Shell company笔试题

时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿

Shell company笔试题

1. How wold your colleagues/classmates describe you in five words? On what
evidence would they base this assessment.
  2. If you are asked to recruit the best graduates for shell, what would yo
u do to attract them? What would you do to select them?
  3. Please describe a new activity that you have initiated and implemented.
Please highlight your role out.
  4. Please describe your outstanding non-academic achieve- ments.
  5. Please describe any other significant activities you have been involved
in including organizing people.
  6. Imagine that Shell has found oil in an inland province of China, near a
large river. You are responsible for planning how to transport the oil to the
coast thousands of miles away. What are the main issue you would consider, an
d what would you do?

Shell company笔试题

【Shell company笔试题】相关文章:

1.Shell company英语笔试题

2.Shell company笔试题目

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4.Shell Company 代表性笔试题目

5.Shell Company 笔试考题目

6.Shell Company 代表性考题

