高考英语二轮语法专讲教案 第10讲 非谓语动词

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高考英语二轮语法专讲精品教案 第10讲 非谓语动词

高考英语二轮语法专讲精品教案   第10讲非谓语动词 来源:中学学科网   非谓语动词:包括不定式to do,动名词doing,过去分词done及现在分词doing. 动词不定式: 1.作主语或表语。 1) It is hard _____ a high mountain.(climb)   (不定式作主语,常用it作形式主语。) 2) The only way to reach the edge of the forest ___ the narrow dirt path in front of us. A. was to take  B. was to taking C. will take  D. was taken (不定式作表语,常用来说明主语内容。) 2.某些动词后须跟不定式to do作宾语: e.g. afford, agree, decide, demand, offer, determine, hope, expect, wish, happen, fail, manage, desire, long(渴望), plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, intend, seem;…  3.某些动词后须用不定式作宾补v.+n.+to do e.g. advise, allow, permit, forbid, ask, beg, cause, choose, drive(驱使), enable, encourage, expect, wish, force, get, invite, prefer, tell, think,  want, warn, order, require, call on, depend on… 4.动词let, have, make, notice, watch, observe, feel, hear, see, 后用动词原形作宾补. 如改为被动语态,省掉的to要还原。 e.g. I heard Mary sing last night. Mary was heard to sing last night.  5.某些结构后面要用省to的不定式(即动词原形):  would/had rather,  would you please,  had better,  rather than(而不是)   6.不定式作定语时,与其修饰的名词有主谓关系或动宾关系。 e.g. 1) I haven’t decided which hotel ______. A.  to stay  B. to be stayed at C. to stay at  D. for staying  2) The old scientist has been invited to a party _____ next Monday evening. A.  holding B. held C. to be held D. being held  3) Little Betty found __________. A.  with no one to play  B. no one to play with C. no one to be played with  D. no one to play 4) a. Mr Smith is the very doctor ______.   b. Mr Smith is the very doctor for you __. A. to be sent for  B. to send for C. sending for  D. to be sent 7.疑问词+不定式 to do:相当于一个名词从句,常用来作主语,表语,宾语或状语。 e.g. He doesn’t know____ to stay or not. A. if B. either  C. whether  D. if he will  Last summer I took a course on _____. A.  how to make dresses B. how dresses be made C. how to be made dresses D.  how are dresses made  不定式的省略: ---Did your brother go to the party? ---No, but he _______. A. planned it  B. planned to C. planned so D. planned  形容词easy, difficult, hard, fit后的动词不定式用主动形式表被动意义。 e.g. I found the German Language hard _____.A. to be learned B. to learn  C. learned D. learning   动名词doing 1.作主语:动名词表一种抽象的和泛指的概念,而不定式表一次性的,具体的动作。 e.g. Swimming is a good exercise. To swim across that river is possible some day when I grow up.  用在It is no use (good, a waste of time, not an easy task )…和there be no (no use)…结构中。 e.g. It is no good _____ the stable door when  the horse is stolen. A. closing  B. to shut  C. locking D. to lock There is no use ______ him at this hour. A.  to call  B. called  C. to ring  D. calling  2.作宾语:某些动词后只跟动名词作宾语。 admit, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, fancy(爱好), suggest, excuse(原谅), finish, mind, miss, practise, allow,risk(冒险), advise,  give up…  3.有些动词后即可接不定式,又可接动名词,但意义不一样: e.g. remember, forget, regret  +to do 动作未发生 + doing动作已发生 e.g. I remember to post the letter. I remember posting the letter. try to do 尽力做 try doing尝试做 stop to do stop doing mean to do打算做 mean doing意味着做  4.sth. need, require, want + doing某事需要被 e.g. The bike needs repairing. = The bike needs to be repaired. This place is worth traveling hundreds of miles to see.  5.动名词复合结构:(动名词带上自己的逻辑主语) e.g. His/ John’s coming made us happy. (作主语) Do you mind my /me/Mary’s/Mary going to your party? (作宾语)  6.动名词完成式与被动形式: e.g. He didn’t mention having met me.   I apologize for not having kept my promise. Being killed by sharks was a common thing here.   分词 过去分词常表完成的被动动作,而现在分词常表正在进行的主动动作。 ●现在分词 一、现在分词的基本特征:表主动的,进行的,表特征 二、现在分词的用法 ①现在分词作表语,表示主语的特征或和连系动词连用构成进行时态。  The book is interesting.  The present situation is more encouraging than ever before.  The girl is watering the trees. 现在分词作表语一般可以译成“使、令…的” ②现在分词作定语表示所修饰的名词的特征,或修饰名词所做的动作。 单个的现在分词作定语必须前置;现在分词短语则后置。 现在分词短语作定语,相当于一个定语从句,都可以变成一个相应的定语从句。 现在分词作定语所修饰的名词有主谓关系。   He is a promising young man. 他是个大有前途的年轻人。 I have a friend living in London. (=I have a friend who lives in London.) ③现在分词作状语,多用来表示伴随、时间、原因、方式等。现在分词作状语它的逻辑主语是主句的主语。 如果分词表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前,并且已经完成,用现在分词的完成形式。  They stood by the road, reading books.  Having stepped into the cave, Crusoe lit a fire. ④现在分词作宾语补足语,表示动作正在进行,动作是宾语发出的,主动的,多用于使役动词或感官动词之后。  We saw a light burning in the window.  I cant get the clock going again. 现在分词的完成式,否定式,被动形式: e.g. a.Having worked among the workers for many years, he knew them very well. b. Not having received an answer, he decided to write another letter to them. c. Can you see the building being built? d. Having been put into prison, he felt hopeless.   ●过去分词 一、过去分词的基本特征  表被动的、完成的、表状态 二、过去分词的用法 ①过去分词作表语,和连系动词一起表示主语的状态或表示被动语态(动词应是及物动词)。  The glass is broken.  She is quite pleased.  The glass was broken by Li Hua. ②过去分词作定语多表示被动意义和完成意义。动作发生在谓语动词之前。 其前置和特征与现在分词相同。过去分词作定语所修饰的名词有被动关系或系表关系。  He is a man loved by all.  I hate to read letters written in pencil.   ③过去分词作状语与现在分词作状语一样,可以表示伴随、时间、原因、方式等。 过去分词作状语必须注意它表示的动作是该句主语发不出来的或表示主语的状态, 但其逻辑上的主语应是主句的主语。  When (water is ) heated, water changes into steam. ④过去分词作宾补,多表示宾语的状态或被动意义。动作是宾语发不来的。 多用于使役动词、感官动词和like, want, wish, order等表示“希望”“要求”等意义的动词后面。 特别注意“have+宾语+过去分词”这一结构的用法。   I have to have my hair cut.   You should make yourself understood by all.   独立主格结构:在用分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语一般必须与句子主语一致。 如不一致,分词须带上自己的逻辑主语。常表伴随的动作或情况。 e.g. a. He rushed into the classroom, his face covered with sweat. b. Weather permitting, we’ll have an outing tomorrow. c. So many teachers being absent, we decided to put the meeting off. d. His work finished, he prepared to return to his home. e. There are 180 competitors to take part in this game, the youngest being a boy of 10.

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