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Subject(科目) English Date(日期) 3.31 Book(书册) 4 Topic(课题) Lesson 3.I’m Scared Part(课时) Part4 Page(页码) P38-42 Teachings Aim (教学目标) The Knowledge Aims(知识目标): 通过听力测试,进一步来巩固第三单元的知识点。 The Ability Aims(能力目标): 通过听力题,进一步提高学生的听力水平及综全语言运用能力。 The Emotion Aims( 情感目标): 通过竞赛的形式,来激发学生的学习英语的积极性和自信心。 Important(教学重点) 第三单元知识点 Difficult Points(教学难点) 在连续的录音下,能正确的判断 Teaching Methods(教学方法) 视听,交际 Instruments(教具)  Cards Teaching Steps(教学步骤)   I.The Teaching leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼):T:Hello,everyone.  .Lets sing a song.<<Good morning to You.>> [2 minutes] 2.Have a revision(复习): [3 minutes] T:Look at the card.What time is it? S1: Its _____   3.The Leading Words(导语):[1 minute]   In this class.  Lets listen to some questions. II.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开):[30 minutes]   (一)  Which Picture Is It?   Lets listen and check the correct answer.              If you choose right. Ill give you a star.        No.1 Whats that? Thats a roller coaster.      No.2 Do you want to drive a bumper car ? Yes, lets go .      No.3 What time is it ? Four thirty .Time to go home.   (二) What Would You Say ? (P30)     Look at the card . What would you say ?   (三) Fun with word .     Listen and circle the correct words   No1 scared  No.2 thirst  No.3exciting  No.4 tired     (四)  Do You Remember  ?    No.1 Lister and write the time .    No.2 Listen and unscramble  the letters.    No.1 Sick No.2 scared No.3 tired                   III.Sum Up(总结):[2 minutes] Lets read the dialog together.     Homework(作业):[2 minutes]  Listen read and copy the new words and dialog. The Black Writing(板书)     Lesson3 Im  Scared       Im ________________   Exciting happy hungry  thirsty  scared  tired   Thinking After Class (课后反思)        










