.4.27 教研活动教案及课后反思-邱瑶瑶

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2010.4.27 教研活动教案及课后反思-邱瑶瑶

PEP  BOOK2  Unit 4  Do you like pears ? Part B Let’s learn & Let’s sing By Qiu Yaoyao  2010.4 Teaching materials: PEP2 Unit4 B Let’s learn & Let’s sing Teaching objectives: 1.Knowledge objectives: a.Ss will be able to listen, speak and read the fruit words: strawberry, grapes,bananas, and apple. And use them freely on daily life. 2.Ability objectives: Ss will be able to talk about fruits what they like or unlike. 3.Emotional objectives: Ss will be more interested in English learning. Teaching important points: Enable Ss to master the 4 new words. Teaching difficult points: Practise talking about the fruits. Teaching aids: CAI  tape recorder  word cards  Teaching procedures: I.Warm-up 1.Let’s do: Hunt like a mouse... 2. Greeting T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Qiu. … 3.Play a Game(火眼金睛) T: Let’s play a game. Look carefully. Let’s see. II. Presentation & interest practice 1. Present strawberry. In the game above, T present strawberry, and teach: strawberry, strawberry. I can see a strawberry. I can see 2 strawberries. CAI show 3/4/5 strawberries and disappear quickly. Ss practice: I can see…strawberries. 2. Prensent grapes. According to the game above, CAI show a bunch of grapes. T: I can see some grapes. T teaches grapes. Practice reading in different students. Then say a tongue twister. 吃grapes ,不吐grapes皮,不吃grapes, 倒吐grapes皮。 T: Do you like grapes? Ss: Yes. 3.Present bananas. CAI shows a monkey. T: Who’s this?  Ss: This is Mr. Monkey. CAI show the sentences: Monkey, monkey, do you like grapes?(Ss read) Monkey: No, no, no! T: What does Mr. Monkey like? Ss… T(M): I like the banana. T teach “banana”, then “bananas”. Ss practice together, then from groups to individuals.  4. Present apple. T shows the word card: strawberry, bananas, and grapes. Ss read. Then T circle them all, and make the circle be an apple, T teach it. Ss practice it like this: a-p-p-l-e apple. III. Consolidation 1.  Let’s say CAI show a cup of juice, then some fruits they have learned just now. T: I like strawberry juice. I don’t like apple juice. What about you? Ss… 2. A talk between monkey and other animals. (Little monkey want to change the apples for bananas ) Monkey: Mouse, mouse. Do you like apples? Mouse: No, I don’t. I like strawberries. Monkey:Ah…Oh! Monkey: Bear, bear. Do you like apples? Bear: No, I don’t. I like pears. Monkey: Ah…Oh. Monkey:Squirrel, squirrel. Do you like apples? Squirrel: Yes, I do. Look! I have 2 bananas. Monkey: Great! Here you are. Squirrel:Thank you. Here you are. V. Homework 1. Read P44 fluently. 2. Do the workbooks on page32 No2. 3. Finish the copy book from page38-39.   课后反思:   在整堂课中,我把四种水果单词,做一不同形式的呈现并进行不同程度的操练后,最终以一个趣味小故事:猴子换物记来运用新单词,并通过这个故事提高学生的综合语言运用能力,以达到能表达个人对水果的喜好。   在呈现完整堂课后,我有了以下几点思考: 1. 合理地引导学生很重要, 由于我在进行其他各个环节时,没有引导好学生成了我这堂课中最大的不足: (1). 操练部分体现不出意义操练,在意义操练时还是没有放手让学生去做,也正是由于学生根本没有动机去做这样的意义操练。我在出示各种水果时,让学生输出自己喜欢的果汁,学生没能输出,而是还停留在机械的造句当中,未达到语言的真正运用。 (2).在故事表演“猴子换物记”中,也是引导不够。在展示完这个故事后,应该先由四人小组合作,将这个故事演出来,然后再做汇报表演。 2. 对于单词”grapes”的处理不够合理。因为很少有表达”a grape”的,对于难一点的”a bunch of grapes”,学生说起来困难,不好花时间解释,因此对于这样的知识点,应该尽量避免。 3. 最后巩固环节设计的故事学生参与度不广,也就是在设计活动时,对游戏的目的性和有效性考虑得还不够。或许可以由学生在底下先操练够,避免出现后来的照着屏幕文本表演。    

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