
时间:2018-12-31 12:00:00 资料大全 我要投稿


230 Anything else you want to bring up for discussion.你还有什么问题要提出来供双方讨论的吗?
231 You may rest assured that the shipment will be duly delivered.你们尽可放心,我们会按时交货的,


232 We must have your LC at least one month before the time of shipment.
233 The contract contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiations.
234 I hope no questions about the terms.我看合同的条款没有什么问题了。
235 I'm glad our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion.我很高兴这次洽谈圆满成功。
236 I hope this will lead to further business between us.我希望这次交易将使我们之间的贸易得到进一步发展。
237 We'll sign two originals, each in Chinese and English language.我们将要用中文和英语分别签署两份原件。
238 I am ready to sign the agreement.我已经准备好了签合同
239 I'm sure you need an original signature, not a faxed copy.我知道你们需要的是原件,不是传真件。
240 So I will receive and sign it overnight.那么,我明天就可以收到并且签上名了。
241 We'll still be able to meet the deadline.我们还是可以赶上最后期限的。
242 I will keep you posted.我会与你保持联络。
243 What is your hurry?什么事让您这么着急呢?
244 I'm sorry to burst in on you like this, but I'm really upset.我很抱歉这样突然地找您,但我真的很心烦。
245 What on earth has happened to trouble you so?到底发生什么事让您如此发愁?
246 I'm afraid I have bad news for you.恐怕我有坏消息要告诉您。
247 The woolen sweaters you delivered do not match the sample we provided.
248 You agreed that we could make a little change in design if necessary.
249 Our clients are very critical on quality.我们的客户对商品的质量是很挑剔的。
250 What do you want us to do?您看怎么办好?
251 Our clients want a replacement.我们的客户要求换货。
252 It's a bit too hard.这有点太难了吧。
253 It's only the background color that's not identical.这仅仅是图案的底色不同而已。
254 It sounds like a reasonable solution.这个解决办法还比较合理。
255 You are saying you turn on the computer and see nothing?
256 I would say that you have a larger problem than just the monitor.
257 Whatever it is, I need this computer to work.不管是什么问题,我要求把这台计算机修好。
258 Is there any way you could bring it in to be looked at?你有没有办法把它带过来,让我们看一看?
259 If not, our repairman can come to you.要不然,我们的维修人员可以上你那里去,


260 I would prefer if he comes here.我倒愿意他去我们那里。
261 Our first bill came yesterday, and we have some questions.我们昨天收到的第一张帐单,有一些问题。
262 I sure hope I can answer them for you.我真的希望我能回答你的问题。
263 It does appear that way.是的,看起来好象是这样的。
264 Let me do some research on this and get back with you tomorrow.请让我查查看,明天再给你答复。
265 As they are in such a damaged condition, we doubt we will be able to take delivery.
266 Do you know the percentage of the damaged portion?你们知道残损部分的百分比吗?
267 We should require a survey report, so that we may know the extent of the damage.
268 You can see for yourselves the damaged condition and the reason why they are unassailable.
269 We should make it clear whether the damage was caused in transit or during the unloading process, or by other reasons.我们要弄清楚货物是否在运输途中受损,还是在卸货过程中受损,或者别的原因。
270 The goods were carefully packed and shipped here in excellent condition.
271 Then the damage must be caused at somewhere along the line where the goods weren't handled properly.那么残损一定是在运输途中的什么地方对货物处理不妥造成的。
272 I would like to present our comments in the following order我希望能依照以下的顺序提出我们的看法。
273 First of all, I will outline the characteristics of our product.首先我将简略说明我们商品的特性。
274 When I present my views on the competitive products, I will refer to the patent situation.
275 Please proceed with your presentation.请开始你的简报
276 Yes, we have been interested in new system.是的,我们对新系统很感兴趣。
277 Has your company done any research in this field?请问贵公司对此范畴做了任何研究吗?
278 Yes, we have done a little. But we have just started and have nothing to show you.
279 If you are interested, I will prepare a list of them.如果您感兴趣的话,我可以列表让你参考。
280 By the way, before leaving this subject, I would like to add a few comments.









