
时间:2023-04-28 01:49:50 高考热讯 我要投稿
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高考听力测试的内容基本不超出大纲附表中所列出的日常交际用语(daily expression in communication)项目,但绝不是原版照搬,不敢越雷池半步,那样也就体现不出通过高考引导学生对创新精神和实践能力的追求。从近年高考听力试卷的内容也可以看出其追求材料真实性(authenticity)的趋势,这从理论上是为了提高测试的质量,而且从近年听力考试的实践中也取得了成功。尤其是2002年夏季高考(北京卷),一方面将语速提高到了接近正常语速,另一方面材料也基本上从现实生活中取材而未经加工(uned),反映的基本上是英语的实际应用情况。但是,基于考试的局限性,涉及日常生活话题的对话一男一女两人之间进行。材料突出交际化、口语化和真实性,按由短对话到长对话、再到短文,由易到难安排,试题主要涉及以下几个方面:


1.人物关系(relationship between speakers)。 考查从情节判断人物关系。注意:对话中不会出现相应字眼,一般涉及:doctor and patient; shop assistant and customer; driver and policeman; teacher and student; friends; neighbors; classmates; boss(manager) and employee(secretary)等等,这项考查也适合于人物职业。


M: Good morning, Mrs. Green, Come in, What can I do for you?

W: Well, I’m having difficulty sleeping. I often wake up at 3:00 in the morning and I just can’t get back to sleep.

Question: What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. neighbors

B. Boss and employee

C. Doctor and Patients.

相应交际项目为: 看病(Seeing the doctor)。

2.地点(places)。从情节判断说话地点,与对人物关系的考查相同,对话中不会出现相应地点,若有也为干扰项,常见的有:at the hospital(clinic), in the post office; at a hotel; at restaurant, in the library, at the airport, in the bank, at the railway station, at the bus stop, on the street。


M: Can I take your coat, Madam?

W: Thank you.

M: And would you like something to drink before you order your meal.

Question: Where does the conversation take place?

A.in a restaurant.

B.In a coffee shop.

C.In a clothing store.

相应交际项目为就餐(Taking meals)。

3.否定(Negation)。 听到的内容有否定的意思。要弄清楚否定什么,肯定什么。


M: How are you getting to the airport?

W: Well I haven’t really got any choice – I have to take the bus. My car is at the garage getting repaired, and a taxi is just too expensive.

Question: What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman will go to the airport by taxi.

B.The woman is asking the man for help.

C.The woman’s car has broken down.

相应交际项目为问路和应答(asking the way and responses)。

4.根据上下文作出推断(contextual reference)或作出结论(conclusion)。 做这种题目不为强调对关键字的理解,而更注意对句子及对话的整体理解,还要考虑说话人的实际意图及态度、观点、看法、建议、行动、计划等。


M: Hi, Sue. It’s Mario.

W: hi, How are you?

M: Fine. Look, I was wondering if you are free on saturday evening. I’ve got some tickets for a concert, would you like to come?

W: Oh, well … I’d like to, but … um ….. I’m studying for my exams at the moment, and well … I’m sorry … I can’t.

M: OK. --- not to worry. Some other time then, I suppose.

W: Oh, yeah …right … Sure.

Question①: Why does the man call the woman?

A.He wants to ask her to go out with him.

B.He wants to remind her of the concert.

C.He wants to help her with her study.

Question②: What can we learn about the woman?

A.She doesn’t really want to go.

B.She works hard at school.

C.She doesn’t like music.

本题涉及的主要相应交际项目为:邀请和应答(Invitations and responses)

5.分辨数字(numeric discrimination)及计算(computation)。涉及数字主要包括:日期、时间、年代、年龄、价格、数量、距离、房间号、电话号码等,数字种类有记述词、序数词、百分数、分数等。做题时常常需分辨出几个数字,排除干扰项,有时还要用到简单的加减乘除运算,同时还要注意一些常见数量表达法如:quarter,double,dozen,twice,times,two-thirds,a pair, dollars, pound, penny, cent等。


W: Good morning. Crawley Chemicals. How can I help you?

M: Good morning. I’d like to speak to Mr. Brown, please.

W: I’m sorry, he is not in at the moment. Can I take a message?

M: OK. My name is Dick Morton. That’s M-O-R-T-N. I’m phoning from Everbright Travel about Mr. Brown’s trip to Australia, He’s booked on flight number BA1279 to Sydney on Monday. That’s April 17th. The flight leaves from Gate 4, Oh, no sorry, it leaves from Gate 1 at half past ten.

W: uh.

M: That’s 10:30, but he must be there at least two hours before to check in.

W: And how will he get his tickets?

M: Oh, we’ll send them around this afternoon. But if there’s and problem, he can call me at 33486220.

W: OK, I’ll make sure he gets your message.

M: Thank you, good-bye.

W: Good-bye

Question① Why is the man making the telephone call?

A、He is inviting Mr.Brown to go to Australia.

B.He is giving information at Mr. Brown’s flight.

C.He is fixing a time to meet Mr. Brown at the airport.

Question② When does Mr. Brown have to be at the airport?

A. By 8:30    B. By 9:30    C. By 10:30

Question③ What number can Mr. Brown call if there is a problem?

A. 33466820  B. 33688202  C. 33486220

本题涉及的交际项目主要为打电话(making phone calls)和传递信息(passing on a message).





攻略二、多听多练、积累背景知识是提高听力的根本。听不仅仅是听而又植根于听。“不仅仅是听”是我们不仅必须把握攻略的内容,还要全方位扩大英语知识。“植根于听”在于强调听是根本,听力虽难,“Thank you”却都能听出且能迅速正确作答 “you’re welcome…”,原因在于一是熟悉此类知识,而则听得太多。试想一下,在没有接触英文之前,它并不比其它的更容易。由此看来,即使一些难点如[v] [ e] [θ ] [m] [n] [N ]音素和连读、弱读也并不可怕。所谓听力好坏,不过是方法有优劣而已,要么学英语从不朗读,要么 “三天打渔、两天晒网”…总之都犯了学英语的大忌。每天坚持听,哪怕很短的时间,听不出就把文字材料读若干遍直至背诵,一则练了听力,二则扩大了知识面,虽没有阅读信息量大,也可逐步积累嘛。


攻略四、当然要事先读题啦。但要注意:第一节和第二节是不一样的。第一节每段对话仅一个题目,便于集中精力到“要害”, 而第二节每段对话或独白有二到四个题目,应一块读一预测大致内容,更何况第一题的关键点没准在对话或独白的结尾呢!至于时间嘛,高考为你准备的绰绰有余,看一看“考生必读”不就全明白了吗?更何况读题前还有试音及一大堆的大家早就烂熟于心的各种要求与提示呢!









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