高二英语牛津版选修7unit 1 living with technol

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高二英语牛津版选修7unit 1 living with technology教案

Unit 1 Living with technology   Welcome to the unit---教案 Teaching goals: Ability goals: Enable students to talk about technology and  get information Learning ability goals: Help the students learn how to talk about the electronic technology Teaching important points: How to talk about technology Teaching difficult points: How to make a description on the effects of the technology on our lives. Teaching methods: Speaking , discussion and pair work. Teaching aids: A computer , a tape recorder and a project. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Brainstorming What electrical and electronic products do you have at home? Step 2. picture description 1. Ask students to talk about the four pictures.. 2. Explain some words and sentences. Which do you think is the most important? Why? Is there anything that you don’t think is useful? Technological developments in the last few decades have been breathing. Look at the pictures below  and describe what you see. Step 3. Discussion Now work in pairs and have a discussion about these questions and the pictures. Do you think these things has made our convenient or have  they made simple things more complicated? What do you think life would be like without these products? With people’s hard work and intelligence, human beings own lots of useful and handy electric and electronic devices. These devices do make us save a lot of time and energy.  Besides, they free us from heavy housework. But we should not depend completely on them. We human beings should make reasonable use of them so that we can relax ourselves and find pleasure and happiness in our life. Step 4 Homework Write a composition about advantages and disadvantages of technology and preview reading. 更多精彩;英语教师网 英语教师网论坛http://bbs.ewteacher.com

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