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备课时间 备课分工 2月26日 主备教师 李怡萱     章节 Unit 1 Period1 课题 Will people have robots? 教学目标   知识目标:1.Words &phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer etc. 2.will构成的一般将来时态的陈述句,否定句,疑问句及回答。 3.There be 句型的一般将来时。 4。More,less,fewer的用法。 能力目标:学习一般将来时态的相关知识,学会对未来预测,锻炼学生的口语会话 能力。 情感目标:用简洁回顾与展望的方式,贴近实际,符合学生心理,激发学习兴趣。 重点 与 难点 1.Will 构成一般将来时态的句式。 2.There be句型的一般将来时态。 3.More, less, fewer的用法。 4.学生在使用there will be时,易混成there will have的句式。 教学用具   Recorder,PowerPoint   课时安排 1 其他   教学流程 师生活动   Step 1: Leading  in  1, Greetings:  Hello everyone!  Welcome to school .  What’s  the  date  today?  Who’s  on  duty  today? Do you have a good winter holiday?  Do you finish your homework? Do you want to live on the moon? Can you guess what will happen in 10 years? In 10 years, I will be older, and I will  do more sports and eat more vegetables and be healthier. By then I will have enough money and will travel all over the world…. What will you be in the future? 2,Show the learning aims 3, How will the world be different in the future, 100 years from now?  Could you make some predictions(做出预言)? Show the pictures to the students. Let’s talk about together. Step 2: Pre---task.   SB page 2, 1a .this activity introduces the key vocabulary and the idea of making predictions. 1.  Point to the time line on the board and extend it out to 100years in the future. Read each prediction to the class, explain the new vocabularies. Explain: 一般将来时态。构成:will加动原。There will be 句型 2.  Read the instructions .As students’ work, move around the room and answer any questions they may have. 3.  Talk about the answers with the class. Step 3: While---task SB page 2,1b 1. Listen to the tape, then check the answers. 2. Practice reading the six predictions. 3. Read the dialogues fluently. SB page 2, 1c. 1.  Read the instructions to the class. explain “in” and “after” 2.  Help other Ss make one or two other predictions using statements like those in the sample dialogues. 3.  Ask a few pairs to present their conversations to the class. SB page 3,2a&2b 1.  Read the predictions 2.  Read the instructions and point out the sample answer. 3.  Play the tape twice. Ss circle the word they hear in each sentence: more, less, fewer 4.  Check the answers.   学生探究:回顾little, few 的区别,引出less, fewer的用法。 E.g.: 1.There will be more /less/less free time. 2.There will be more /less/fewer cars. 3.There will be more /less/fewer pollution. 4.There will be more /less/fewer trees. 5.  Listen to 2b and check the answers. Step4  Grammar focus: 1.  Review the grammar box. Ss say the statements and responses. 2.  Make summaries about “will”,  ”fewer” and “less”. E.g.: (1) Will there be less pollution? No , there won’t. There will be more pollution. (2) Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will. (3) Kids won’t go to school . (4) Kids will study at home on computers. Step5:Pairwork: Step6:Do exercises on the power point. Step7:Homework: Using what you have learnt to make predictions about yourself in 10 years.  The design on the board   Robot, paper, more, less, fewer.   There will be …….   will +主+ 动原…? Yes ,I will/No, I won’t                         Let the students make predictions according to the pictures with the help of the teachers.                         Play a game with countable and uncountable nouns. Divide the class into 2 teams make statements using the words more/less to make sentences.                     Ask Ss to predict what will happen at an upcoming school event such as a soccer game or a school party. They can make statements and agree or disagree with each other.         Period 2教案       主备教师   副备教师   Topic Unit 1 Will you have robots? 教 学 目 标   语 言 目 标   1 Make predictions, 2 What do you think life will be like in 100 years? 3 Every home will have a robot. 4 Will kids go to school? No, they won’t. They will study at home. 5 There will be fewer trees.     能力目标     1培养学生在文段中寻找信息的能力; 2 培养学生对未来进行预测,锻炼学生口语会话能力.     情感目标 用简洁回顾与展望的方式,激发学生兴趣.   语言结构  Will 引导的一般将来时,肯定否定及其回答. 语言功能  学会对未来进行预测   学习策略与思维技巧 n 复习巩固所学知识 n 联系实际运用所学知识。 重点词汇 Robot  everything  paper  less  fewer  prediction scientist  human  possible  任 务 型 活 动   Will you have robots?         Task 1: Like and dislike Task: 3: Make predictions about future Task 2: Know of “will you …..?”                     Teaching Procedures Task 1 目的  通过对一般将来时的复习巩固,学会对未来的预测. Steps Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Preparation Work Step 1 要求在课上讨论对机器人的喜好. 以小组的形式展开讨论. 组与组之间互相交流. Step 2 观察学生完成情况 Talk about the answers in groups   Step 3   以小组形式回答问题,并简单汇报讨论的结果   Task 2 目的 n 训练学生快速阅读能力,根据问题能够及时找到相关的信息的能力 n 巩固目标词汇和语言结构 句型及结构 What do you think life will be like in 100 years? Will kids go to school? There will be fewer trees. Step 1 Question: 1. Will kids go to school? Students answers and discuss between teams. 学生对未来世界的机器人进行充分想像 Step 2 Divide the whole class in groups of four and observe . Fill in the chart with the information they get from other group members by asking. 表格 Step 3 Tell the Ss to give the whole class a report. Report and take notes A picture of kinds of robots. Step 4   布置课后任务  书面表达对未来生活的预测.   Task 3 目的 练习所学句型,并锻炼学生写作能力。 Step 1 Ask the Ss to write something about future life . Write a composition   Step 2 Ask the Ss if they’d like to show their composition   Share the compositions they have written with their partners if they don’t mind.                 Period 3教案     主备教师   辅备教师   Title Unit 1 Will  you  have  a  robot? 教学目标 Teaching Aims 1.培养学生的阅读能力; 2.There will be 的运用. 语言功能 Function 1 Talk about something in space and robot in the future home. 2 Predict the future and something will happen in some years.   语言目标 Target Language 1 Predicting the future can be difficult 2.He thought that computers would never be used by most people. 3.Mr. White thinks that robots won’t be able to do the work.   重点词汇 Vocabulary  Interview  company  fiction  unpleasant  human  factory   In the future


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