
时间:2021-07-01 14:54:38 教学反思 我要投稿


Unit6Ancient stories



四屯初级中学 王希娟

一、Teaching aims :

1. Students dothe intensive reading of the text.

2. Students learn the text in detail.

3. Students learn some language points of the text.

二、Teaching important:

Learn the text in detail.

三、Teaching difficulty:

Retell the story and master some important phrases.

四、Teaching tools:

PPT、 Pictures

五、Teaching method:

Self-study cooperation、discussion.

六、Teaching process:

Step1. Revision

1、Magic eye:

Let students speak out appeared on the screen according to the pictures.

2、Ask and answer:

Let students answer questions according to the pictures.

Step2. Before reading

1. Let students look at the pictures and describe them.

2. Leading student learn the text about ancient stories.

Step 3 While reading

1. Let students listen to the tape and read the first time and write the letter of the correct statement in each blank.

2. Let students read the second time and circle the correct answers. (D2)

3. Scan the story again and answer the following questions.

1) When and where did the story take place?

2) Why did the Trojan captain ask the soldiers to pull the wooden horse into the city?

3) What did the Greeks use the wooden horse for?

4) Why did the Trojans lose the war?

5) What was the Greeks "trick"?

4. Read the story and complete the table and speak the main idea.

The ----------fought against -------------------- at -----------

for--------years and ------------ the city by--------------.

5. Do some exercises about C1、C2、 D1.

Step 4 After reading

1 Let students look at the pictures to retell the story in pairs. And ask students to retell in class.

2 Work in groups. Think about these questions and discuss them with your group members.

1) What can we learn from the Greeks?

2) What lessons can we learn from the Trojans?

Step 5 Home work

1 According to the important words and phrases to retell the story.

2 Do some exercises.


本节课采用了多媒体教学,形象生动。在教学过程中,首先让学生看图片说出一些单词,通过这种游戏激发学生的.兴趣,小组竞争引导学生参与和巩固单词。然后通过听课文和结合图片让学生描述图片。再次通过scanning, skimming和精读来了解课文以及对知识点的学习强化和对课文知识点的掌握。然后让学生通过看图片两人或四人一个小组讨论来讲故事,课堂上以及学生在完成任务过程中,通过自己的体验,感知,实践,参与和交流,形成语感,提高语言运用能力。由于本节课内容熟悉并且有趣,大多数学生积极性高,主动性强,课堂效果较好。当然本节课也存在一些缺点,例如我本人比较紧张,缺乏自信心,个别学生较差,不敢在课堂上说,复述故事,不能很好地在课堂上交流和发言。因此在以后课堂上应多注意和关心学困生,多给他们锻炼的机会。









