
Unit 19 A visit to an island

时间:2021-09-29 17:51:38 初中英语教案 我要投稿

Unit 19 A visit to an island




2.掌握由some-, any-, no-, every,等与body. one , thing, where构成的不定代词、副词的用法及特殊表达法。

3.掌握一些反义词的用法特别是take与bring, borrow与lend。



island, farther, farthest, somewhere, land, pull, out of, cool, anybody, ourselves, all by oneself, perhaps, happily, lots of, no longer, cry, get back, too … to…, anywhere, solve, believe, everybody, sooner or later, drop, run away, as, eat up, bank, circle


(1) Are you coming with us tomorrow?

(2) Shall we bring food for a picnic?

(3) Don't be late. I'll be there on time.

(4) I feel a little afraid.

(5) Don't be afraid.

(6) Is everything OK?


(1) Can't you hear anything?

(2) There's somebody/something/nobody there.

(3) It's too heavy to carry.

(4) The picnic basket was no longer under the tree.

(5) We won't go until we get it back again.

(6) It's time to go home now, or we'll be late.











本单元的教学核心是关于孩子们参观小岛(A visit to an island)的这件事。围绕这个核心安排了三个对话和两篇短文,集中反映了孩子们上岛前所做的准备工作(约会、带食品、约定出发的时间,讨论去哪一个岛等)及在岛上的所见所闻,情节跌宕起伏,有一定的传奇色彩。在整个内容的安排中引出了本单元要学习的功能项目“推测”(Conjecture)、求助(Calling for help)和动词take,bring的区别及不定代词和不定副词的用法。

在第73课中有两段对话,主要描述孩子们在上岛前所做的准备工作及讨论去哪一个岛。从而引出英语中表示距离远近的表达法。如:Why don’t we go to the farther one?/ How about the farthest one?/The smaller one is nears.这两段对话为下节课做了内容上的铺垫。




1. no longer=not any longer, not any more. no longer与系动词be连用时置于系动词be的后面,与行为动词连用时放在行为动词的前面,如:

1) He is no longer a worker. =He isn't a worker any longer/any more. He’s an engineer now.

2) He no longer lives here. =He doesn't live here any longer/any more. He’s living in another city.

2.There’s something wrong with your ears.

There + be + something/nothing wrong with. . .是一个固定的句型,意思是“…出/没毛病(问题)。它的同义句是Something/Nothing + be wrong with. . .如:

1) There is something wrong with your computer. =Something is wrong with your computer. It’s not working now.

2) There is nothing wrong with the new bike. =Nothing is wrong with the new bike. It’s quite OK.



too…to句型的意思是“太……以致不能……”,too是副词,后面接形容词或副词,to是动词不定式的标志,后接动词原形。该句型虽然没有否定词not或no,但具有否定的意义。若需要加上人称,则在不定式之前加for sb。如:

1) The sentence is too difficult to understand. Please give me an easy one.

2) These apples are too high for us to reach. We’d better get a ladder.

2.We'd better not go there. It’s too far from here.

had better后面接动词原形,其否定形式是had better no+动词原形。had不受人称限制,不可以说have/has better。如:

Girls had better not go out at night. They had better stay at home.

2. We’ve never been there before.

该句型 have; has been to+地点名词表示某人曾去过某地,现在已离开那个地方或已回来。若地点是副词则“to”省略。如:

We have never been to Shanghai. But they have been there for three times. They can tell us a lot about Shanghai.

3. We won't go until we get it back again!


They won't leave their school until their teacher returns. They will ask the teacher many questions until they are able to do these exercises.

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在学生熟练掌握第73课第二部分内容的基础上,先回忆一下以前学生用书中所出现的一些有关距离的表示法。如How far is it?/ Is it far?/ It’s/quite near./It’s about…kilometers farthest(furthest)等。同时复习一下far这个词的不规则比较级形式和最高级形式。far→farther(further)→farthest(furthest),告诉学生near(close)的比较级和最高级形式的变化是规则的。老师可以给学生一些提示,让学生相互之间展开由易到难的练习。


How far is it from your home to school? Is it near from your home to your uncle’s? Is our school far from People Park? Where’s the shopping center?等。


Lucy: Hi, Li Lei! Where are you going this summer holiday?

Li Lei: My father will take me to Nanjing.

Lucy: How wonderful! Nanjing is an old but beautiful city. How far is it from here?

Li Lei: It's about 360 kilometres. What about you?

Lucy: I’m going to Shanghai with my uncle to see my grandfather. He works there.

Li Lei: How far is it from here? Is it nearer or farther than Nanjing?

Lucy: It's nearer. It's about 180 metres.

A: Which city do you like best, Qingdao, Nanjing or Hangzhou?

B: I like Hangzhou best.

A: Is Hangzhou near here?

B: No, It’s far from here. It’s about 210 kilometres away.

A: What about Nanjing?

B: It's farther. It’s 600 kilometres away.

A: And Qingdao?

B: It’s the farthest. It’s nearly 1000 kilometres away.












no one



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然后告诉学生这些词都是由some,any或no与body,thing,one或where构成的合成词,一般情况下,somebody, something, somewhere用于肯定句,而anybody, anything, anywhere用于否定句、疑问句及条件句中。如:

(1)I can see something on the wall. Is it a new painting?

(2) Somebody is knocking at the door. Go and have a look.

(3) Yesterday Han Mei found her pen somewhere. Now she still doesn’t know who put it there.

(4) Can you hear anything in the next room? Somebody is crying.

(5) –Is there anybody running on the playground?

–Yes, it’s Wang Tong.

(6) I can't see anybody in the teacher's office. But I must ask the teacher an important question.

(7) They didn't go anywhere, because it was raining heavily. They played ping-pong in the classroom.

但也有例外情况。当表达请求、建议、反对等肯定意图时,something, somebody等词也可用于疑问句形式。如:

(8) – Is somebody coming this evening?

–Yes, But I don’t know who’s coming.

(9) Would you please give me something to eat? Certainly. Help yourself to anything in the ice box.

教师可通过实物教学或创设情景教学,让学生在情景中学习并掌握不定代词或副词的运用。如教师可利用教室中的物品:box, bag等进行活动。

A: Can you see anything in the box?

B: No, I can’t. It’s closed.

C: I think there is something in it.

B: I don’t think so. Let’s open it. Maybe there’s nothing in it.


A: Look! Can you see anything over there?

B: No, I can’t see anything.

A: Nothing? Look carefully and you’ll see something in the trees.

B: Sorry I can’t. Something is wrong with my eyes.

A: There’s nothing wrong with your eyes, I think. Look again and you’ll see it.

B: Oh, yes. Something is moving in the tree. It’s a yellow bird!





A: Where’s your homework, Wang Ming?

B: Sorry, I left it at home.

A: Bring it here tomorrow.

B: OK.

A: By the way, whose chair is it?

B: Our teacher's.

A: Please help me take it to the teacher’s office.

B: All right.

A: Thanks a lot.

B: You re welcome.

take sth.with sb.表示随身带走某物,bring sth.with sb.则表示随身带来某物。take sth.away表示拿走某物。试比较:

It is going to rain, please take your raincoat with you.

When you come here next time, please bring the raincoat with you. Please take the empty box away.

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本单元安排了两篇阅读短文,比较详尽地描述了孩子们在岛上的经历及所见所闻,情节跌宕起伏。初中学生有极强的好奇心,对课文内容一定很感兴趣。在组织学生阅读前,老师可以先解释一些难点,如no longer,all by oneself,not…until,look over等,为学生快速阅读扫除障碍。阅读后老师用"Yes" or "No"回答的一般疑问句提问学生,以加深他们对课文内容的理解。最后老师可以把按故事情节设置的幻灯片或简笔画展示给学生,让他们根据图示用英语讲出故事的主要情节。使阅读和口头训练有机地结合在一起,教学效果一定会更好。



bring food for a picnic/be late for/had better not to do sth./have never been to/pull sth. out of/look I around/keep sth. cool/all by oneself/no longer/not. . .until/get sth. back/look over/run after( away)

2.在老师的指导下,通过一定量的口头和书面训练,反复训练不定代词/副词something, anything, somebody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere的用法,熟练掌握不定代词和副词的用法,take和bring的用法。


3.本单元的主题是“参观小岛(A visit to an island)”。在学生熟练掌握课文内容的基础上,老师可给学生提供一定量的词汇和短语,要求他们模仿课文内容写一篇游记性质的小短文。


some-, any-, no-(no one例外), every-与-one, -thing, -body, -where(副词)构成复合不定代词或副词。复合不定代词可以代替一般数量的名词,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。


I have something to tell you. 我有事要告诉你。

He didn’t say anything at the meeting yesterday. 昨天在会上他没有发言。

Everybody likes swimming. 每个人都喜欢游泳。



There’s something new in today’s paper. 今天的报纸上有些新内容。


I have something to tell you.  我有些话要告诉你。


I hope everything goes well.我希望一切顺利。

Nothing is too difficult for you in the world if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。


Someone is knocking at the door, isn't he? 或aren't they?有人在敲门,对吗?

Everything begins to grow in spring, doesn't it? 春季万物开始生长,对不对?

5.含no的复合不定代词相当于“not + any的复合不定代词”。如:

I saw nothing in the room. =I didn't see anything in the room.我在屋子里什么也没看见。


I can't find it anywhere.我在什么地方都找不到它。


Would you like something to drink? 你想要些喝的吗?

Can you find it somewhere?  你能在某个地方找到它吗?


1. –Do you have _____to say for yourself?

–Yes, it is this.

A. something    B. anything   C. everything   D. nothing

2. –Everyone is here today, _____?

–No, Han Mei isn’t here. She’s ill.

A. isn't it       B. isn't he   C. are they     D. isn’t everyone

3. There’s _____with his eyes. He’s OK.

A. anything wrong   B. wrong something   C. nothing wrong   D. wrong nothing

4. Everything _____ready. We can start now.

A. are      B. is      C. be     D. were

5. What about_____? I’m so hungry.

A. anything to eat    B. to eat something   C. something to eat   D. to eat anything

Keys: 1-5 BBCBC

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1. Are you coming with us? 你和我们一起去吗?

这是现在时表示将来动作的用法。英语中类似come,go,fly, arrive, leave, start等表示位置移动的动词的现在进行时态可用来表示按计划安排将要发生的事。如:

My father is going to Shanghai tomorrow. I’m going to see him off at the station.

John is coming here next week and will stay here until May. So he is coming to see us the day after tomorrow.

I'm seeing her tomorrow. She’s in hospital.

What are you doing next Saturday? We’re going to visit a museum.

2. Which island shall we go to first?我们先去哪个岛?

句中的介词to不可以省略。从语法逻辑看,which island作后面动词的宾语。而go是不及物动词,不能直接跟宾语,只有加上介词to才能与which island构成完整的动宾搭配。类似的还有wait for等。如:

–Who are you waiting for?

–I’m waiting for you. May I have a talk with you?

3. We’ve never been there before.我们以前从未去过那儿。

have been to+地点表示“曾经去过某地(现在已回来)。have gone to+地点表示“某人去某地了(现在不在这儿)”。如:

(1) —Where have you been? 你去过哪里?

  —I have been to Shanghai. 我去过上海。

(2) —Where is she? 她去哪儿了?

—She has gone to the library. 她去图书馆了。

4. We’re all by ourselves.就我们这些人。

by oneself 意思是“单独的,独自的”。all修饰by oneself,起加强语气的作用。如:

I learned English all by myself. My teacher is the recorder.

5. The picnic basket was no longer under the tree.

no longer 表示“不再”,与not…any longer同义,强调时间。no more也表示“不再”,与not…any more同义,强调数量。原句还可以说为:The picnic basket wasn’t under the tree any longer. 如:

I don’t want wine any more. It’s more than enough.

6. Sooner or later you’ll find it somewhere.

句中的sooner or later意思是“迟早”,其中and前后的sooner和later为互为反义词。英语中这种短语还有一些,下面几组比较常见:

back and white 白纸黑字  every now and then 不时,时时

here and there 到处   off and on断断续续

days and nights 日日夜夜  more or less或多或少

7. As they were very hungry,they ate up all the food soon. 因为他们很饿,所以他们很快就把食物吃光了。


We all like her as she is kind. She’s kind to everybody.

As it was dark, he had to go home. Or his mother would be worried.

2)eat up意思是‘吃光”。up与某些动词连用时,表示“完全,彻底”的意思。常见的几个词组有:drink up喝光;use up用完;clean up除掉,把……收拾干净。如:

Please eat up your chicken. You need to eat more as a big boy.

Drink up your milk before you go to school. It’ll do good to you.

8. Children took them back to the boat. 孩子们把它们带回船上。

take back为动副词组。在“动词 + 副词”短语中,当人称代词充当它的宾语时,人称代词不能置于副词之后,只能放在动词和副词之间。类似的短语还有look over,wake up,get back,put on等。如:

Please wake me up tomorrow morning. I’ll have to get to school half an hour earlier.

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Unit 19 A visit to an island