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英语渗透环保教案 Unit4  SectionB教学设计 申庄中学:俎金美教学目标 1、能够听、说、认读本课时主要句型:What’s the weather like in Beijing ?How about New York ? 2、能够分角色朗读对话。 3、了解世界几个主要城市的天气特点。 4、了解环境污染对气候会造成严重影响,培养学生从小树立环保意识。教学重点:句型:What’s the weather like in Beijing?  How about New York? 教学难点:What are you doing?  What’s the matter? 的表达;I have to …的含义教具准备:  Let’s talk (B)部分的课件和录音。  教学前一天的世界城市天气预报录像。 单词卡片:sunny、rainy、windy、snowy、cloudy、cool、warm、hot、cold。天气预报员牌子  Let’s check的录音。教学过程:一、Warm-up /revision 1.Daily talk. T: Look it’s sunny, do you like sunny day? Why?  S: yes , because it’s warm. I can wear… 设计意图:谈论天气导入,吻合主题自然引入,使学生有机会表达自己的喜好,在授课一开始,就感受他们才是今天的主角,把学生放在真正的学习本位上。 2.let’s do P49 3.review words & phrases look at the picture and say and do put on your sunglasses, put on your boots, take your raincoat, open up your umbrella, water the flowers, eat some noodles, hand in the homework, play football drink some milk, have some chicken, eat some rice, jump and run, read and write, sing and dance, put on your T-shirt, hang up your shirt, take off your jacket, fold your dress, put away your sweater. Open the door, close the window, read a book. 设计意图:快速反应,将学生以最快速度带入英语思维,充分的动作反应既带动了课堂气氛,又温习了旧知。二、Presentation 1.Teach “What’s the matter?  I have to … What are you doing?” T: What are you doing now?指着一名读书的小朋友问?并引导回答 I’m reading. 出示一幅图:街边一群小孩百无聊赖地聊着。 T:(自问自答)What are they doing? Not much! (出示中文意思提示。) 学生扮演两个谈话的人,学习使用What are you doing? Not much! 2. Teach “what’s the matter? It’s … I have to …” 事先让一学生扮演很热的状态。 T:what’s the matter? Are you hot? S: Yes, I’ m hot. T: I’m hot, too. You have to take off your jacket. 出示各类图片,引导学生用I have to…回答。 Rainy, open up your umbrella ;  sunny, can’t open eyes, put on the sunglasses Snowy, put on the sweater;  windy, hold on  to your hat. Cloudy,  take the raincoat or umbrella. The T-shirt is dirty, wash the t-shirt. Desk work. 一生问,一生抽卡片回答。表演。 3. Listen and answer.P52 Check and say. 3. Teach “What’s the weather like in…? It’s 合上书本比赛记忆力。 T: What’s the weather like in…? It’s学习这个问句。教师示范时,可引出句子how about …? Make a telephone call to the 96121: T: Hello! Here is the world/Chinese weather. Can I help you? S: Hi, yes please! What’s the weather like in… T: it’s … S: thank you! 请一优生做预报员。 S: Hello! Here is the world/Chinese weather. Can I help you? T: Hi, yes please! What’s the weather like in… S: it’s … T: How about… S: it’s … T: thank you! 一个扮演气象员。其他同学可举手询问天气。 4.Teach the dialogue, read after the tape,act in groups. 5.let’s find out Look and tick Introduce. It’s snowy. Let’s make a snowman. 6.看图编对话/抽卡片说天气前者针对基优者,后者针对一般水平者。 Homework: 1. read and act the dialogue 2. make a telephone call to friend










