习英语。


Are/Will you be free tonight? 今晚你有空吗?

How about tomorrow morning? 明天早晨怎么样?

Shall we meet at 1:00 at...? 我们一点钟在……见面,好吗?

I wonder if we could…我想知道我们是否可以……

We’ll meet at 7:00 at…我们将在7点钟时在……见面。

Let’s gather at the gate of our school at …让我们……钟在校门口见/聚齐。


Yes, that’s all right. That’s fine with me. I’ll be waiting for you here/ there. OK. That’s settled then.


I’m afraid I can’t make it tonight. I don’t think I can. I’m sorry, but…


All right. See you then.

教学设计示例Lesson 21

Teaching Aims

1.To learn the following words and expressions:

How long have you. . . ?

Take a look at…. Let's go out for a drive.

Don’t be late. Do a lot of walking.

2.To learn how to write a notice and make an oral notice.

Teaching Procedures

Step I Warm--up

1.Draw a car on the Bb or show a car picture to the Ss.


2. Suppose that it belongs to one of your students.

To the class: “This is XXX’s new car. Now, everyone, I want to ask him/her a few questions.

T: How long have you had it?

S: For six months.

T: Can I take a look at it?

S: Sure. /Of course. /Certainly.

T: It’s very nice. How far have you been in it?

S: ...

T: I say, shall we go out for a drive next Sunday?

S: . . . (the students may have different answers)

Step II Listening and reading

1.Get the Ss to listen to the tape without referring to the books.

T: What are they going to do next Sunday?

S: They are going out for a drive next Sunday for a picnic.

2.Repeat it if necessary. Then read the dialogue in groups or in pairs.

Step III Practice

1. SB Part 2, Lesson 21. Get the Ss to do similar dialogues with his/her partner. Teach “minibus” . Explain to the Ss the meaning of “mini”

2. Before doing this practice, the teacher can ask his/her Ss to do Ex. 2 on Page 82 first. It may help them make up their own dialogues. And the teacher may also encourage them to make longer ones by adding “How much did it cost? Who bought it for you? Do you like it? etc.”

3. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.

Step Ⅳ Listening and reading

1. Play the tape for the Ss to listen to the notice. After listening, get the Ss to guess the meanings of province, company, raincoat, railway”. etc.

2. Listen to the tape again, ask the students to try to catch the information.

Visit to : place where we meet:

Place: what we shall see:

Date: Time we meet:

What to bring:

3.After that. Get the Ss to open the SB and read the notice and write down the information. Get them to check their answers in pairs. Finally collect the answers from the class and put them on the Bb.

Step ⅤOral practice

According to the information written on the Bb, get the Ss to make up dialogues of their own. For example:

A: What will the students of Grades 2 and 3 do on Monday, 26th October?

B: They will visit the new car factory in Hubei province.

A: When was it opened?

B: In last May.

Step Ⅵ Language points

1. take a look(at)     go out for a drive

Explain to the Ss: Here look and drive are used as nouns.

2. notice n/v.

The T explains to the Ss that "notice" can be used as a noun and a verb. Let the Ss do the exercise.

3. do a lot of walking (reading, cooking, washing, shopping, sowing, etc.)

4. wear, put on and dress.

5. as, because, for, since.

Step ⅦFurther practice

First get the Ss to make an oral notice in groups. Then ask one group or two to tell theirs before the class. ( Each group can have one or two students as their representatives) If time permits, the teacher may demand more practice. For example:

1. Class 6, Grade One, see a movie, the Bohai Theatre, this afternoon, at 4:30, by bike, meet, at the gate of the school,

2. Class 4, Grade Two, go to the West Lake, the 25th of this month, by train, meet in front of the dining hall.

StepⅧ Workbook

Get the Ss to do Ex. 1,3 on page 82.

Step Ⅸ Homework

Get the Ss to do Ex. 2 on page 82. The teacher may tell the Ss that they should act out Ex. 2 in pairs after class.

教学设计示例Lesson 22

1. To help the Ss to gain the ability of fast reading.

2. To get the Ss to retell the passage by using their own words.

3. To learn some useful expressions.

Step I Introduction

1. With books open. Refer the Ss to the picture. Ask:

What can you see?

What kind of factory is it?

Where can you find car factories in China?

(Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing, etc.)

2. The T may tell the Ss the picture is about the car factory built in Wuhan , and it was finished by the year 2000.

Step II Discussion

Get the Ss to discuss this question.

“What will be one of the results of the new car factory?”

Help them to answers: offering new jobs, bringing other new business, leading to the growth of economy, etc.

Step III Preparation for reading

Prepare the Ss for reading by teaching the new words in the passage. Get the Ss to say the new words or phrases after hearing their teachers explanation.

1. in or to a foreign country ( abroad)

2. to give sb. things needed (supply)

3. a piece of work (job)

4. a lot of; a large number of (plenty of)

5. a plan for building a school, a hospital or other things (project)

6. no less than (at least)

7. person who has finished studying at school and who wants to find jobs (school leaver)

Step Ⅳ Reading

Get the Ss to read the passage again. And answer the following questions.

1.As the result of the new car factory, there will be _____for workers.

A. a great many new cars

B. A lot of telephones and computers

C. a large number of new jobs

2.How many cars will be produced each year at the beginning? _____.

A.300,000 B.15,000 C. 150,00

3.More new companies will produce things like_______.

A. the lights and the windows

B. telephones and computers

C. new houses and new roads

4.Cars will be taken to many parts of the country_______.

A. by railway B. by sea C. by air

While the Ss are answering them, the teacher writes the answers on the Bb. 1.C 2.C 3. B 4. A

Step Ⅴ Practice

Get the Ss to retell the passage and use their own words .They can use the passive voice in the future tense. At first they can do it with their partners and then encourage some of them to do it in front of the class.

Step Ⅵ Workbook

Part 2 on Page 83. Let the Ss do it alone. Before doing it, explain how to do it.

Step Ⅶ Homework

1. Rewrite the passage, and try to use the passive voice.

2. Review the grammar: Language Study “The Passive Voice”

3. Go over the expressions on Page 22.




There will be a great many new jobs for workers and school—leavers in this city. A lot of new cars will be supplied to people all over the country. At least some houses will be built for the workers. New roads will be built too. The port near the city will be opened to foreign ships so that the cars will be sent abroad by sea. The city will become rich. New business will be stated in the city. For example, factories and other buildings for more new companies ;they will produce things like telephones and computers. The new car factory can bring more jobs to the province.

A new factory

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