
时间:2023-04-25 17:53:50 教案 我要投稿
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高三英语看图作文讲评2   试题:根据下列六幅图所反映的内容,结合写作提示,以“Changes In Our Life”为题写一篇 120左右的短文 写作要点提示:过去寄信、听收音机、住房拥挤 现在打电话、看电视、住房宽敞    设想一下图中所反映的过去到现在的变化就发生在你的家里。图中人物就是你、你的父母。还要讲明变化的大体时间(可根据常识) 一、提炼要点 1、与外界联系方式上的变化 过去:父辈寄信与别人联系 现在:我们可以在家里打电话与别人联系 2、获取信息方面的变化 过去:父辈听收音机获取信息 现在:我们看电视获取信息 3、居住条件方面的变化 过去:父辈结婚时住在一间挤满家具的小房间里 现在:我们已经搬进了两层楼的楼房里了(可以设想) 总结点题:过去二十年的变化给我们带来了什么(可以设想) 二、简要译出要点 1.In the past my parents got in touch with others by sending letters but now we can get in touch with others over the telephone at home. 2.In the past my parents listened to the radio for news and other information,but now we can get much news and information by watching TV. 3.In the past when my parents got married about twenty years ago,they had to live in a small room crowded with furniture, but now we have moved into a two-storeyed building with quite a few rooms inside it. 4.In short,changes in our life in the past twenty years have brought us a lot of happiness and convenience. 三、增加要点 Over the past twenty years or so, great changes have taken place in our life. Take my family for example. Another big change is that our housing conditions have been improved 四、修饰成文 Changes In Our Life Over the past twenty years or so, great changes have taken place in our life. Take my family for example. In the past my parents got in touch with others by sending letters but now we can get in touch with others over the telephone at home.And my parents used to listen to the radio for news and other information,but now we can get much more news and information by watching TV. Another big change is that our housing conditions have been improved. When they got married about twenty years ago, my parents had to live in a small room crowded with furniture, but now we have moved into a two-storeyed building with quite a few rooms inside it. In short,changes in our life in the past twenty years have brought us a lot of happiness and convenience.










