What Is a Negotiation Game?

时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿

What Is a Negotiation Game?

A negotiation game is a game in which players must negotiate to move the game along and bring it to an eventual conclusion, ideally by resolving a dilemma or problem presented at the start of the game. Negotiation games may lack clear winners and losers, depending on how the game is structured, and they can be designed in a number of formats including live action role playing, board games, card games, and so forth. Many stores which stock games carry some negotiation games, and people can also design their own.

Some people simply enjoy using negotiation games in recreational gaming. These games do require strategy on the part of individual gamers as well as a group, and it can be a fun challenge to try and “win” the game by working with, or against, other players. These games also tend to accommodate large groups, which can make them good for parties. The structure of the negotiation game can also accommodate younger and less experienced players as long as other players are willing to help them out, for at least the first few rounds.

Negotiation games are also used as team building exercises. Playing a game can break down barriers between people, and when the game requires people to work together and to coordinate their efforts, it can help forge bonds between members of the team. A negotiation game might be used at a conference or other event as an icebreaking exercise. Using negotiation strategies can also help people sharpen skills which may be useful in settings such as the business world, where the ability to negotiate is key to success.

People undergoing negotiation training may also be given an opportunity to play negotiation games to practice their skills. These games also integrate a dynamic aspect into the training so that people have an opportunity to interact with others and to learn by doing as well as learn from lecturing, texts, and demonstrations. Some people find that this facilitates learning, and they may grasp the course material more quickly when they are allowed to apply it immediately in a negotiation game.


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