牛津小学英语5B Unit7 A busy day Part A

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牛津小学英语5B Unit7 A busy day Part A 教案

牛津小学英语5B Unit7 A busy day Part A  Read and say 执教:相城区渭塘实验小学珍珠湖小区  聂庆梅 一、 教学内容: 牛津小学英语5B  Unit7 A busy day Part A  Read and say 二、 教学目标: 1. 学生了解如何用past 和to 来表达时间,会正确地表达本课中出现的时间6:30 , 6:50 , 11:45和 4:15,并且half 和quarter 发音正确。 2. 学生能听懂、会说和会运用本课中出现的句型。 It’s time to / for …. Are you ready for …?  Not yet . You’re  really  busy  today . We need to ….  We can take …with us . Be quick ! 3. 学生会运用所学的句型进行自由的对话,并能做相应的拓展。如:以写信的形式来概述课文。 4. 教会学生懂得去珍惜时间。 三、 教学重点: 1. 单词:half , past , quarter , ready , quick , really , duty 的正确发音。 2. 如何用新的方法来表达时间。 3. 学生会运用本课的新句型进行正确的交流。 四、 教学难点: 1. 当分钟超过半小时之后时,除了用到 to 之外,还要注意在小时上要加上一小时。 2. 本课的口语较多,学生学会如何正确地运用这些口语进行交流。 五、 教学准备: 1. 多媒体课件。 2. 句型卡片。 3. 课前准备好的练习纸。 4. 为奖励学生所准备的小礼物,如:巧克力、糖果、星星等。 六、教学过程: Step1 Warm up 1. Fre talk. T: Hello ,boys and girls . I’m Miss Nie . S: Hello , Miss Nie . T: Nice to see you . S: Nice to see you , too . T: Who’s on duty today ?(出示on duty 这个词组,让学生根据意思来回答教师的问题,如果不行教师可作相应的引导。) S1: I’m on duty today ? T: What day is it today ? S1: It’s …. T: What time is it now ? S: It’s …. T: Yes , it’s time for class . Are you ready for class ? S: Yes . 2. Play a game (1)每组设定半分钟的时间,让学生根据屏幕上的时间进行对话。 What time is it ? /What’s the time ? It’s…. 看哪一组在规定时间里表现的最棒,教师可以用You’re really good !或 You’re really wonderful !等话语来表扬他们。并且在这个小组旁边贴上一颗星。(整堂课教师都可以小组为单位,比较他们的表现,让每一位学生都能为小组的荣誉而努力。在课后,对于表现最好的小组给予奖励。这样课堂气氛会更加活跃的。) (2)在游戏的过程中教师可以根据学生的表现不断地用Be quick ! 来催促学生,用教师的肢体语言和神情让学生了解Be quick ! 的意思并出示。 Step2 presentation and practice 1.教授学生用新的方法来表达时间。(past 超过,to 不到 ,half 半小时,a quarter 一刻钟) (1)点击6:30 ,教授学生如何用past来表达时间 ,还有半小时用half来表示。half past six .重点教授half 和 past 的正确读音。可让学生一个一个来朗读。 (2)举两个例子:7:30 和 10:30, 让学生进行操练。 (3)用同样的方法来教授学生Part A 中出现的另外三个时间。并做相应的拓展。( 6:50 ,  11:45 ,  4:15) 2.Talk about Miss Nie’s timetable . 6:30 get up 6:50 have breakfast 7:00 go to school 8:30 have a class 11:00 have lunch 4:15 clean the classroom 5:00 go home 8:30 watch TV 9:15 go to bed   (1) T: Look ,this is Miss Nie’s timetable . Please talk about it with the drills ?  You can choose one to do it .(教师可作相应的引导,之后再让教学生根据自己的选择来操练) S1: It’s half past six . It’s time to get up . (学生根据表格上的时间和所给的句型来描述老师的一天,其间让学生尽可能的用新方法来表达时间) (2)在学生说到It’s time to have breakfast/ for breakfast . 时,教师问: T:Are you ready for breakfast at ten to seven ? S; Yes ./ No . 这时便可以呈现新句型 Not yet .来教授学生。 (3) 在学生描述的过程中教师不止一次的用Are you ready for …?  Yes / Not yet .来操练。 (4) 当学生说完最后一句:   S:It’s ten past nine . It’s time to go to bed / for bed .   T:  Yes .So , boys and girls . Is Miss Nie busy today ? S: Yes . T: I’m really busy today . (学生理解意思并跟读) 3. T:Miss Nie has a busy day.  David has a busy day , too . Do you want to know something about it ?   S: Yes .   T: OK . Le’s go and see . (1)  学生看屏幕并听录音。让后回答一些问题。 T: Is David ready for breakfast at ten to seven ? S: No. / Not yet . T: What’s for David’s breakfast ? S: Some bread . T: What’s for your breakfast ? S: Bread ,millk ….(教师可以引导学生说) (2)  T: David is really busy in the morning.  How about in the afternoon and at night ?  Let’s listen carefully and try to complete a table .   学生认真地听录音并填表格。   have lunch After lunch     watch a football game 9:00   (3)在学生填完表格之后,教师可以说:After lunch ,David needs to clean the library . At nine o’clock , he needs to do his homework . 从而引出新句型 need to …(需要) 4. Talk about these pictures . (1)出示一张上学的图片,让学生用上面的句型来描述这幅图,之后教师说: T: We need to go to school .  然后出示吃午饭和睡觉的图片让学生操练 We need to …. 这个句型。 (2)出示一张踢足球的图片,让学生说: S:We need to play football . T: Yes . We need to play football .We can take a football with us . 在We need to …. 这个句型后面出示句型 We can take … with us . (3) 再呈现上英语课,放风筝和拍照的图片,让学生来操练We need to …. We can take … with us . 这两个句型。 (4)在这之后教师呈现一个时间At 9:00 pm. 让学生根据这个时间来操练句型。We need to …. 5. 学生齐读课文,在关键的地方教师可以做相应的引导。 Step 3  Consolidation 1.T: At nine o’clock at night , David needs to do his homework , He wants to write a letter to his grandmother . Please look at this letter carefully and try to complete it . Complete the letter. Dear grandma: I have a day today. Im busy from seven in the  to ten at_____. I ____  ___ at half  six, but its late. Theres no time for , so I some bread   ____me. I have lunch at a quarter to twelve. After lunch, I  to clean the library.Then I watch a  game at a quarter past four. At night,I do my homework. Im really busy and Im tired, too. Yours David. 2. T: OK . The letter has finished , but David doesn’t have an envelope .Can you choose one for David ? S:Yes . T: If  you’re  lucky , you can get a big surprise . 学生自己选择自己想要选的信封,教师点击出来。六个信封的内容分别是: A:  Complete the dialogue . Complete the dialogue .(用序号) A: Its   . Are you ready for  ? B: Not yet. A: What time do you ? B: At  . A: Oh. Its late. !   We need to  after that. B: OK.     A.have lunch B.ten to eleven   C.clean the library D.Be quick (快点) E.eleven o’clock  F.lunch B:  You can get a bar of chocolate . C:  Listen to a story . D:  You can get a star . E:  Enjoy a rhyme “A clock”. F: You can get a sweet . (3)  出示句子:Time is life ,please save the time ! 齐读一遍,作为本课的情感目标。 Step 4 Homework 1. Read the dialogue of Part A after class. 2. Talk about your busy day to your classmates .          

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