A Letter Decling a Job Offer

时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿

A Letter Decling a Job Offer

Dear  sirs,
  I am very glad to receive your letter and feel grateful for offering me the post ofsells manager . Satisfied   as  I am  with both the working  conditions  and the s alary  your  company  offers , I regret  to  say  that I can't accept  your gracious offer.
    The main reason of my decision is that before I submitted my resume to your company ,I applied to s everal   foreign   universities   for   scholarship  ,  and   fortunately I have received  a  sholarship  offer from a prestigious from American University .The second reason is that I  major in Information Management ,so perhaps I can't  make  use full of my major as a sales manager.
    But here , I still want to express again my deep gratefullness to you offer Maybe we will have an opportunity to cooperate in the future in other aspects .I hope your company  will keep  growing   and thrive in the days to come.

                                                                                   Yours sincerely
                                                                                         Han han

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