二册教案They're monkeys.

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二册教案They're monkeys.

Module 2 Unit 2 They’re monkeys.教案 课前准备:、板书课题\Animals动物放在右边 一、  准备:1、热身,激发动机 T:Hello,boys and girls,My name is Fangjuan,I come from Jietou. Iam very happy to be here.And What about you? Who is happy? Put up your hands ,please. Who is not happy?,put up your hands ,oplease.You come here,please,做一个monkey\tiger\lion\elephant的动作让大家happy一下。 T:Boys and girls. 揭示课题:I like animals very much. DO you like animals.?你们喜欢动物吗?OK,Today,let’s go to the zoo and recognize the animals..让我们一起走进动物园认识这些动物吧。So Today,we’ll learn Module2 Unit 1 Thery’re monkeys.领读2遍 2、复习,补缺漏 做游戏热身:复习以前学过的动物单词bird,cat,dog,panda,dragon. T:Now,let’s play a guessing game.OK?根据描述猜动物。 1、It can fly,What’s this.?It’s a bird, 2、It can catch the mouse  What’s this?It’s a cat, 3、It loves bones.What’s this?It’s a dog 4、,It loves bamboos.What’ sthis?It’s a panda, 5、It has many paws, What’s this? It’s a dragon教师用简笔画板书各种动物,并且板书What’s this? 二、  呈现: 1、导入新课:用旧句型What’s this? It’s a…引出新动物单词tiger,lion,elephant,monkeyT;guess again,please. 三、讲解新内容(句型) 2、出示课件,并且讲解老虎的读法与写法。教师板书老虎单词。出示单词卡片领读T-I ti.g-e-r ger  tiger 排排读,开火车读。用同样的方法教lion,monkey,elephant. 3、操练新内容 A: 同桌之间练习句型用新单词What’s this? It’s a tiger,lion,elephant,monkey男女生互问互答 B: 同桌之间练习句型用新单词What’s this? It’s a tiger,lion,elephant,monkey练完后集体读一遍 C: 练习句型用所有学过的动物单词What’s this? It’s…同桌之间进行练习。3、讲解新内容 A: 引入新内容:讲解单复数。老师读第一排1遍,学生读第二排5遍 B:.出示课件:Look at the screen,please.What are they? They are tigers.板书在黑板。 C:操练新内容:同桌之间进行练习。其他的Who can say,谁来读一下。找生读,然后当小老师,并领读其他同学。。奖励贴画 4、巩固性操练 、游戏1、根据动物特征猜动物。 游戏2:看口型,猜动物。老师做示范 四、发展性操练 1、学习课文:let’s go to the zoo.and recognize the animals.Open your books and turn to page 6 Read the text as possible as you can.每幅图都找学生读,然后放录音检查正确与否。再模仿录音 2、Homework:练习:巩固所学习的新旧动物单词。按照字母表的顺序把所学过的动物单词排列起来。老师和同学们边唱歌边一起排 板书设计  

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