外研版七年级下学期Revision module A教案

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外研版七年级下学期Revision module A教案

一、 教学目标: 本模块为复习模块,目的是对前六个模块中的语言知识、语法知识等进行归纳总结,对所学听、说、读、写技能做进一步的综合训练,以达到检测评估的目的。虽然复习课中正式教学的成分会有所加大,但还必须照顾到交际性,以激发学生的学习兴趣。 二、 教学过程: 一、Grammar: 一)周末计划 1、 Make a questionnaire. Write questions. Use going to and the following words. (Activity1) 2、 Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Write your partner’s answers in the questionnaire. (Activity2) 3、 Work with a different partner. Ask and answer about your first partner. (Activity3)  二)未来畅想 1、Write sentences about the future. (Activity4) 本活动要求学生独立完成,根据自己的想象,用将来时把所给单词或词组组成完整的句子。 2、  Work in pairs. Ask about your partner’s sentences in Activity4 (Activity5) 本活动是在上一活动的基础上联系一般将来时态的问答方式,让学生两两对话练习。 语法比较: 通过上面的两个活动让学生以小组为单位比较一下be going to 和will 的用法,包括句法结构和用法上的差别,然后教师总结概括。 三) 情景本位应用: 1、Complete the sentences and say what Tony’s family are doing. (Activity6) Then use the words to write questions。 2、Write sentences with the words in brackets. 二、 Vocabulary 1、 字谜: 1) Do the crossword. Write the words with the opposite meanings. (Activity9) 本活动采用竞赛的方式四人一组看看哪一组的学生先完成。 2) Find the words.(Activity10)  本活动采用个体竞赛的方式进行,调动学生的积极性。 3) Find the words with the help of the picture.(Activity11) 2、 Put the words into two groups.(Activity 12) 本活动有助于训练学生的认知域学习方式。根据学生的情况采取小组活动的方式。 3、 Match the words in List A with those in List B. (Activity 13) 本活动有助于培养学生的搭配策略意识。同时为了增加活动的难度让学生根据所搭配的短语写出一段话。 三、 Listening (Activities 14 and 15) 1、 Listen and check(√)what Lingling and Tony are going to do. (Activity14) 2、 Listen again and say when they are going to do these things.(Activity 15) 四、 Reading and writing ( Activities 16,17 and 18) 1、 Complete the passage with these words.(Activity 16) 为了达到阅读理解的目的,在完形填空的基础上设计了一些理解性的活动: 判断正误: 1)  Shops decorate their windows with Christmas lights before Christmas. 2)  People buy Christmas trees for their friends. 3)  Many people send e-cards at Christmas. 4)  People often put the Christmas presents for children on the table. 回答问题: 1)  How do shops decorate their window? 2)  What do people buy at Christmas? 3)  Why do many people send e-cards? 4)  Why do people put paper around the presents? 2、 Complete the sentences with and or but. (Activity 17) 3、 Work in pairs and discuss the questions.(Activity 18) Homework: 从前面学习的六个模块中找出自己认为很重要短语和句子,小组互相交流。

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