高二英语Unit12 Fact and fantasy知识点总复习教案

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高二英语Unit12 Fact and fantasy知识点总复习教案

Section I  课前准备、听力、口语 1. Try the quiz below to see if you know any better. 试一试下面的知识检测,看看你是否了解的更多。(P.9 Question 2)  if: (1) if conj. “是否”,在此语境中可用whether 代替。He asked whether / if we wanted a drink. 他问我们是否要喝点饮料。 注意:whether与if (作“是否”解时)都可以连接宾语从句。 (2) if不能替换whether的5种情况:a. 正式文体中,句中有or not时I wonder whether it is big enough or not. 我想知道它是否足够大。注意:在口语中“if...or not”可接受,但连写的“if or not”是错误的。b. 引导主语、表语、同位语从句时:Whether it is true (or not) remains a question. 它是不是真的还是一个问题。c. 作介词宾语时I havent settled the question of whether Ill go back home. 我还没决定是否要回家。d. 在不定式前,与不定式组成词组She hasnt decided whether to go or not. 她还没有决定去还是不去。e. 作discuss等词的宾语We discussed whether we should close the shop. 我们讨论是否该关闭那家商店。 (3) if还有“假如”之意,引导条件状语从句,而此时的条件状语从句,又具体分为两种情况:表示真实条件和表示假设条件,详解如下: a. 表示真实条件。“如果” If he told you that, he was lying. 如果他是那样对你说的,他就是在撒谎。If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home. 如果明天下雨,我们就不出去。 注意:if条件句要求用一般时表示将来,不用will表示将来,只有在表示“愿意”或“不愿意”时,if后才可以跟will或wont。If you wont come, Ill go alone. 如果你不愿意来,我就一个人去。 b. 表示假设条件,“假如”,用虚拟语气与现在事实相反 If I were you, I would help her. 我要是你的话,我就会帮助她。 与过去事实相反 If I had not missed the train, I would have got home by now.假如我没误了火车,现在早该到家了。与将来事实相反 If any one should call, please let me know. 万一有人打电话来,请告诉我一声。 拓展:as if (=as though) 好像(引导方式状语从句或表语从句); even if (=even though) 即使 (引导让步状语从句); if only (引导感叹句,要用虚拟语气)但愿,要……就好了; (引导状语从句,要用虚拟语气) 要是,若是; only if (引导状语从句,用陈述语气)只有 2. What is the highest mountain on earth and how high is it? 世界上最高的山是什么山? 有多高? (P.9 Question 2 No. 1)   Which is the longest river on earth and how long is it? 世界上最长的河是那条? 有多长? (P. 9Question2 No. 3) 1) What (1) pron. (疑问代词) 什么 What happened next? 后来怎么样了呢? What do you want? 你要什么? (2) pron. (连接代词,引导名词性从句等) 所……的事(或人) What was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality. 过去认为不可能的事现在已成为现实。The city is not what it used to be. 这个城市不再是先前的模样了。 2) 辨析:what与which (1) which既可引导定语从句,又可连接名词性从句;而what不可引导定语从句。 (2) which,what同为名词性从句的连接代词时,都可在所连接的名词性从句中充当主语或宾语,其区别在意思上。what强调“内容”,而which强调从已知的、确定的范围中做出选择。This river, which flows through London, is called the Thames. (which引导非限制性定语从句)这条流经伦敦的河,叫泰晤士河。What book are you going to read? 你要读什么书? Which book are you going to read, this one or that one? 你要读哪一本书,这本还是那本? 注意:以下句子中常用what。(1) What season do you like best? 你最喜欢什么季节? (2) What day is today? 今天是星期几? (3) Whats the date today? 今天是几号? 联想:somewhat adv. 稍微,有点whatever pron. 无论什么;凡是……的东西 拓展:What about…? (用于征求意见时)……怎么样(=How about); what if倘使……将会怎么样;即使……又有什么要紧;尽管……又有什么关系; what for为何目的;为什么what is more而且 3. Why does Sam need to know the time. 为什么Sam需要知道时间?(P. 10 Listen- ing Ex. 2 No.1)  need: (1) n. [U] 缺乏,缺少,需要 There is no need for you to be anxious. 你没必要焦虑的。 (2) n. [C]必需品£10 a month will meet my needs. 一个月10英镑可满足我的需要。 (3) v. 需要 This job needs a lot of care, attention and time.  这工作需要花费很多心思和时间。She likes to feel needed. 她喜欢感觉有人需要她。 (4) v. aux. (无时态和人称变化;多用于疑问句和否定句;后接没有to的不定式;need not缩写为neednt)需要,必须 -- Need l go? 我必须去吗? -- Yes, you must. (No, you neednt.)是的,你必须去(不,你不必去)。He need not have come last night. 他昨晚本来没必要来的。(但实际来了) 注意:need not have done表示某一个已经发生的动作实际上不必发生,常译为“不必……也行”等。 比较:He didnt need to come last night. 他昨晚不必来。(实际上也没有来) 辨析:need, require与want: (1) 三者后接名词、代词或数词,意思为“要”或“需要”。三者后接被动的不定式或主动的动名词,意思为“需要”或“应该”。(2) need (需要) 和want (想要) 可以接主动的不定式作宾语,而require不可以。(3) require和want可以接复合宾语,而need不可以。(4) require可以接宾语从句,而且从句中的谓语动词必须用(should+) 动词原形”;need和want不可以。(5) need可以作情态动词,而require和want不可以。例如:The work needs / requires / wants patience. 这工作需要耐心。The house needs / requires / wants to be cleaned / cleaning. 这房子需要清扫。He needs / wants to see you. 他要见你。I require / want you to be here this evening. 我请你今晚到这儿来。They require that I (should) appear. 他们要求我出场。You need not write down your translation. 你们不必写下译文。 联想:(派) needful adj. 需要的,必须的needless adj. 无需的,不必要的needlessly adv. 不需地,无谓地 needy adj. 贫穷的,贫困的 拓展:at need紧急时; be / stand in need of 需要; if need be / were 如果必要的话; more than needs 超过需要; There is no need for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是不必要的。 4. … and talk about what you believe may come true in the future. 谈一谈你认为将来可能实现的事?(P.10 Speaking 第四行) (1) link. -v. 成为,变成 His dream came true. 他的梦想实现了。 (2) come + to do (不定式中的动词多为表示心理活动的动词,如:understand,realize) 终于……;开始…… I hope well be friends and come to understand each other.我希望我们成为朋友并逐渐相互理解。He came to realize that he was wrong. 他开始认识到自己错了。 辨析:get,go,turn与come get强调造成事件的施动者发挥的作用或变化的结果。go常常表示不顾施动者的愿望而发生的变化,多用于表示恶化的情况。turn经常表示从某种状态向其对立状态转化的自然现象。come大都表示向好的方面转化。They got married 10 years ago. 他们10年前结的婚。Please dont get angry. 请别生气。The eggs went bad. 鸡蛋坏了。The telephone has gone dead. 电话断了。The weather has turned much colder. 天气变得冷多了。Everything will come right in the end. 最终一切事情总会变好的。 5. Doctors may find a way to keep us young forever. 医生可能会找到一种让我们青春永驻的办法。(P.10 Speaking “Young forever” 第二个A) 部分名词后接不定式或介词 + 动名词 1) 在chance,way,opportunity,time等名词后,既可用不定式,又可用“介词 + 动名词”作定语。如:Id like to have a chance to see / of seeing your teacher. 我想找个机会见一个你们的老师。Im glad to have the opportunity to talk / of talking to you. 我很高兴能有这个机会跟你谈话。 2) 在ability,resolution,tendency等名词后,通常用不定式作后置定语。如:Does he have the ability to do the work? 他有做这项工作的能力吗? He has made a resolution to go abroad. 他决心出国。She has a tendency to become fat. 她有发胖的趋势。 3)当被修饰的普通名词前有序数词修饰时,该名词的后置定语也须用不定式而不是“介词 + 动名词”。Antonio Gaudi is the first one to understand that.安东尼奥是第一个理解那件事的人。He is always the first one to come and the last one to leave.  他总是第一个来,最后一个离开。 4)而在habit,idea,intention,method,objection等名词后,通常只跟“介词+动名词”作定语。I have the habit of taking a nap after lunch. 我有午饭后睡午觉的习惯。She dismissed the idea of becoming an artist. 她打消了当艺术家的念头。He had no intention of keeping his word. 他不想遵守诺言。We like his methods of teaching English. 我们喜欢他教英语的方法。He had an objection to (prep.) doing it. 他反对做此事。 Section II  阅读 6. By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further,… 通过将他所处时代的科学发展向前推进一步… (P.11 第一段倒数第4-3行) by prep. 表手段、方式或原因 (1) 以……,借助于……,用…… I go to school by bus, but my father goes to office by car. 我乘公共汽车上学,但我爸爸开车上班。I sent the letter by e-mail. 我将那封信以电子邮件寄出。 (2) 借、靠、因…(置于动名词前,表方法、手段、原因)

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