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Module 6 Unit 1 I bought you this book. Teaching aims and demands: 1. Words: baseball 棒球 team 队、组 (master) 2. Phrases: playing baseball  打棒球   give it to you  把它给你   baseball team 棒球队   looks interesting  看起来有趣  (master) 3 Main sentence patterns: 1) I bought you this book. 2) It looks interesting. 3) Who gave it to you? 4) Simon’s family gave it to me. (Master) 4 Grammar: The form about the past tense. Function: Give and receive the presents. (掌握动词过去时的几种不同构成形式及关键词,并会使用) Use the task: 1 SB Unit1 Part3 and 4 2 AB Unit1 Exercises 1-4 Tools: tape, pictures and word cards Teaching steps: Step 1 Warmer and revision 1 Sing a song. 1 Give the task (布置自学任务) 2 Show in class (课堂展示) 1) Write the new words on the Bb. (Read and learn together) 2) Write down the main sentence patterns you don’t know: I bought you this book about America. It’s looks interesting. It’s for playing baseball. Simon’s family gave it to me. But you can have this one. 3 Play the tape. Listen and read the text. 4 Explain the knowledge.(知识讲解) 1)  动词的过去时构成 一般是在动词末尾+ed 如:played, watched. 特殊的类型主要有如下一些词形的变化,如: ride---rode  win---won  drink---drank  eat---ate  is---was  go---went  see---saw  buy---bought  give---gave 2) 句型:给某人买东西有两种形式: 主+bought +宾语 + 物品 I bought you this book about China.  主+bought + 物品+ for+宾语 I bought this book about China for you. Homework and summary 1 Do Exercise 1-2. 2 Read the dialogues in Unit 1. 3 Learn Unit 2 Design: Unit 1 I bought you this book. I bought you this book. 2) It looks interesting. 3) Who gave it to you?   4) Simon’s family gave it to me. Module 6 Unit 2 What’s it about? Teaching aims and demands Words and phases: took 带着, sent 发送, spaceship 宇宙飞船, even 甚至, space 宇宙, Russia 俄罗斯, bicycle 自行车, American spaceship 俄罗斯的宇宙飞船, took into带…进入 send … into把…发送进入…… looks interesting看起来有趣 went away走开 Main sentence patterns: What’s it about? Russia sent the first animal into space.  I bought her a bicycle. Teaching point: talk about past tense. Using bought, took and sent. Function: talk about the present. Teaching steps: Step l Warm up and revision   1. Sing a song “What do you want to eat?”   2. Give out the past tense.  如:go----went. go  buy give  eat  is  am  see  watch  win  ride   3. Act out the dialogues on Page 22 in book 8. (及时鼓励与强化训练,并给予指导) Step 2 Presentation   1. Give  the  task :  (应在前一节课结束时布置任务)   ① Find out the new words   ② Listen and read the text ③ Find out the main sentence patterns ④ Try to introduce your gift 2. Show in class. 1) Write the new words on the blackboard and read 2) Read and write down the main sentence patterns   Russia sent the first animal into space   I bought her a bicycle   What’s it about?   It’s about animals: (Read together) 4)  Do  a  “ gift  show “ one  by  one 3. Explain the knowledge.   1)句子开头的字母要大写,关于国家,民族和语言的词开头字母也大写,如:Russia  China   2)bought  是买的过去式 took  是take的过去式  sent  是  send 的过去式 4. Look and listen for “bought, took, and sent”  Listen and read four times.  Then act out the dialogues in pairs  5.Talk  about  the  books  on  page  24. (也可用实物练习)   For example: A. This book looks interesting.   B. Whats it about?   C. Its about animals. Homework: 1.  Write and read the new words. 2.  Do Exercise. 1----6 Designs: Unit 2 What’s it about? What’s it about? Russia sent the first animal into space. I bought her a bicycle. Module 7 Unit 1 Shenzhou V flew into space. Teaching objectives 1. words and phrase: flew  became  spent  hour  son  proud fly -- flew become -- became  spend -- spent see -- saw make -- made 书写单词: 2.  sentences: A: Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei. B: Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one in space. C: He made a video and now he is very famous. Grammar: 一般过去时态及动词的不规则变化。 Teaching properties:  tape-recorder  Cards pictures Teaching procedures:   A: sing   B: Free  talk:讲述过去发生的事情。 C: New concepts: 1. warm-up T:Good morning, girls and boys. Ss: Good morning, Ms fan. 教师向学生展示一张杨利伟的照片,向学生提问:“ Who is he? What do you know about him?” 教师再向学生展示:“神舟五号”的照片,请学生们互相讨论自己所了解的知识。 2.Listen to the tape.  教师放录音,学生听课文介绍杨利伟和神舟五号的故事。并解释几个不规则动词的变化。   fly -- flew become -- became  spend -- spent 以及其它几个词的过去式。 3.Practice  Do more oral exercises and the activity book. Summery:总结本课的重,难点及三会单词。 Homework:   用学过的不规则动词能够造几个简单的英语句子;用英语向父母讲述杨利伟和神舟五号的故事。 Designs:   Unit 1 Shenzhou V flew into space. Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei. Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one in space. He made a video and now he is very famous.                     Module 7 Unit 2 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.   一、Teaching Objectives:   1、Words and phrases: flew became spent hour son proud pilot   2、Sentences:   He spent about twenty-one hours in space.   My mother and I saw my father on TV.   I went to the airport.   We ate in the restaurant.   3、Grammar: The simple past tense  二、Teaching prosperities: cards pictures Tape-recorder  三、Teaching procedures: A: Songs: Say a chant: My sister said B: Free talk: Talk about Shenzhou V C: New Concepts:   1、Warmer:  a: Greeting: b: Act out the dialogue in Unit 1 2、Leading: 老师总结学生的描述后自己说三个句子:He came from Liaoning. He spent about twenty-one hours in space. He traveled into space. 提问 Who is he? 引导学生猜出答案,然后说:“Yes , you are right. He is Yang Liwei.” 用这个方法来做一个游戏,每人说三句话,然后请其他人猜测描述的是谁,或是什么地方? 3、Text teaching : a. T: Show the pictures on the blackboard. Play the tape and have the students look and listen. b. Ss: Listen and underline the new words. Try to read c. T: Explain the new words and the sentences. 了解单词的缩写和完全形式   cm = centimetre km = kilometre  d. 让学生在课文中找出动词的过去式,如,go (went), see (saw), eat (ate), 老师板书将学生分成两组,一组说原形,一组说过去式,展开游戏,看哪组反应快。 e.Do the practice 1 and 2 f. Learn the poem. 4、Practice.   1).Game:Where did I go? 2). Do the exercise 1 and 2 of the student’s book. 5、Summary. 6、Homework: 写出生词和动词的过去式,设计并制作自己的宇宙飞船,并到学校展示给同学。   Designs:   Unit 2 He spent about twenty-one hours in space. He spent about twenty-one hours in space. My mother and I saw my father on TV. I went to the airport. We ate in the restaurant.     Module 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller Teaching Objectives: 1.  Words and Phrase: born  child  as later drew  letter  herself  all over  world mode 2.  Sentences: Helen Keller became blind and deaf. She couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear.  Later she could read and write. She wrote a book about herself. Teaching Properties: Tape-recorder, cards, pictures Teaching Procedures: A: Song: look up at the spaceship B: Free talk: What did you do at the weekend? C: New Concepts 一. 把全班分为A,B两队,老师准备一些图片,其中包括蒙眼写字,塞耳听录音的图片,为的是能让学生体验Helen Keller的艰难。一名学生出示图片另一名学生用can/can’t造句 S1: 出示图片 S2


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