
时间:2023-04-25 20:11:54 教案 我要投稿
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小学六年级英语语法复习课教案 一、教学目标:   1、知识目标:复习巩固动词的三种时态:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时。 2、能力目标:能正确运用不同的时态说句子,锻炼学生的综合语言运用能力。 3、情感目标:培养学生在活动中的合作精神,让学生在活动中体验成功。 二、教学重难点: 能正确区分三种时态的正确用法以及能够在实际生活中灵活运用。  三、板书设计: (一般现在时)  (一般过去时)  (一般将来时)   usually  yesterday tomorrow (一)I usually read books. (last night/last weekend )  (tonight/this weekend)   sometimes play …  went  (一)be going to﹢动原 (二)You … watch TV .  (特殊) bought  I am going to swim… (复)They often …  was …   You are going to … (三)  (单)He/She goes… (一般) watched  They are going to … Plays… rowed… He/She is going to … 四、教学过程:  (二)will﹢动原 Step1 : Review the present indefinite tense(一般现在时) T : Today Let’s review something that we’ve learned . You know I usually read books at home . Sometimes I play with my son .(板书)Now I want to know what do you usually do at home ? S1/S2/S3 : I usually …(生答,师板书) T : What does your mother/father usually do at home ? S1/S2/S3 : My mother/father usually… at home .  (生答,师板书并用红笔标出动词的三单形式) T : what do they often do in the evening ? S1/S2/S3 : They often …in the evening . (生答,师板书) T : Let’s read these sentences . S : T : Who can make a summary about this part ?   Why do the verbs plus “s” or “es” ? (生小结一般现在时) T : Ok, now Let’s ask your partner and finish the chart, then tell us in class . Name Activity(at home)     Step2 : Review the past indefinite tense (一般过去时) T:Yesterday I went to Tangshan. I bought some food and clothes for my son . then I rowed a boat . I was very happy .(板书动词过去式)Who can tell me what did you do yesterday /last night /last weekend? S1/S2/S3 : I watched TV yesterday . (分类板书动词过去式) T : Please read after me .   Who can make a summary about this part . (生小结一般过去时) T: Ok, now Let’s ask your partner and finish the chart, then tell us in class . Name  Time Yesterday Last night Last weekend         Step3 : Review the future indefinite tense (一般将来时) T : Listen to me. I feel very hot . I am going to swim in the swimming pool tomorrow. Suppose tomorrow is Sunday .What are you going to do tomorrow ? S1/S2/S3 : I am going to …tomorrow .(板书) T : What is your father/mother going to do this weekend? S1/S2/S3 : My father/mother is going to…this weekend. (板书) T: What are they going to do this weekend ? S1/S2/S3 : They are going to …this weekend . (板书) T : Who can make a summary about this part .(师板书:be going to﹢动原) (生小结一般将来时) T: Ok, now Let’s ask your partner and finish the chart, then tell us in class . Name  Time Tomorrow This weekend This summer holiday         T : (做补充)“will”在一般情况下可替换“be going to”  例如: I am going toswim tomorrow .  可写成:I will swim tomorrow. Step4 :综合练习 1、 Make dialogues(编对话) A: What do you usually do …?  B: I usually … A: What did you do …? B: I … A: What are you going to do…?  B: I am going to…  2、Exercises paper: 3、Comprehension(阅读理解) Step5 :结束课堂教学