Module 5 Time教案

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Module 5 Time教案

Module 5 Time Unit 1 I get up at seven o’clock. 一、教学目标: 1、知识目标:掌握单词: at  o’clock 掌握词组: get up  go to school  have lunch  go home watch TV  go to bed 主要句型:  I get up at seven o’clock. 2、能力目标:(1)能认读六个词组。 (2)熟悉整点时间的表达法。 (3)能熟练运用句型并进行简单的交际I … at … o’clock. 3、情感目标:培养孩子的日常用语的运用能力 二、教学难点、重点:短语的认读和运用。 三、教法、学法:用中学,练中学,说中学,唱中学 四、教具准备:录音机、磁带、卡片、实物钟表、多媒体 五、教学过程: Step 1. 热身复习 1、greetings: T:Good morning, boys and girls. S:Good morning, Ms Huang. 2、Do you still remember the song: Ten little fingers? S:….Let’s sing it. T: Good! Now look at the cards in my hands. They are numbers. I show them and you speak out them. (多媒体出示数字,学生用英语说出数字) Step 2. 课文导入 T: Now, let’s begin our new topic—time.(板书课题)We often say that time is money, time is life. But in what way we know the time? S:………… T: 是的,钟表让我们更清楚更明白的知道时间。Now look at the model. What’s this? S:…… T: Yes, it’s a clock. (出示单词clock并教读)Now,look at the clock on the screen and answer my question. What’s the time, please? Four o’clock. (出示单词o’clock并教读) 继续提问回答 What’s the time, please? It’s …… o’clock. 学生观察讨论得出规律:整点后一般要加o’clock 拿出钟表: T: Look at the clock. What’s the time, please? ………. T: Yes, it’s seven o’clock. It’s time to get up. (出示词组get up) I get up at seven o’clock. (注意at) 依次展示词组:go to school, have lunch, go home, watch TV,go to bed 借助钟表和多媒体反复操练句型 I… at…o’clock. Step 3.  课文教学 T: 今天大明也学习了时间表达法,让我们去看看大明的日常活动时间吧! 展示挂图,播放录音,边看挂图边听录音,划出课文中的具体时间,两人一组说出具体时间再说给全班同学听。第二遍录音要带着问题去听。问题:大明在不同的时间里都干了些什么?然后小组讨论,完成表格(板书): action   time Get up     at     8:00 Have lunch     4:00 Watch TV     9:00 第三次播放录音,学生模仿跟读,边跟读边用手指向相应图画。学生自己朗读课文。 Step 4 任务完成 利用活动3中的图画进行练习,请同学们根据图画内容说出相关的动词词组,练习句型 What’s the time, please? It’s …. I … at … o’clock. Game:今天我请来了tiger 和monkey 请他们来说说自己一天的日常活动及时间,让学生扮演tiger 和monkey进行展示练习(戴头饰)充分的练习之后,最后我们用一首歌结束本课的学习。大家用“两只老虎”的音调将大明一天的活动唱出来: Get up, get up, Go to school, go to school, Now have lunch, then go home, Watch TV and go to bed. Step 5 作业布置:自己制作一个时间表,下次上课展示给班上的同学 Class is over. Thank you.   小组表现评比表 Group 1   Group 2   Group 3   Group 4   Group 5   Group 6    

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