新标准 小学英语三起 第六册Module 3 教案与教学建议

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新标准 小学英语三起 第六册Module 3 教案与教学建议

Module 3 一、模块教学建议 语言功能:说明中西方饮食文化的不同。 学习任务:What did you\she\he have for breakfast\lunch\dinner? I\She\He had… 运用任务:给外国朋友发电子邮件,说一说中国的饮食文化;列出昨天晚上的菜单;描述一种食品:说出自己喜欢的食物;给朋友写信说一说昨天晚上自己的食谱。 模块分析:本模块主要围绕英国早餐食品这一主题展开,运用过去时态。Unit1通过Daming 收到的电子邮件内容说出了英国人早餐的习惯。要求学生用had来讲自己昨天吃了什么。Unit2 中增加了几种外国食品,让学生知道食品和饮料的英语说法。在读词的过程中体会字母组合ea,ee,ear,ere,eir在单词中的发音。 二、活动建议 活动1:发邮件 活动目的:练习写英语邮件 活动准备:一份全班学生的邮箱地址。 活动过程:教师先教给学生英文邮件的写法。将学生分为4人小组,然后出示其它小组学生的邮件地址,让学生从中寻找一位网友(确保每人都能选到网友,如果出现单数,老师应填上自己的地址),并按照邮箱地址写信,谈论自己昨天的晚餐。注意过去时态的正确使用。如有条件教师可以带学生去网络教室亲自操作。 活动2:写信 活动目的:巩固和练习I had some…yesterday.的语句,培养写的能力。 活动准备:食物照片、笔 、信封 活动过程:每个学生先在自己的照片背面写两三句话作为说明,如:I’m Lili. I’m from China. I’m ten years old. I had some…last New Day.(学生能写出两三句即可,若有些学生感觉写英文困难,可只让他们口头表达。)然后将照片放入写好的信封内,投入代表邮筒的纸盒里。选一学生做邮递员(可轮换),抽出一封信并读出信封上的名字,被念到名字的学生打开信、出示照片并读出照片背面的英文。 活动3:头脑风暴 活动目的:熟悉各种食物名称,锻炼单词的拼写能力。 活动准备:四人小组快速回忆自己所知道的食物名称 活动过程:在黑板上写出Food这个单词,四人小组在规定时间内写出他们组所知道的食物,比一比哪组说的单词多而且拼写正确,其他小组可以补充。可以以相同的方法在做Drink. 活动4:文化擂台 活动目的:了解跨文化知识,进行文化对比。 活动准备:查找外国食物来历及我国名菜来历的资料。 活动过程:让学生通过网络、书籍找一找外国食物及我国名菜来历的资料,在班级中进行汇报。老师要在对外国文化讲解的同时,引导学生不要有崇洋媚外的思想。要注意合理的膳食搭配。   Module 3  English Food 教学目标    语言知识   1.词汇:egg, email, sandwich, traditional, delicious。 2.语法:不规则动词have的过去形式had。 3.句型:What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner/yesterday? She had… 4.功能:谈论饮食习惯。 1.语音:字母组合ea/ee, ear, ere/eir在单词中的读音。 2.词汇:hamburger, ate, gave, drank, tonight。 3.语法:不规则动词eat, give, drink的过去形式ate, gave, drank。 4.句型:Sam ate six hamburgers. He likes hamburgers very much. What did you eat/drink last night? What are you going to eat/drink? 5.功能:谈论饮食及喜欢的食物。  语言技能 1. 能听、说、读、写单词:egg, email, sandwich。 2.能听、说、认读单词: traditional, delicious。 3.掌握不规则动词have的过去形式had。 4.能用句型:What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday? She had…进行谈论饮食习惯。 1. 了解字母组合ea/ee, ear, ere/eir在单词中的读音。 2.能听、说、读、写单词: ate, gave, drank。 3.能听、说、认读单词:hamburger, tonight,sausage。 4.掌握不规则动词eat, give, drink的过去形式ate, gave, drank。 5.能用句型:Sam ate six hamburgers. He likes hamburgers very much. What did you eat/drink last night? What are you going to eat/drink? 进行谈论饮食及喜欢的食物。 情感态度  1.积极参与课堂活动,并与他人合作学习。 2.乐于开口进行谈论英国人的饮食习惯及自己的饮食习惯。  1.积极参与课堂活动,并与他人合作学习。 2.乐于开口进行谈论英国人的饮食及喜欢的食物。 学习策略 积极运用所学英语知识进行谈论英国人的饮食习惯及自己的饮食习惯。  积极运用所学英语知识进行谈论英国人的饮食及喜欢的食物。 文化意识掌握英语国家中最常见的食物名称。  掌握英语国家中最常见的饮料和食物名称。   Module 3 English Food Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages 一、   Teaching objectives 1、   Words and phrases: email sandwiches traditional delicious 2、 Sentences: What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?               She had… 3、  Function: Describing eating habits 二、 Teaching tools: card Tape-recorder pictures 三、  Teaching procedures: 1、   Warm up: T: Hello, boys and girls.      S: Hello, teacher.      T: What’s your favourite food?      S: My favourite food is… 2、Presentation:    T: I had bread this morning, what did you have?    Ss: I had rice/milk/noodles…    T: We always have rice, noodles, and dumplings for meals. They are Chinese food. Do you know English food?    Ss: Talk about English food which they know.    T: Tell the student Daming get an email from Lingling. It’s talk about English food. Now let’s see what Lingling introduces. Then write the title. 四、   Teach new lesson: Step1 Show them some new word cards and teach them the pronunciation. Step2 Open their books; listen to the tape for the first time, ask the students to find out the new words and the name of the food.       And explain some English eating habits. Step3 Give the student some questions: 1、  What did Daming have got? 2、  What did Lingling have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? Listen to the tape for the second time, ask the students to answer the question, and then check the answer together.      Step4 Ask the students to see the pictures and play the tape, the students read after it. At last the students read the text in pairs. 五、  Practice Ask the student to see the third part of the text. Use the sentences to make dialogues in pairs.   六、  Homework Go over the text. Pay attention to the important sentences and the name of the food.    新标准英语三年级起点第六册教案 Module 3 English Food Unit2 Sam ate six hamburgers   一、        Teaching objectives: 1、            Words and phrases: ate  hamburger  gave  tonight 2、            Sentences: What did you eat/drink last night?                     I ate/drank…      3、 Function: Talk about eating habits and favourite food 二、Teaching tools: 三、Teaching procedures: 1、Warmer:    T: Hello.    Ss: Hello teacher.    T: What did you have for breakfast this morning?    Ss: I had…    T: What’s your favourite food?    Ss: My favourite food is… 3、            Presentation: Take out a picture of hamburger and ask the students “Do you like hamburger?” “How many hamburgers can you eat? Students answer the questions. T: Let’s see how many hamburgers Sam can eat. Then write the title on the board. 4、            Teach new lesson: Step1 T: Take out some new word cards. Ask students to try to read out them, and then teach them these words. Step2 Put on a letter of this unit. Ask students to see the letter and at the same time to listen to the tape. For the first time the students should draw a line under the new words. Then ask them to try to answer these questions: 1、            Who ate hamburgers? 2、            Who had a sandwich? 3、            What is mum going to cook tonight? Step2 Play the tape, the students should read after it. Then check the answers. Step3 Ask the students to see the second part. Use the food to make some dialogues. Students do it in pairs. To see which group is the best. Step4 Game 将全班分成几组,教师出示有关食物的卡片,要求学生看到食物后马上造句,哪组有一名学生先站起来,就算哪组先抢

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