
时间:2023-04-24 23:08:51 教案 我要投稿
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    The  Teaching  plan   四合学校 Subject(科目)  英语 Date(日期)  3.18 Book(书册)  6 Topic(课题)  Lesson 3.She’s a vet . Part(课时)  4 Page(页码)  36-37 Teaching sAim (教学目标) The Knowledge Aims(知识目标)  学习关于职业的对话。 The Ability Aims(能力目标)    培养学生的口语交际能力 The Emotion Aims(情感目标) 培养学生热爱生活,帮助他们树立远大的理想 Impertant Points(教学重点)  1.Words:farmer  vet take care of trip beech feed 2.Patterns: Who lives in Australia?  My uncle lives there. What does your uncle do?  My uncle is a farmer. Difficult Points(教学难点)  To consolidate the new patterns Teaching Metbods(教学方法)  TPR  视听法 交际法 Instrunents(教具)  录音机 卡片     Teaching Steps(教学步骤) 1.The Teaching leading(教学导入)   1.Greetings(打招呼) (1分钟)        T:Hello ,everybody .How are you?   S:Hello ,teacher.I’m fine ,thanks   2.Have a revision(复习) (1分钟)        T:Hello ,everybody .How are you?   S:Hello ,teacher.I’m fine ,thanks   3.The Leading Words(导语) T:Today,we’ll continue to learn Lesson 3 She’sVet. Part 4. Ready?(1分钟)  Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开) 一. To learn the new words:(8分钟) Farmer   vet   take care of   trip   besch   feed 1)  Listen to the tape 2)  Ss try to read the new words. 3)  Ss read after teacher. 4)  Ss read together. 5)  T explain the new words. 6)  Ss write the new words. 二.  To learn the new sentences.(15分钟) Who lives in Australis? My uncle lives there. What does your uncle do? My uncle is a farmer. 1)    Listen to the tape. 2)    Ss read the dialogue 3)    Point S to read dialogue 4)    Talk about the dialogue  by paragraph. 5)    Practice the new patterns in pairs 6)    Act out the dialoge . 三.   Read the dialogue(4分钟) 四. Do exercises(4分钟) Ⅲ.Sum Up(总结)(3分钟) Let’s chant together. Homework(作业) 1.Listen to the tape two times.(2分钟) 2.Make a dialoge.   The Blackhoard Writing(板书)   Lesson 3 .She’s a Vet.     Who lives in Australis?   farmer   take care of     My uncle lives there.   vet    trip     What does your uncle do?     beach    feed     My uncle is a farmer.   Thingking After Class(课后反思) 整节课的教学中,我结合学生的实际生活,能够抓住本课的重点、通过课件创设各种真实的情境,重点培养学生的语感和用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,并通过谈五一假期打算做的事情来激发学生的学习兴趣。同时我也努力做到“All for students, for all students, and for students’ all”,让全体学生都得到全面、主动的发展。










