9A Unit3 Welcome 教案

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9A Unit3 Welcome 教案

Unit3 Teenage problems Comic trip and Welcome to the unit 教学目标 1. 使学生学会生活中一些基本问题的表达 2. 通过拓展学习,使学生对问题的种类和程度进一步了解,并产生强烈的解决意愿 教学内容 四会内容 词汇:   disturb  mad  communication 词组: get fat try more exercise feel tired   drive me mad  feel lonely 句型: It’s unhealthy for you to eat too much. 三会内容   词汇:   teenage 教学准备 1. 投影仪;ppt 2. 录音机 教学过程 step1 导入   老师说:I m very happy today , beause I … are you happy today (yes, … are you happy every day?)直到问出学生不是每天都高兴,然后就问为什么?   老师引导同学们谈自己烦恼,并适时教授部分单词 disturb, friends, homework, noise, parents, sleep 等,并板书。同时把同学们的烦恼写在黑板上。   老师展示一个调查需求,问同学们:Which do you think is the biggest problem on the blackboard? 这里要举手表决,节省时间。 Step 2 呈现 老师展示43页上的图片说:Today I will show you some pictures of the students in Class 1, Grade 9. Can you tell me their problems? 这里通过描述图片可以让学生利用一下刚学过的词并教部分未教过的词。如:communication 这里也可以训练同学们寻找图片信息的能力。 step3 练习 老师说:We have some sentences under each picture on Page 43 Can you finish them now? 1. I don’t get enough ________. I feel tired in class. 2. I don’t have enough time to do my __________. 3. The TV is always on at my home. The ________  almost drives me mad. 4. I don’t have any close __________ to talk to. Sometimes, I feel lonely. 5My cousin always makes a lot of noise and _________ me when I’m studying. 6. My ___________ work all day. They don’t have   time for me. 同学们自主完成填空,并以问答的方式想班级展示答案。老师同时在多媒体上给出答案。 Step4 Discussion 老师说:Now, we know more problems. In Part B you can see all of them Can you discuss in groups and write 1----5 next to each problem then tell us your idea? 学生说原因非常重要,但,老师不要让学生讨论怎么解决,本节课就是提出问题,引起兴趣。 老师可以说:Ok, In the following lessons we will find more students who have the same problems with us. At the same time, we will find ways to solve our problems. Step 5 呈现 老师说:You ‘v e done a good job.  You know that everyone has there problems. Then,  how about our old friend Eddie. Let’s listen to the tape and answer the questions. 1. What’s Eddie’s problem? 2. What’s Hobo’s advice?(建议) 3. What’s Eddie’s new problem? 这一步将对话处理成听力,因为它比较简单。 Step 6 练习 1. 老师播放录音,学生跟读并进行分角色朗读。 2. 老师说:We have read the story. But how much have you remembered. Please fill in the blanks about the story. Eddies tells hobo that he _____  _____ a problem. He is ____ _____ . Hobo has a look at his stomach and tells him that it’s unhealthy ____ him __ _____ too much. Hobo also tells him __ _____ more _______. But this time Hobo plays a trick on Eddie again. Poor Eddie. 通过这一步来强调一部分知识点。 3. 学生表演对话,并加入自己的语言。 家庭作业 1. Read the dialogue 2. Remember the words and useful expressions