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Unit 4 Amazing things Part 1: Teaching design 第一部分 教学设计 Unit goals ● Learn about interesting facts and strange things about nature, people and animals, especially about animals. Make sure the students can speak or write about some amazing things.  ● Learn to use adjectives to describe degree of feelings of likes and dislikes. Recognize exclamations and use ‘What ’and ‘How’ to express strong feeling. ● Learn to talk about possessions, using possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns. Learn to use apostrophe with ‘s’ to show possession.   Vocabulary amazing, bright, strange, usual, unusual, frightened, weak, following, soft, last, crazy, few, early, hard-working, poisonous, excited, black-and-white, yesterday, carefully, later, even, ago, however, once, travel, sneeze, hear, happen, search, kick, dislike, practice, bark, die, appear, weigh, lay, remember, decide, name, invent, Earth, noon, rocket, elephant, tiptoe, plant, lightning, ghost, whisper, bush, noise, reporter, stone, can, cartoon, guide, introduction, pity, dodo, frog, dinosaur, scientist, kilogram, grass, baby, ant, camel, giraffe, tortoise, bone, neck, eyelid, word, goldfish, second, weight, sandwich, piece, scarf, cigarette, star, history, dish, without, during, over, anybody, nobody, everything, himself, UFO Expressions 1. Come on, Eiddie. It’s just a plane. 2. Look at its brigh light. 3. A man in the USA was 2.72 meters tall. 4. You can’t sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time. 5. Elephants walk on tiptoe. 6. As usual, they sat under the tree. 7. Suddenly, they heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree. 8. They turned around but could not see anything unusual. 9. People in the center would take care of it. 10. Sion is crazy about football. 11. Sandy is fond of music. 12. He barks at anyone who wake him up. Structures 1. It takes about three days to travel from Earth to the moon by rocket. 2. Fish sleep with their eyes open. 3. There’s no plant life without lightning. 4. Isn’t that interesting?  Yes, it is. 5. He was now sure the sound came from the bushes. 6. There were so many amazing things in the museum. 7. The last ones died more than 60 million years ago. 8. my father found it interesting too. 9. It’s also interesting to know that each eye of a camel has three. 10. Let me go with you then. Period 1 Comic Strip + Welcome to the unit Teaching goals ● To introduce students to unusual phenomena and events ● To use adjectives to describe feelings and opinions Teaching procedures Step 1 Presentation (The teacher can present a picture which can make the students feel amazed, such as an advertisement about a pair of very huge shoes.) Ask: Look at this picture. How do you feel when you see such big shoes? The world around us is full of amazing things. (on the blackboard) What do you usually see in museum? What do you think you will see in the Funny world museum? (Ask the students to use their heads and answer the questions.) (The teacher shows the pictures on P61 Part A to the students one by one. Teach the new words and phrases according to the pictures.) What can you see in the picture 1? I can see… (Present the new words and phrases: lightning, plant life, rocket, from Earth to the moon, at the same time, elephants, walk on tiptoe, with eyes open) Step 2 Consolidation Ask the students to fill in the blanks. 1. It takes about three days to ________ from ________ to the ________ by rocket. 2. A man in the ________ was 2.72 meters tall. 3. Fish sleep with their eyes ________. 4. You cannot ________ and keep your eyes open at the same time. 5. ________ walk on tiptoe. 6. There is no ________ life ________ lightning. Step 3 Practicing Divide the class into pairs. A: What can you see in the picture? B: I can see… A: Do you know that …? B: Oh, really? A: Isn’t that interesting?  B: Yes, it is. (Let the students read the words, expressions and sentences correctly by practicing the dialogue.) Step 4 Presentation One day, Eddie and Hobo both saw a strange thing, what is it? Let’s look at the picture. (The teacher presents the pictures to the students.) Eddie and hobo are talking about something strange in the sky. Let’s look at he pictures and try to talk about these pictures. Step 5 Listening Play the tape of comic strip. Before listening, ask a question: What are Eddie and hobo talking about? (A strange thing.) Listen again. Try to answer the following questions: 1. Where’s Eddie? What does he see? 2. What does Eddie think of the strange thing? What’s hobo’s idea? 3. Why does Eddie think it’s a UFO?  4. Why does Eddie think it’s not a plane? Step 6 Practicing 1. Read the dialogue 2. Act it out. Step 7 Summary Today we have learned some amazing things. Try to find more amazing things around you. Then tell the other students. Step 8 Consolidation exercises Translation 1. 乘火车从南京到上海旅行大约需花四个小时左右。(It takes about four hours from Nanjing to Shanghai by train.) 2. 鱼睁着眼睡觉吗?(Do fish sleep with eyes open?) 3. 你不能做作业的同时听音乐。(You can’t do your homework and listen to the music at the same time.) 4. 他经常不吃早饭就去上学。(He often goes to school without breakfast.) 5. 难道那头大象不好玩吗?不,我认为它很好玩。(Isn’t that elephant interesting? Yes, I think it’s interesting. )  6. 那是什么?那仅仅只是飞机的光而已。(What’s that? It’s only the light of the plane.) Step 9 Homework 1. Revise today’s phrases. 2. Write down ten amazing things on the notebook. 3. Read and recite the dialogue. Period 2 Reading (I) Teaching goals ● To introduce the style of the ghost story ● To identify specific meaning by scanning the text ● To predict meaning of specific words from context ● To summarize key points of a story by sequencing statements ● To identify key events and infer general meaning Teaching Procedures Step 1 Revision Say some amazing things in the world or have a dictation. 1. There’s no plant life without lightning. 2. It takes about three days to travel from Earth to the moon by rocket. 3. You can’t sneeze and keep eyes open at the same time. 4. A man in the USA was 2.72meters tall. 5. Elephants walk on tiptoes. 6. Fish sleep with their eye open. Step 2 Presentation Did you meet any strange (not usual or unusual) things in the past? If you walk in the park by yourself at night, and suddenly you hear the soft noise (whisper), how do you feel? I feel very afraid (frightened). You often like ghost stories. Some of you even like making up ghost stories. It is not uncommon that places are rumoured to be haunted as a result. You know Millie and Amy are good friends. They love to chat with each other in the park. One day, when they sat under the tree as usual, something happened. Open your book and turn to page 62. Read the passage as soon as you can. Try to answer the following questions: Was there a real ghost in the park? What was it? Let the students know the meaning of the new words and phrases according to the context. (weak, take care of, the following Sunday…) Step 3 Listening Play the tape. After listening, finish Part B1, and then check the answers: (c b a c a b) Listen to the tape again. After listening, finish Part C2, and then check the answers: (4 7 1 2 3 6 5) Step 4 Reading Read the text after the tape. After reading, do some ‘T / F’ questions. 1. Millie and Amy loved to chat in Sunshine Park. (T) 2. One day, they saw something unusual, they were frightened.  (F) 3. Millie told Amdy that they heard the strange noise, and then thought there was a ghost. (T) 4. Andy wasn’t frightened, and then he found a weak dog from the bushes. (F) 5. Milie took the weak cat home because she wanted to take care of it. (F) 6. Millie and Amy didn’t go to Sunshine Park any more. (F) Then Read the passage again, and finish the exercise on P64 Part C2 ( 4, 7, 1, 2



牛津小学英语3B Unit7教案04-28







