
时间:2023-04-25 08:52:56 教案 我要投稿
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What’s the matter?教案   教学目标:   学习身体各部位的名称。   学习表达身体的各种不适。   能够对他人的不适给予适当的建议。   学会合理安排自己的饮食结构。   教学步骤:   Period 1   Step1 Greeting   Step2 1) Learn the new words   T: How many parts of the body can you name?   S: Head, back…   T: I have a headache …(act out an illness.)   Show the new words and learn   Arm, back, ear, eye, foot, head, leg, neck, nose, stomach, tooth…   2) Ss look at the picture and finish 1a by themselves.   3) Practice .   A: “What’s the matter?”   B: “I have a cold /sore back/…”   Step3 1) Look at picture , answer questions.   T: “What part of the body doesn’t feel good ?”   S: “His stomach…”   2) Listen to the tape, twice, name the name 1-5   Step4 Give Ss a card, Ss listen and do some exercise.   1) Match the program with the advice   2) Fill in the blanks   3) Practice the conversations   A: What’s the matter?   B: I have a …   A: Maybe you should…   B: That’s a good idea.   Step5 Homework   Use the new word to write two conversations.   Period 2   Step 1 Have a try   Fill in the blanks in the conversation (3a).   Ask a student read the conversation for the class, then the students have a try to fill in the blanks.   Step 2 Practice   1) Read 3a together.   2) Work in pairs. Make new conversation with the pictures   Step 3 Group work   1) Work in group of four, one student mimes an illness, others guess the illness and give advice .   2) Fill in the chart.   Step 4 homework   If you are a doctor, interview other Ss , “What’s the matter?” then give them your advice ,make a chart.   Period 3   Step 1 Use pictures learn the new words   Tired, hungry, thirsty, stressed out   Give them some advice   Tired ------ go to bed early   Hungry ------ eat an apple   Thirsty ------ drink some water   Stressed out ------ listen to music   Step 2 Practice the conversation (2c). Work in pairs.   A: What’s the matter with Gina?   B: She is tired. /…   A: Well. She should… / She shouldn’t….   Step 3 Listen and complete the chart   Listen twice. The first time only listen, the second time to finish the chart.   Homework   Write the new words, use the words to make sentences .   Period 4   Step 1 learn 3a   1) Read the article to the class.   2) Ss read it in groups of four.   3) “Underline the things you should do” by themselves.   Step 2 Practice   Give Ss a piece of card “Are you tired?”   Ss try to finish it.   Step 3 Writing   T: Write an article called “Do you have a cold?” Write about what you should and shouldn’t do?   Step 4 Do some exercises   Finish self check one, by themselves.   Teacher moves around the room and offer assistance as needed.   Homework   Self check 2.  










