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  第七册教学计划及教案   七册英语教学计划 蓝本计划执教计划1、教学现状分析学会学习和发展是素质教育的要求。英语是中小学阶段的一门重要学科,而中小学阶段的教育属基础教育。基础教育阶段是人的终生教育和终生发展最重要的阶段。小 ...   七册英语教学计划   蓝本计划   执教计划   1、教学现状分析   学会学习和发展是素质教育的要求。英语是中小学阶段的一门重要学科,而中小学阶段的教育属基础教育。基础教育阶段是人的终生教育和终生发展最重要的阶段。小学英语教学应努力为学生的终生发展奠定坚实的语言基础,从而使学生取得必须的英语语言能力和文化素质。   2、教材分析   五册教材共同分为11 个模块,内含一个期末分析模块,每一个模块分两个单元。一般的,第一单元显现要学习的语言内容,第二单元提供任务型练习,包括一首歌谣或小诗。歌谣和小诗的学习目的有三,一是培养学生的语感和节奏感,二是进步学生发音正确性三是通过这些英语国家儿童所熟知的歌谣先容一定的西方文化。不经常使用单词不要求把握。本书中学生将学习如何表达正在产生的事情和将要做的事情,如何询问和说明能力,如何取得答应,如何谈论体育比赛和旅行等活动,如何表达数字13-20和12个月份。对语法不要求讲授,更不要求学生把握,只要求学会初步运用。   3、教学目标   通过学习本册教材使学生:   1、逐渐构成学习英语的爱好和爱好,构成在真实环境中使用英语进行活动的积极性。   2、能运用英语在平常生活和课堂情形中与老师和同学进行初步交际,如问候他人,家庭和朋友的简单消息。   3、能参加运用英语组织和展开的平常课堂教学和生活游戏,及其它课内外活动。   4.能听懂简单的指令并作出适当的反应,能读懂简单的配图小故事,进行口头描写,唱一   些英语歌曲,背一些小诗和歌谣。   5、养成良好的学习英语的基本方法;构成英语学习的自觉性,和通过英语学习,取得更多知识的求知欲。   6.养成良好的文明行动习惯,把握基本的英语交际礼貌策略,全面进步综合素质。   7.乐于了解英语国家儿童的爱好爱好,和外国人的一般风俗习惯。   4、进步教学质量的措施   1、创造良好的学习惯氛;   2、在课堂上尽量的使用英语,适当使用汉语;   3、公道肯定教学要求。 不要求学生自由地说出课文所有内容,乃至不要求能自由地朗诵课文。   4、纠正控制性毛病,不纠正非控制性毛病。   5、多表扬多鼓励。   6、利用录音磁带、多媒体教学课件、挂图、卡片、贴纸、电视教学片等。   5、教学进度   第一周: Module 1 America   第二周: Module 2 China   第三周: Module 3 Hobbies   第四周: Module 4 Festivals   第五周: Module 5 Foreign Friends   第六周: Module 6 Letter from Abroad   第七周: Middle Review   第八周: Module 7 Animal Facts   第九周: Module 8 Habits   第十周: Module 9 Trips   第十一周:Module 10 Rules   第十二周: Review Module   第十三周: Review Module   第十四周: Review Module   第十五周: Review Module   第十六周: Review Module   12月之前完玉成册教学任务。   Module 1 America   单元备课   I. Function: Talking about past activities   II. Target lang ge: When did you come back?   We came back....   Did you .......?   YesI did./NoI didnt.   III. Vocabulary: whenbackhomethoseice cream w ith finish hurryhurryupwaitdropdearmet(meet)ran(run).   IV. Pronunciation: /i:/ /i/ /e/ /ae/   V. Song: Where did you go?   Unit 1 The Great Wall   I. Look listen and learn.   1. Remind the ss that they learned the past tense in Book 4.Review the rules for *** the past *** tense formi.e. we add -ed to regular verbs.   2. Write these words on the board:   finish livedrophelpwalktalk   3. Tell the ss that you are going to call out a verb in the present *** tense form and they have to say its past *** form.Then get one st?nt to go to the board and add -ed to the word. 4. The activity contins untill all the words on the board have had -ed added to them. II. Listen and say. 1. Get three large pices of *** .Write one of the following sentences on each piece of ***. We ... last Sundy. I ... my icecream. When ... you come back? 2. Invite three ss to the front and give each of them one of the pieces of ***. 3. You are going to say a number and the name of a s.That s must say the correct sentense. 4. Now put the ss in pairs and have them contin the activity.They must take turns to say the numbers. III. Ask and answer. 1. Write the words on the board. washedcleanedfinishedhelpedstartedplayed 2. Look at the phonetic symbols and say the associated sounds if the ss are not familar with them. 3. Tell the ss that they have to group the words on the board depending on how how the -ed is pronounced. 4. Now say each word and have the ss repeat them.Then go through the words one at a time and have the ss group them appropriately. IV. Home work:Ex 2 in the Activity Book. Unit 2 New York is in the east of America I. Listen and say. 1. Get the ss to brainstorm the things they would find in a park.You should write their suggestions on the board. 2.Read the words out and get the ss to repeat them. 3. Tell the ss to choose one object and draw it. 4. Call out two ss names.Explain that they went to the park yesterday.Those ss have to stand up and hold up their poictures.St?nt A points to Bs picture and asks Did you say a ...?B responds with YesI did.If A names the object and names the wrong item.Then B asks A and A responds. 5. Now those two ss sit down and you call out another two ss names. II. Think and talk about you. 1. Invite 5 ss to the front of the class.Get them to mime an action and then tell them to stop . 2. Now ask the class what each st?nt did.The ss have to reply with the correct answer. 3. Now invite another five ss to the front and do the activity again. III. Game. 1. Write the following lists on the board. 2. Write the qstions on the board: Where did you go yesterday? What did you see? Who did you meet? 3. Choose a competent st?nt and sayWhere did you go yesterday?The s should choose a location from the table and respondI went to ...Then ask .What did you see?Once again The s should use information from the table to respond.Then ask the final qstion and get the s to answer. 4. Do more examples with other individule ss. Then have the ss contin the activity in pairs. Module 2 China 单元备课   I. Function: Market shopping.   II. Target lang ge: How m h/How many...do you want?Do you like...?   III. Vocabulary: needfoodshopping listcheese   how m hkilojuiceboxbottle.   IV. Pronunciation: /Λ/ /ɑ:/ /З:/   V. Song: How many do you want?   Module 2 Unit 1 Unit 2   教   学   目   标   1. 知识目标:   a)能听说 读并正确使用单词 miss\ sometimes\ restaurant\ really\ dancing\ sq re.   b)能理解并灵活把握句型:There is\are…on\in\under\near….   c) 能听懂理解课文并回答相干题目。   2. 技能目标:   学会运用There is \are …来谈论某处有某物,留意区分单数、复数的不同用法。   3. 习惯的培养:通过量种情势的教学活动,激起学生学英语的爱好,引导他们积极参与小组编活动。发挥学习主动性,大胆开口、积极合作、参与语言的实际交际。通过本模块的学习,学生能用英语向他人讲述某处有某物,将语言内容转化为实际交际。   教   学   重   点   1 .能听说 读、写单词 : miss\ sometimes\ restaurant\ really\ dancing\ sq re.   2能理解并把握句型: There is\are…on\in\under\near….   3.能听懂理解课文并回答相干题目。   4.让学生通过学习,学会用英语讲述某处有某物.   教   学   难   点   1能理解并灵活使用句型:There is\are…on\in\under\near….   2学会运用所学语言描写某处有某物。   3.部份单词的读音:restaurant\ sq re   任务   Describing the existence(描写图片或照片中的事物)   课时   2课时   教具   图片 录音机   教   学   过   程   第一课时   Step 1. Warming   1. Greetings.   2. Sing the English song《There is a Great Wall in China.》   3.Memory game: Look then close your books and say.   让学生看第9页Part 5中的图画2分钟,然后关上书。然后回想图画中的事物,练习句型“There is a…或There are …”   Step 2. 任务显现与课文导进:   Free talk: Where has Daming gone ? (He is in New York with his cousin Simon.) What’s he doing now? Does he miss china? 我们一起来学习课文就知道了。   Step 3. 课文教学:   1. 放录音,让学生听录音了解课文内容并画出含“there is / there are …”的句子。   2. 通过问答,检查学生对







第七册美术教案 14篇03-03



