Merry Christmas!英语教案

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Merry Christmas!英语教案


Merry Christmas!英语教案


  1.掌握本单元的一些词汇,特别是短语as well, even though, no longer等的用法。

  2.能理解、运用类似“That sounds like fun”的句式,除be以外,可以作系动词的还有look, become, turn, taste, sound, feel等。

  3.进一步学习动词不定式,特别是不定式和疑问词连用,构成不定式短语,充当句子成分的结构。如:I don’t know where to go。

  4.能够熟练地谈论西方重要的节日Christmas Day,掌握有关圣诞节的一些常识和用语。

  5.能就Jesus Christ 的有关传说,结合Christmas Day,写一篇短文a short passage。同时比较Christmas Day和The Spring Festival的异同点。


  本单元以庆祝“圣诞节”为中心,叙述了Christmas Day的有关习俗、常识。引出了“Jesus Christ”的故事,以问题讨论的方式论述了中西方人民最重要节日的不同。进一步复习了现在完成时态以及have (has) been (to) 与have (has) gone (to)的用法。在复习不定式基本知识的同时,进一步深入学习了动词不定式作定语的用法及和特殊疑问词连用,构成不定式短语的用法。通过本单元的学习,我们要能够比较Christmas Day和the Spring Festival的异同点,可以采用group discussion方式。并就此进行写作训练,试着写一篇The Spring Festival的短文,可参照“Christmas Day”。



  1。 Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐

  2。 put up 挂起

  3。 come true 变成现实

  4。 as well 也

  5。 at the top of the tree 在树的顶端

  6。 Christmas Eve 平安夜

  7。 no longer 不再

  8。 circle…around 缠绕

  9。 on top of 在……顶部

  10。 fill…with… 用……装满

  11。 be based on 根据,基于

  12。 even thought / if 即使

  13。 can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事

  14。 spend…(in) doing… 花费……做……

  15。 Once upon a time 很久以前

  16。 tell sb。 of / about 告诉某人……

  17。 give birth to 生产;分娩


  1。 Me, too。 我也一样。(为了避免上句的重复使用。)

  如:— Happy New Year!

  — Me, too。 (=Happy New Year!)

  2。 祝愿用语

  Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!

  3。 其他

  That sounds like fun。 那听起来很有趣。

  The tree looks beautiful now! 那树现在看起来很漂亮!

  He has never been to England。 他从没去过英国。

  What do you mean by…? 你说的……是什么意思?

  I’m glad you’re here。 我很高兴你在这儿。

  I’ve never been out of China before。 我以前从没离开过中国。



  1。 To be here at Christmas time is a dream。

  that has come true!


  句中的to be here作主语,是动词不定式作主语。that引导的从句在句中作dream的定语。

  To help her is necessary。 =It’s necessary to help her。


  动词不定式在句中可以作主语,有时可以用it来作形式主语。To be here at Christmas time is a dream。 = It’s a dream to be here at Christmas time。

  2。 Let’s help decorate the tree。



  Today is Tom’s birthday。 They are decorating the sitting room。


  另外,let sb。 do sth。 意思是“让某人做某事”,必须省去to的动词不定式;help (sb。) do sth。 =help (sb。) to do sth。 意思是“帮助某人做某事”,可省略to,也可不省略to。如:

  Let’s help carry some water for the old woman。 Let Ted help her to carry the heavy box。


  3。 Then we circle them around the tree and you pass them back to me until we have put lights on the whole tree。


  circle(V。) “环绕,绕圈子”。如:

  The birds circled around in the air。


  circle (n。) “圆,圈子”。如:

  Tom has a large circle of friends。 They often draw a circle on the ground to play the game。


  4。 Children put stockings at the end of their beds before they go to sleep。


  at the end of…意思是“在……终点,在……末梢”,通常指地点;by the end of…意思是“到……底之前”,通常指时间;in the end 意思是“最后,终于”,相当于at last。 如:

  By the end of this term, we’ve learnt one thousand English words。 Yesterday, we went to buy some new English book。 At the end of the Hongan street, there is a supermarket。 But we couldn’t find any English book there。 In the end we reached the corner of a book market and find what we wanted。


  5。 Some people even put up stockings for their pets as well。


  1)pet (n。) 供玩赏的动物;受宠爱的人。如:

  He keeps a cat as a pet。 And she is the teacher’s pet。


  2)as well 意思是“也;又;同样地”,放在句末。

  Are you going to do your brother’s washing as well?


  句中的as well相当于“too”。

  I have nothing to do as well。

  我也无事可做。句中的as well相当于“either”。注意:在表达“也”这一意思时,可以用as well, too, also, either。 但是,also一般用于较为正式的文体当中,它的位置一般靠近动词,放在行为动词的前面,位于连系动词be、情态动词或助动词的后面。either只能用于否定句,且必须放在句末。as well和too通常是放在句子的末尾,as well既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句,而too只用于肯定句,且一般放在句末,用或不用逗号分开均可。但有时也可放在句中作插入语,前后都要用逗号分开。如:

  On the hill there are also a lot of people。


  Jack hasn’t seen the film。 I haven’t seen it, either。


  He speaks English too。


  Waste water, too, can be recycled。


  She sent me a letter and a present as well。


  6。 Father Christmas is very kind – hearted。


  kind- hearted是复合形容词,它由“形容词 + 名词 + ed”构成,常用来描述人或物。如:

  true – hearted 忠实的

  cold – hearted 冷酷的

  warm – hearted 热心肠的

  black – haired 黑头发的

  blue – eyed 蓝眼睛的

  three – legged 三条腿的

  7。 Father Christmas is based on a real person in history。


  be based on 意思是“以……为根据;以……为基础。”

  real (adj。 ) 常指“事实上存在的;不虚构的;具体的”;

  true (adj。) 指的是“与事实相符的;抽象的”。如:

  – His argument is based on facts。 The story is about a real man。


  – Is it true you’re going to play it for your family?


  – Yes, I’m looking for the true answer about that man’s name。


  – I don’t think John is his real name。


  8。 He didn’t know what to do。


  动词不定式和疑问代词who, what, which等,疑问副词when, where, how等连用,在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等句子成分。如:

  Where to go is still a question。


  I can’t decide which to buy。


  The question is how to learn English well。


  9。 It went into a stocking that a little girl had hung by the fireplace to dry!



  My mother hung the washing out in the garden。


  He was hanged for murder。


  10。 Even though Father Christmas is no longer living, his spirit of generosity lives on today。


  1) even though意思是“即使……也”,大多置于句首,引导让步状语从句,相当于even if。如:

  Even though/ if I don’t sleep for a night, I’ll help you。


  Even though/ if he doesn’t come, I shall not mind。


  2) no longer =not…any longer 意为“不再”。如:

  He is no longer a child。 =He is not a child any longer。


  That old man no longer lives here。 =That old man doesn’t live here any longer。


  3) live on意为“继续活着,继续存在”如:

  Lei Feng has died, but his spirit lives on for ever。



  walk on 继续走

  go on 继续干

  talk on 接着说

  hold on请稍等

  11。 Children wake up every early, and can’t wait to open the presents in their stockings and under the tree。


  1) wake up意思是“醒来”;

  wake sb。 up 意思是“唤醒某人”,up是副词,当代作宾语时,要放在wake和up之间。如:

  His mother always wakes him up at six every morning。


  The baby woke up and began to cry because he didn’t see his mother。


  2) can’t wait to do sth。 意为“迫不及待地做某事;急着去做某事”。如: I can’t wait to read the story book, it is too interesting。


  He can’t wait to tell me the news。


  12。 They spend the day playing with the new toys and visiting their relatives and friends。


  spend…(in) doing sth。 “花费……干……”。

  spend …on sth。 “花费……”。前者in后接由动名词构成的短语,而且in常可省略;后者on后接名词、代词或由此构成的短语。如:

  He spent a lot of money on books。 He spent a lot of money (in) buying books。


  She spent the afternoon (in) cleaning the windows and floors。


  My mother told me not to spend too much time on football。


  13。 What are the stockings for?


  What…for? 意思是“干什么用,为什么”等,有时for可以提前。例如:

  For what is the machine?


  For what did he come here? =Why did he come here?


  14。 Once upon a time, a man told people of the coming of a boy。


  1) Once upon a time 意思是“以前”,用于故事开头。例如:

  Once upon a time, there lived a fisherman。


  Once upon a time there were six blind men in a village in India。


  2) tell (sb。) of 意思是“告诉(某人)……”,也可以用tell (sb。) about。 例如:

  I will tell you of (about) my trip。


  I told her of (about) my worries。




  1。 第32课第一部分有一个听力练习,教师可以充分利用每个单元的这种听力练习,以加强学生对中考听力的适应性。

  2。 在做这种练习之前,教师可以告诉学生一些有关做听力练习的技巧,告诉学生在做听力之前一定要把听力题目通读一遍以做到对将要听到的材料有一定的心理准备。

  3。 在听完之后,如有可能应当让学生根回答问题的基本情况,对所听的语言材料做一个简单的复述。

  4。 在学习第32课的时候,应当让学生先听一遍录音,然后回答一些比较简单的问题,然后进一步提出一些较为复杂的问题,让学生接着再听一遍试着回答这些问题。


  1。 本单元的第29课,可以用来作为口语训练材料。在正式进入新课之前,教师可以设计一些与圣诞节有关的问题:

  Do you know something about Christmas?

  Have you ever spent a Christmas?

  Can you say something about Father Christmas?

  When is Christmas ?

  Do you know some other festivals in the western countries?


  2。 对于比较长的.课文,如第30课,也可以用来作为口语训练的材料,其实,好的英语口语教学应当是穿插在所有的或者是整个的英语教学过程之中,而不是割裂的,缺乏完整性的。在进行课文的阅读教学时,可以让学生把课本练习中提出的问题,在回答后,把答案连接起来,加入适当的连接词,连贯地把这些句子表达出来,这也就是一种比较好的口语训练形式。




  关于动词不定式和been to/ gone to的教学建议



  1。 不定式作定语

  He has too many things to do。


  I have nothing to say on this question。


  The next train to arrive was from Shanghai。



  I have a lot of housework to do tonight。


  动词不定式to do放在所修饰的名词housework之后。

  I need a pen to write with。


  I think there is nothing to worry about。


  动词不定式to write with, to worry about分别作名词pen,不定代词nothing的定语,由于pen, nothing在短语中是一个宾语成分,所以不能省去介词with和about。


  动词不定式可以和疑问代词what/ which/ whom等连用;可以和疑问副词how / when/ where等连用,在句中可以作表语、宾语和定语。但how/ when/ where不作宾语,what/ which/ whom可作宾语。whether不作句子成分。板书或展示:

  I don’t know what to do。

  我不知道该怎么办。 (不定式短语作宾语)

  When to start has not been decided。

  何时动身尚未决定。 (不定式短语作主语)

  The difficulty was how to cross the river。

  困难在于如何过河。 (不定式短语作表语)

  注意:没有why to do it这种说法。


  1。 Could you tell me_____________ (where, where to) buy this fruit?

  2。 I went there __________ (to see, saw) him。

  3。 Remember _____________ (when to return, when return)

  4。 I’ll show you _____________。 (how to do it; how to do)

  5。 My plan is _____________ (to do, do) the work next week。

  6。 He was the first man ___________ (to learn, learn) the news。


  1。 where to(动词不定式和疑问词连用。)

  2。 to see(动词不定式作目的状语)

  3。 when to return (不定式和疑问词连用。)

  4。 how to do it (不定式和疑问词连用。)

  5。 to do(动词不定式作表语)

  6。 to learn(动词不定式作定语)

  二、have (has) been to 与have (has) gone to的区别have (has) been to表示主语去过某地,而现在已不在那里;have (has) gone to表示主语去了某地,现在已不地此地。如:

  My teacher has been to Japan twice。


  My teacher has gone to Japan。




  ①A.Where have you been? (√)

  B.Where have you gone? (×)

  C.Where has he gone? (√)

  D.Where has he been ? (√)

  ②A.He has been to Dalian。 (√)

  B.He has been in Dalian。 (√)

  C.He has gone in Dalian。 (×)

  D.He has gone to Dalian。 (√)


  ①have gone 人已走了,无法问“你上哪儿去了?”

  ②have gone to + 地点,到某处去了,不用gone in + 地点。

  have / has been / gone to接地点名词,若接副词,如:away, home, out, 则不用to。例如:

  Where have you been? 你到哪儿去了?

  I’ve been away/ home / out。 我外出了/回家了/出去了。(现在我在这儿)

  Where has Mary gone? 玛丽到哪去了?

  She has gone away/ home/ out。


  have/ has been in 是指在某地呆过或人仍在某地。


  1。 He has __________ (been, gone)there many times。

  2。 — Where’s Jim?

  — He __________ England。 (went to, has gone to)

  3。 Mr Green _________ China for three years。 (has been to, has been in, has gone to)

  4。 Bruce is young, but he ___________ many foreign countries。 (has been in; has been to; has gone to)

  答案:1。 been (has been there是“到过那里”的意思。)

  2。 has gone to(他已经去了,本人不在说话的地方。)

  3。 has been in(呆在某个地方用has been in)

  4。 has been to(到过某地用has been to。)


  Lesson 29

  Period: The First Period

  Content: Lesson 29

  Properties: Tape recorder

  Teaching Objectives: Enable the students to grasp some useful expressions and something about Christmas Day。

  Language Focus:

  1。 Useful expressions

  Merry Christmas!

  I’ve never been out of China before。

  Teaching Procedures:

  I。 Organizing the class。

  Greeting and make a duty report。

  II。 Revision

  1。 Revise the Infinitive。

  2。 Check the homework。

  III。 Presentation

  Ask the students to look at the title of this unit and ask: Do you know what “Christmas” mean? Find out what the students know about Christmas and how people celebrate Christmas。

  IV。 Read and act

  Close books and Listen to the tape。 Then ask some questions:

  1。 What’s the date?

  2。 What are Lin Tao and Jim doing?

  Play the tape again and make sure the students can answer then correctly。

  Explain the useful expressions。

  V。 Practice

  Read the dialogue in groups and pairs。

  Then with the books closed, ask the students to act it out in pairs。

  VI。 Ask and answer

  Do the first one as an example, then let the students work out the answers in pairs to use the question of Part 1 to help, see if they can answer the question correctly。

  VII。 Workbook

  Discuss the exercise 3 and 4 in small groups。 If there is time, ask some students to talk about their idea。

  VIII。 Homework

  Finish Exercise 1 and 2

  Lesson 30

  Period: The second period

  Content: Lesson 30

  Properties: Recorder

  Teaching Objectives:

  1。 Master some useful expressions

  2。 Get the students to know more about Christmas Day。

  Language Focus:

  1。 Useful expressions: be based on, as well, climb down…

  Teaching Procedures:

  I。 Organizing the class

  1。 Ask the students to get ready for class。

  2。 Greeting and a duty report。

  II。 Revision

  1。 Check homework。

  2。 Revise the dialogue of lesson 29, Read and act out the dialogue in pairs。

  III。 Presentation

  Give the words connected with Christmas and have the students discuss the Christmas。

  Then encourage the students to use the words。

  IV。 Pre – reading

  Ask students to discuss the questions in small groups, write down the answers and ask one of each group, to read their answers。

  V。 Reading

  Close books and listen to the tape, then answer the question in Exercise 1。

  Play the tape again and ask questions。

  Books open。 Go through the questions of Exercise 1 in the workbook。

  Explain the useful expressions。

  VI。 Practice

  Have the students read the text together, then in groups。

  Have the students retell the story of Christmas Day, make sure every student can say something about Christmas Day。

  VII。 Workbook

  Do Exercises 2 Individually and check the answers with class。

  VIII。 Homework

  Write a short passage about your spending spring festival

  IX。 Exercises in class

  Choose the right answer。

  1。 Christmas Eve is ___________。

  A。 the night before December 24

  B。 the night after December 25

  C。 the night of December 25

  D。 the night of December 24

  2。 Father Christmas often puts the presents _________。

  A。 into Children’s hate B。 into Children’s stockings

  C。 under Children’s beds D。 into Children’s shoes

  3。 Father Christmas comes into the house through the ________。

  A。 window B。 front door C。 chimney D。 back door

  4。 On the morning of Christmas Day, Children wake up their parents very early and say “_____”。

  A。 Good morning! B。 Happy New Year!

  C。 Best wishes to you! D。 Merry Christmas!

  5。 On Christmas Day, people often _________ to each other。

  A。 give money B。 ask for money

  C。 ask for presents D。 give presents

  Lesson 31

  Period: The Third Period

  Content: Lesson 31

  Properties: Recorder。

  Teaching Objectives:

  1。 Enable the students to master the useful expressions。

  I。 The Infinitive

  Language Focus:

  Lin Tao asked Jim where to go。

  Lin Tao asked Jim how to celebrate Christmas。

  Lin Tao asked Jim when to go to the Christmas play。

  Teaching Procedures:

  I。 Organizing the class

  Greetings and a duty report。

  II。 Revision

  1。 Revise the useful expressions

  2。 Check homework

  III。 Presentation

  Present this dialogue:

  A: Excuse me, Could you tell me how to go to…?

  B: Go along this road。 Turn left at the second crossing。

  Have the students practise this dialogue in pairs, and then make up their own dialogues。 Pay attention to the usage of the Infinitive。

  IV。 Ask and answer

  Part 1。 Have the students understand “how to go to…”。 Remember the structure of this sentence。

  Have the students ask and answer in pairs。

  V。 Practice

  Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat。

  Books open, read the dialogue in pairs。

  Then out it out。 Make up a similar dialogue in pairs, act out their own dialogues。

  VI。 Talk and write

  Ask a student to read the first part of part 3 aloud to the class。 Read over the questions with the students and make sure they understand them。

  Explain the words: western, traditional Have the students discuss the questions in groups Ask students to talk about their ideas。 Ask students to pick out infinitives used in the short passage。

  VII。 Workbook

  Do Exercise 1 in class。 First have the students read the note Individually。 Then read over the model, and practise the sentences。

  VIII。 Homework

  Write down Exercise 2。

  IX。 Exercise in class

  Make up dialogues as the models。

  Models: 1。 A: Keep quiet, please!

  B。 Sorry! What did he tell me do?

  C: He told you to keep quiet。

  1。 Give Polly some food very day。

  2。 Cover her cage every night。

  3。 Remember to clean her age。

  4。 Take good care of Polly。

  5。 Give your family my best wishes。


  The Spring Festival

  组织学生比较Christmas Day和The Spring Festival的异同点,布置任务,试着写一篇The Spring Festival的短文,可参照“Christmas Day”。


  Every year there is a Spring Festival in China。 Usually it is in January or February。 It is the most important festival in China。 So before it comes, everyone has to prepare things。 We buy pork, beef, chicken, fruit and many other things。 And we often make a special kind of food called “dumplings”。 It means “come together”。 On the day before the festival, parents buy new clothes for their children and children also buy presents for their parents。 On the Festival eve, all the family members come back to their hometown。 This is a happy moment。 They sing, dance and play cards。 Others get the dinner ready。 When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes for the coming year。 They all have a good time。




  1。 A: Father is a short story writer。

  B: Father is a short-story writer。

  2。 A: Her sister who is a nurse is twenty。

  B: Her sister, who is a nurse, is twenty。

  3。 A: Miss Li, our teacher is coming。

  B: Miss Li, our teacher, is coming。

  4。 A: Do you know her father?

  B: Do you know her, father?

  5。 A: LiPing says Mary is taking a walk。

  B: LiPing, says Mary, is taking a walk。


  1。 A: 我父亲是一个矮个子小说家。

  B: 我父亲是一个短篇小说家。

  2。 A: 她那个当护士的姐姐二十岁。

  B: 她姐姐是个护士二十岁。(只一个姐姐)

  3。 A: 李小姐,我们的老师来了。

  B: 我们的老师李小姐来了。

  4。 A: 你认识她父亲吗?

  B: 父亲,你认识她吗?

  5。 A: 李平说玛丽在散步。

  B: 玛丽说,李平在散步。

  Good manner

  以Good manner为主题,进行讨论,假设人物He是个很有礼貌的人,他的言行会怎样来体现Good manner。分组总结Good manner的类型,并写成一篇小短文。


  We say that a person has good manners if he or she is polite, kind and helpful to others。 Everyone likes a person with good manners。 But no one likes a person with bad or careless manners。 Yes, you say, but what are good manners? How do I know what to do and what not to do?

  Here are some examples of these things。 They tell you what a person with good manners does or does not do。

  He never laughs at people when they are in trouble。 Instead, he tries to help them。 He is always kind, never cruel, either to people or to animal。 When people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office, he takes his turn。 He does not push to the front。 On the bus, he gives his seat to an old person or a lady。 If he, by accident, knocks someone, or gets in their way, he says Excuse me or Im sorry。

  He says Please when he asks somebody to help。 He says Thank you when he receives something。 He stands up when he speaks to a lady or an older person。 And he does not sit down until the other person does。 He does not talk or laugh loudly in public。





  ·Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!

  ·Beautiful dream comes true

  ·Bring you Good wishes of happiness。 This Christmas and on the coming year。

  ·During this Season may the joy and love of Christmas be yours。

  ·Each Christmas brings me wonderful thoughts and memories。。。 and you get lots of presents, Oh well, Merry Christmas。

  ·Greeting you warmly with a wish thats sincere for a healthy happy and wonderful days。

  ·Have a heartwarming holiday! Warmest wishes for a very merry Christmas

  ·Have a Wonderful Holiday Season!

  ·Here are special greetings And the best of wishes, too - May Christmas and the coming year Bring happiness to you!

  ·Hope your holiday is great and your New Year a prosperous one。

  ·Hope you holidays are filled with all you favorite things this Christmas 。。。 and all the happiness you could wish for。

  ·I could always tell that you wrapped Santas presents

  ·I hope you will join with me in bringing in the new spring。 HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

  ·In our hearts, well always be near Merry Christmas!

  ·Joy to the World。 Wishing you an extremely merry Christmas

  ·Joyous Christmas! Warm Holiday Wishes!

  ·May Happiness follow wherever you go

  ·May Peace and Happiness be with you at this holy Christmas season and always。

  ·May magic fill your days and all your dreams come true this holiday season。

  ·May the blessings of Christmas fill you heart with hope and joy!

  ·May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you today and always。

  ·May the light of our Saviors love be with you at Christmas and always。。。 and all the happiness you could wish for。

  ·May the light of the holiday season shine brightly in your heart

  ·May the magic of this Christmas season fill your heart with peace。

  ·May you be blessed with all things bright and beautiful at Christmastime and Always

  ·May your Christmas be merry as a song And your heart be happy the whole year long!

  ·May your days be filled with love and light。 wanted。

  ·Merry Christmas 。。。 and all the happiness you could wish for。

  ·Merry Christmas and then happy days over and over again !

  ·Peace on earth, good will to men。。。

  ·Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes for the Coming year

  ·Sending you wishes for holidays that begin and on a happy note。 Wishing you happiness always。

  ·Sing a song of seasons; Something bright in all 。。。

  ·Sleight bells are jingling through the night。 Children are singing spirits and bright 。。。 Merry Christmas!

  ·Should you see flowers in bloom, you would see smiles at a lover of beauty。

  ·Thanks for XXX every thing right! Merry Christmas!

  ·The Christmas we were going to tell everyone that the real meaning of the Season was not gifts 。。。

  ·The presents are wrapped, the stockings all hung, all thats left now is the holiday fun! Merry Christmas!

  ·This holiday season, it seems everyone is watching their weight 。。。 :)

  ·To be frazzled! Best wishes for a calm and peaceful and Holiday Season!

  ·To wish you all the joy of Christmas and happiness all through the New Year。

  ·To wish you happiness at Christmas time。

  ·To wish you happiness for the christmas season and the coming year。

  ·We wish you a merry christmas & a happy new year。

  ·Wishing you a bright white holiday full of love。。。

  ·Wishing You a Happy Christmas and to hope the New Year too。 Will be a very prosperous Healthy and Happy Time for you 。。。

  ·Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas seasons

  ·Wishing you all the joys of the Christmas season and have very happy New Year may you enjoy good health in the coming year

  ·Wishing you and those around you a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year

  ·Wishing you the Gifts of Peace and Happiness this Christmas and throughout the New Year

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