新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Scienc

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人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy The Science of the Star--教案6

New Senior English For China Student’s Book 3   Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the star  (Reading) learning aims: l Learn how to use different reading skills for different reading purposes, ( inferring; skimming; detailed reading, and so on.) l Read the passage and learn about the development of the earth. Difficult and important points: l Develop our reading ability. l Learn the following words and phrases:  theory; violent; unlike; harmful; mutiply; exist;  in time; lay eggs; give birth to; in one’s turn; prevent…from. Reading: How life began on the earth I. Skimming(略读) Reading strategy(策略): Go through the passage quickly to get the main idea of each paragraph. Don’t worry about the details and new words. Skim the passage and match the main idea with each paragraph. Para. 1 The formation(形成) of the earth Para.2  The importance of water for life Para.3  A widely accepted theory about the formation of the universe Para.4  The arrival of humans and their effects on the earth Para.5  The development of plants and animals on the earth II .Detailed reading(细读) Reading strategy: Read the passage carefully paragraph by paragragh and try to get more information. Then answer the questions. Para 1&2: the formation of the universe and the earth 1.About how the universe began, which theory is widely accepted? 2.What form(形状) was the earth after the “Big Bang”? 3.What made up the earth’s atmosphere after the earth exploded? 4. In the sentence “It exploded loudly with fire and rock. They were in time to produce carbon, nitrogen…” here “they” refers to__________.  “In time” means_______.  Para 3 the importance of water for life ? What made the earth different from the other planets is that ________ remained on the earth. ? The significance(意义) of the continued presence of water is that it allowed________________________. Para 4 The development of life   7.___________ 8.dinosaurs 9___.____ 1.small plants in the water 3.____________ 4. insects on land 5._____________ 6._________ 2._________   2._________   Para 5  the arrival of humans and their effects on the earth 1.What problems have been caused by humans to the earth? 2.What does the last sentence mean? III. From the text, we can infer(推断)except that___. A. The passage tells us the scientific idea of how life began on the earth. B. It is wrong to show films with dinosaurs and people together. C. Finally, humans rule the world, but they are not taking care of the earth very well. D. Life began on land and then in water. IV. Can you find their English? 1.  随后他会变成什么一直无法确定,直到约45亿至38亿年,这团尘埃最终变成一个固体圆球. 2. 地球变得如此激烈动荡, 以致于不知道这个形状是否会继续存在下去. 3. 更重要的事,随着地球的冷却,地球的表面就开始出现了水。 4. 很多科学家相信,水的继续存在使地球得以把有害气体和酸的物质溶解到海洋里.  V. Talking bar(谈谈吧) How to protect the earth and make it a better place to live on? VI.  Homework. ?  Learn and recite the four sentences above ?  Retell the passage about how life began on the earth. ?  Learn the useful words and expressions by heart.

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