牛津英语7A unit1 教案

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牛津英语7A unit1 教案

7A unit 1 教案 重点 一、  语法 【1】喜欢做某事 like/love/enjoy doing sth 1.Daniel 喜欢打电脑游戏。  Daniel enjoys playing computer games. 2.Simon 和Allan 不酷爱游泳。 Simon and Allan don’t love swimming. 3. Millie喜欢听音乐吗? Does Millie enjoy listening to music? 【2】二 去做某事 go doing sth 去游泳/唱歌/散步/跑步/购物 go swimming/singing/walking/running/shopping 1.让我们去游泳。  Let’s go swimming. 2. 他妈妈总是在周六去购物。His mother always goes shopping on Saturday. 3. 你爷爷每天早晨去散步吗? Does your grandfather go walking every morning? 【3】 擅长做某事 be good/clever at doing sth 1.我不擅长画画。  I’m not good at drawing. 2. 她擅长唱歌吗? Is she clever at singing? 3.他们不擅长跑步,他们擅长游泳。They are good at running. They are clever at swimming. 【简单的一般现在时】客观存在的事实 目前存在的事 实经常做的事 1、Simple present tense of the verb ‘to be’  I am happy 2、Simple present tense of the verb ‘to do’  I like fish n  I am /am not happy. n  He/She/It is /isn’t happy. n  We/You/They are/aren’t happy. 1、 Remember that we add an ‘s’ to the  verb after ___,___, or __. ( walk-walks)【书14页表格】 实战习题 Liu Xiang enjoys _______ (run). He goes _______ (run) for 3 hours every day. He is also good at ________(sing). 1.Tom ______ (run) every morning.  He _____(be) good at _________ (run). 2.We _______(like) _______(read).  ____(do) you ____(like) _______(read)? 3.My parents ______(go) _________(shop) every Sunday. They ______(love) _________(shop). 4.Daniel and Sandy ______(come) from Beijing. They enjoy ________(live) there. 5.Mr Wu ___________(not like) ________(sit) in his office. He ______(love) _____(do) sports and he ______(be) clever at _______(play) tennis. 二、  自我介绍 Name:  _________________________ Age : _________________________ Class: _________________________ Grade:  _________________________ Birthplace:_______________________ Living place:______________________ Appearance:______________________ Hobbies:  ________________________ Abilities(begood at):_________________ 三、句子转换 1.他们星期天去购物. They go shopping on Sunday. They don’t go shopping on Sunday. Do they go shopping on Sunday? 2.他在工厂上班. He works in a factory. He doesn’t work in a factory. Does he work in a factory? 4.汤姆和杰克放学后喜欢跳舞. Tom and Jack love dancing after school. Tom and Jack don’t love dancing  after school.  Do Tom and Jack love dancing after school?  

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