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四年级下册英语教案 备课教师:王艳 课题 Lesson  Five 课型 New teaching 教学 目标  1.Learn the dialogue and can act out it properly 2.Listen ,read ,say and remember the new words: Friday  Saturday  Sunday  violin  piano  music 重点 Understand the dialogue and make a new dialogue .   难点 Pronunciation of “violin  piano”   教具 学具 课件 Tape recorder , picture,   cards   Revision   Revision: 1.Greetings.  Sing a song.     2.Revise the dialogue Hello! What day is today? Today is Wednesday. Oh,we have a Chinese class today. Yes, I like Chinese. Me, too.   3.Show the aims . In this lesson , we’ll learn the dialogue of Lesson Five .   1).Learn the dialogue and can act out it properly 2).Listen ,read ,say and remember the new words: Friday  Saturday  Sunday  violin  piano  music   Production New Lesson:   New words: Pick out the picture ,then teach the students Friday Saturday  Sunday Listen to the tape Read following the tape Read the words.  . . Follow the teacher Ask the students write the words on the exercise book.   New dialogue Listen to the tape Read follow the tape Then read the dialogue in some groups \boys \girls Try to make dialogue using the following : Today is….. We have a \an ……..class. I forgot my…… Thank you.   Practice and summary   自主测评:10`(A练习  B自测自评  C学生总结  D作业) Check up and conclusion .   1.Practice the dialogue in pairs . 2.Look Listen and Read.   Friday Saturday  Sunday  violin  piano  music  flute 3.Do the Exercises book . 4.Let’s play Bingo .                   5.Sum up By the students. 6.Homework: Make a dialogue after class and read the words.     板书设计   Lesson  Five   Friday Saturday  Sunday  violin    piano  music  flute       教 学 反 思         四年级下册英语教案 备课教师:王艳 课题 Lesson  Five 课型 New teaching 教学 目标  1.Learn a new dialogue ,can act it out , then make a new one like that, then act it out 2.Do “Let’s play” 3.Learn a song: Days of a week 4.Do the exercise book of Lesson five 重点 Understand the dialogue and make a new dialogue . Pronunciation of the words . 难点 Pronunciation of “flute” 教具 学具 课件 Tape recorder , picture,   cards   Revision   Revision: 1.Listening Test 2.Greetings 3.Ask some students do the dialogue .   What day is today?   Today is Friday. We have a music class today. I forgot my flute.   OK. Here you are.   Thank you.Mom. 4.Show the aims .   1).Learn a new dialogue ,can act it out , then make a new one like that, then act it out 2).Do “Let’s play” 3).Learn a song: Days of a week 4).Do the exercise book of Lesson five   Production   New Lesson .     1.  Listen to the tape Read following the tape Read the dialogue . Follow the teacher Students read the dialogue   Act out 2.Try to make a new dialogue   3.Learn a song: Days of a Week   Practice and summary   自主测评:10`(A练习  B自测自评  C学生总结  D作业)   Check up and conclusion .   1.Practice the dialogue in pairs . 2.Sing the song , look which one is the best 3.Do Let’s play  What day is today?  What class do you have?   Class\Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1           2           3           4           5           6           4.Sum up By the students.   5.Homework: Make a dialogue after class and read the words.   板书设计   Lesson  Five Shall we play ping-pong?   That’s fine.   We have a music class today.   教 学 反 思       四年级下册英语教案 备课教师:王艳 课题 Lesson  Six 课型 New teaching 教学 目标  1.  Learn the dialogue of Lesson 6. 2. the Listening exerise 3.Learn the chant 4.Review the unit one: the words  the important sentences 重点 Understand the dialogue and do the exercises . 难点 Pronunciation of some difficult words. 教具 学具 课件 Tape recorder , picture,   cards   Revision   Revision:     Greetings: Hello, Linda. What day is today? Today is Wednesday. Oh, we have an English class today. Great, I like English. Let’s go to the classroom. Let’s go.     Test the words and sentences : Violin  piano  music Sunday  Saturday  Friday We have a music class today.   Show the aims . 1. Learn the dialogue of Lesson 6. 2. Do the Listening exerise 3.Learn the chant 4.Review the unit one: the words  the important sentences   Production   New Lesson .   1.  Listen to the tape Read following the tape Read the sentences .     Follow the teacher Ask some students read the dialogue, then act it out.   2.Try to make dialogue using the following : Today is Saturday. Shall we go to the park? What’s that over there? Let’s go and have a look. Excuse me, Is this your……? 3.Learn the chant.   Practice and summary   自主测评:10`(A练习  B自测自评  C学生总结  D作业)   Check up and conclusion .   1.Practice the dialogue in pairs . 2.Do the listening test. 3.Review the words of unit one. China  America  Japan  England  English Chinese PE  Math  Review the sentences  I’m Helen . I’m in Class 1. I’m from England.  We have a music class today. 4.Sum up By the students. 5.Homework: Make a dialogue after class andremember the wors and  sentences.   板书设计   Lesson Six    Shall we go to the park?   Let’s go and have a look.   Take a picture.     教 学 反 思     四年级下册英语教案 备课教师:王艳 课题 Lesson  Six 课型 Revision   小学四年英语第一单元测试卷  班级:  姓名:   一.  补全单词 vi__l__n pi__no  E__gl__sh  Ch__ne__e  Sc__nc__  M__t__  M__sic  P__ __apa__   二.  完成下列句子   1. I’m_______. I’m from________. ______in Class__. Nice to meet you.   2.Today is Tu______. We have an E_______class today.   3.Today is Mo_____. We have a M______class today.   4.We have a Mu_____class on We_______. I like_________.   三.  选择. 从B栏选择与A栏意思相近的句子,把字母填在括号内 A  B (  )1.I’m Helen. A.我来自中国   (  )2.Today is Wednesday. B.我是海伦.   (  )3.I’m in Class 4 .  C.今天我们有一节音乐课.   (  )4.I’m from China.   D.今天是星期三.   (  )5.We have music class today.  E.我在四班.   (  )6.What day is today? F.你叫什么名字?   (  )7.What class are you in?  G.今天星期几?   (  )8.What’s your name?   H.你在几班?   (  )9.I like Chinese.  I.我喜欢语文.   (  )10.Where are you from?  J.你来自哪个国家?   四.选择适当句子填空。   a. I’m in Class 1.  b. I’m from China.  C. Great! I like English.   d. Nice to meet you.   A:Hi,Helen! This is LiMing.   B:Nice to meet you! C:___________________. B





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