
Do you have an eraser? Lesson 85教学设计

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Do you have an eraser? Lesson 85教学设计

Lesson 85教学设计示例

一、教学目标 :

Do you have an eraser? Lesson 85教学设计


(1)学习单词Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday。

(2)初步接触have 的用法。


熟练掌握Do you have ___? I have ___. 并能够切换人称。




二、教学过程 :

Note: Remember to ask the students on duty What day is it today? Hopefully, the students know the days of the week by now. In this unit, all the days of the week will be taught.

Step 1 Revision

1 Check homework.

2 Revise Excuse me, Sorry, Certainly, I would like…. and Thanks very much by having the students work in pairs and write a short dialogue using some of these words and phrases. Choose several pairs to read their dialogue to the class. A sample dialogue might be:

A: Excuse me, what would you like?

B: I would like a green sweater.

A: I'm sorry, there is no green one, but here is a blue one. Do you want it?

B: Certainly! Thanks very much.

A: You're welcome.

Step 2 Presentation

1 Before class, draw a big picture of a shop on the Bb. In the window draw a sign that tells the opening and closing times.

2 Pretend that your pen doesn't work. Ask one of the students, Excuse me, may I borrow your pen? The student can say, Certainly, or OK, etc. Take the pen and start to write something, but pretend that this pen doesn't work either. Say Oh dear, your pen doesn't work. We have to go to the shop to get a new one. What time does the shop close? Help the students to answer eight o'clock by pointing at the sign in the window of the shop.

Step 3 Read the dialogue

1 SB Page 26, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 85.Teach at this time of day, supermarket, and open24 hours. Ask and write the following question on the Bb, Where do they go to get an eraser? (the supermarket). With books closed, play the tape. Check the answer to the question. With books open, play the tape again, students listen and repeat.

2 Divide the class into two. One section reads Part A, the other section reads Part B. Pay attention to the intonation. When groups read together, the intonation tends to become very flat, which sounds rather like foreigners speaking Chinese.

3 Get the students to read the dialogue in pairs, using the look and say method. They should talk to each other. Then call out several pairs to read aloud the dialogue.

Step 4 Presentation

1 Teach borrow by asking a student, May I borrow your pencil sharpener? Help the student to answer Certainly, or OK. Say, Thanks very much.

2 Start an action chain. Write the above dialogue on the Bb.

A: May I borrow your pencil sharpener?

B: Certainly!

A: Thanks very much.

B: May I borrow your…?

C: Certainly etc.

Step 5 Read and act

1 SB Page 26, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 85.Ask Why does the person have no money? With books closed, play the tape. The students listen and answer the question. Check answer. (Her purse is at home.) With books open, play the tape again and have the students read along silently.

2 Divide the class into boys and girls. The boys read Part A and the girls read Part B.

3 In pairs, have the students practise reading the dialogue and acting it out. If time allows, choose several pairs to act out the dialogue for the class.

Step 6 Practice

Note: The following practice is a role-play. The purpose of a role-play is to give the students “real-life” situations for them to use their English. It is a powerful tool in language learning and helps the students to learn language within a context. The main object of a role-play is to have the students use the language in speaking and not in writing. Therefore, writing is discouraged in this activity.

Ask What do we get at a book shop? Help the students to make a list and write it on the Bb. They could say, books, pens, pencils, erasers, paper, etc. In small groups of 5-6 students, have the students role-play shopping at a book store / shop. One student should be the shopkeeper and the other students should be the customers. The students should not write out a dialogue, but rather act out shopping and speak as naturally as possible when they are pretending to buy something, or are “just looking”. Before you begin, you may want to give them some shopping phrases that are useful, but which they will not be responsible for learning. For example, write on the Bb, How much does this cost? I'm just looking. That's too expensive. That's very cheap. Walk around the room as the students are role-playing. Give help where needed. Choose several role-plays to be performed before the class.

Step 7 Presentation

1 Tell the class that you are going to describe your week. Write 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 in a column on the Bb. Point to each number and say On this day I make cakes, etc. Then write down the activity, so the Bb looks like this:

Day 1 make cakes

2 talk to Ann

3 walk to school

4 think and learn

5 fly a kite

6 sing a song

7 see my sister

Note that the first letter matches the day of the week.

2 Now say (but don't write) On Monday I make cakes. Get the students to repeat and practise.

3 Repeat for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Step 8 Read and learn

1 Play the tape and have the students repeat.

2 Divide the class into seven parts. Give each part a day. Then point to the different groups. As you point to them, the group says their day and spells it as loud as they can. First point to the groups in random order for example, Friday F-R-I-D-A-Y, Tuesday, T-U-E-S-D-A-Y, etc. Then ask the groups to say their day in order. You can help the groups to do this by “conducting”.

3 Do Wb Lesson 85, Ex. 1.

Step 9 Workbook

SB Page 101, Wb Lesson 85, Exx. 2-3. Both the two exercises must be done in class with the teacher's help. Make sure that the students understand the meaning and fill in the blanks with correct words. After completing the dialogues, have the students read them aloud.

Ex. 4 is treated as optional.


Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Learn the spelling of the days of the week.

Do you have an eraser? Lesson 85教学设计