九年级英语牛津9B Unit 2 Robots Period 8 Pr

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九年级英语牛津9B Unit 2 Robots Period 8 Pronunciation学教案

  9B Unit 2 Robots  Period 8 Pronunciation   日期:2010年3月 一、学习目标: 1 了解重读在句子中的使用。 2 根据重读位置的不同,辨别一个句子的不同含义。 3 在一个句子当中重读适当的单词。 4 根据重读单词选择一个句子的正确含义。 二、学习过程 课前准备: 1在文中划出新词汇,试着读一读并在括号里写出其中文含义。 词汇:highlight( ) 在括号内试着写出这个单词的汉语意思。 2当我们说话时,可以重读一句话中不同的单词。重读的单词不同,句子的意思就不同。 *The dog ate four tins of beans yesterday. ( 是狗吃了豆子,而不是其他动物) * The dog ate four tins of beans yesterday. (狗吃掉豆子罐子数是4,而不是其他数字) * The dog ate four tins of beans yesterday. (在罐子里装的是豆子,而不是其他食物) * The dog ate four tins of beans yesterday. (狗是昨天吃的豆子,而不是其他时候) 3思考并回答下列问题:  Who ate four tins of beans yesterday?  ______________________________  How many tins of beans did the dog eat yesterday?  _________________________________________  What did the dog eat four tins of yesterday?  ___________________________________  When did the dog eat four tins of beans ? __________________________________ 3通过预习,你还有哪些疑问? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 课堂活动 1 以较慢的速度清晰地把3个例句读给学生听。学生重复,注意哪些单词重读。 2 分组互相朗读句子,粗体的单词要重读。 3 分组朗读B部分的两个句子,分别重读单词robot和Daniel. 4 分组讨论Part B,组内先朗读每句话下的a,b,c三点,然后圈出代表每句话正确含义的字母代号。 5 让两个学生读出答案,如果学生不理解这些答案为什么正确,鼓励他们举手提问。 当堂检测 读下面的句子,圈出代表每句话正确含义的字母代号。 1 Sandy is painting a picture of the Great Wall.   a What is Sandy doing?   b Who is painting a picture of the Great Wall?   c What is Sandy painting a picture of? 2 My dog likes to go to the park on rainy days.   a Who like to go to the park on rainy days?   b Where does your dog like to go on rainy days?   c When does your dog like to go to the park? 3 I did my English homework yesterday.   a What did you do yesterday?   b Which homework did you do yesterday?   c When did you do your English homework? 4 We went to Singapore for our holiday last year.   a Who went to Singapore for their holiday last year?   b Where did you go for your holiday last year?   c When did you go to Singapore for your holiday? 5 May phoned Tom about the party.   a Who phoned Tom about the party?   b Who did May phone about the party?   c What did May phone Tom about? 6 You can buy postcards at the stationery shop.   a What can you buy at the stationery shop?   b Where can we buy postcards?   c What kind of shop sells postcards? 三、学习收获 通过这一课的学习,你学到了哪些知识? 课后反思: 通过本课学习,你又有什么新发现?   _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   更多精彩;英语教师网 英语教师网论坛http://bbs.ewteacher.com  

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