

时间:2021-10-02 15:47:20 高考英语试题 我要投稿


II. Grammar


Directions:   Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

25.   After studying chemistry for years, I can only say I have _____ general knowledge of this subject.

A. /         B. a little           C. a                D. some

26.   She ____ the hospital so soon, for she has not yet recovered.

A. wouldn’t have left             B. shouldn’t have left

C. mustn’t have left              D. hadn’t had left

27.   Even at the narrowest of the Pacific, it is about 3,200 km ____________.

A. widely    B. with cross       C. crossing          D. in width

28.   The ______ student standing at the gate speaks very good Chinese.

A. tall  young American         B. young tall American

C. American tall young           D. American young tall

29.   Our English teacher had us all _______our names on a card.

A. written     B. to write        C. write            D. for writing

30.   They ______ be at home. You see, the door is locked from the outside.

A. can’t       B. may          C.  must           D.  mustn’t

31.   The farmer who admitted ______ the tiger was severely punished.

A. to kill      B. killing        C. killed            D. to have killed

32.   So often ______ in recent years that it has almost become a rule.

A. has this happened              B. this has happened

C. is this happening               D. for this to happen

33.   A reward of 1,000 dollars will be given ________ can find the  lost child.

A. whomever    B. whoever that      C. to whomever    D. to whoever

34. I thought it a pity __________ him to the tea party.

   A. being not invited               B. not to have invited

   C. to not have invited              D. not to have been invited

35.   After they were given several terrible blows, the enemy did not _____ out after dark.

A. dared to come  B. dared come    C. dare to come      D. dare coming

36.   I seated myself in the front row so as to make myself ______ the speaker.

A. understand   B. understood      C. understanding    D. to understand

37.   Where was ______ the traffic accident happened last night?

A. it          B. the place that    C. the place        D. it that

38.   I haven’t the slight idea _______________.

A. where does he live              B. that he lives where

C. where he lives                D. that where he lives

39.   Don’t forget to bring the dictionary when you come next time, _________ ?

A. do you      B. will you        C. don’t you       D. mustn’t you

40.   The girl lay _______ on the ground, thinking about something good.