《What can you do ?》第三课时教案

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《What can you do ?》第三课时教案

《What can you do ?》第三课时教案 教学目标: (1)认知目标:能听说读写句子: What can you do?I can sweep the floor.能听说认读句子:Mother goat is ill.We can help. Just deo it. (2)能力目标:能在所适合的实际交际中熟练运用。 (3 ) 情感目标:增强学生生活的自理能力,培养学生热爱父母、热爱劳动、乐于助人的良好品质。 教学重难点  重点是能熟练运用句型What can you do?I can … 难点是能正确熟练地使用What can you do?I can …。 教学用具: 1  Pictures of Read and write 2  Recorder and tape重点句型 教学步骤 1 Warm up (1)Let s chant--- Dog, dog, what can you do? (2)Free talk: 复习上节对话(表演) ------在 “应聘家政服务员” 环节中运用重点句型What can you do?I can…. 2 Preview  情景设置:“clean the classroom” T:Look, ourclassroom.Let’s clean it .What can you do?引导学生来回答。在其中引导学生学说wash the  windows 和初步感知just do it 3 Presentation  Read and write (1) Look at the picture of Read and write. Show the pictures ,让学生认识Mother Goat 。之后,借助体式语让学生理解ill.T: Look! This is Mother Goat. She s ill. Let s help her. What can you do? Ss answer.(此让学生感知和运用Let me help her.) (2) T: Mother Goat is ill. Zoom, Zip, the monkey and the rabbit are helping her. Theyre helpful. What can the monkey do? What can the rabbit do? Listen and answer. (3) 出示对话,其中空有关键的句子和新学的单词和表达,过程如下: Listen and fill.在其中引导学生学习其中难点.如“We can help her. ” “Just do it”------完成练习------听读和跟读------分角色朗读,依次进行。 (4)Show the paper,finish and act: 内容: Chen Jie:I’m ill. Sarah:We can help yuou. Chen Jie:What can you do? Jim:I can …. Zhang Peng:I can …. Chen Jie:What can you do,Mike? Mike:I can wash the clothes. Chen Jie:OK!....Thank you.You’re helpful. 4 Consolidation and extension (1)Say the chant on page44 (3)Listen to the tape. Repeat after it. 5 Homework  Make a dialogue like this lesson. 要求:模仿对话编对话,用句型“What can you do?I can …”写出自己能帮助父母所做的事情。

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