4B Unit 8 Open Day 第一课时教案设计

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4B Unit 8 Open Day 第一课时(教案设计)

4B  Unit 8  Open Day 第一课时 一、教材 本课是牛津小学英语4B第八单元Open Day第一课时的教学内容。 本课的核心教学内容是“介绍教室”和陈述某种客观存在物(或人)的常用句型There’s a / There are some …in /on….重点要让学生明白此句型中is 和are的用法及介词in, on的用法,以培养学生的空间想象能力。 二、教学目标 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词classroom, chair, blackboard, playground, bookcase, office, picture 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型What’s in the classroom? There’s a / There are some …能正确运用句型There’s a / There are some …中的is 和are 3. 培养学生空间想象能力。 三、教学重点、难点 教学重点:能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词classroom, chair, blackboard, playground, bookcase, office, picture,句型What’s in the classroom? There’s a / There are some … 教学难点:能正确运用句型There’s a / There are some …中的is 和are 四、教学媒体 课堂的教学媒体是有效的激发学生学习兴趣的手段,它应该符合学生年龄特征、心理特征和认知发展水平。在本堂课中,我运用了课件、游戏卡片、评价与鼓励学生积极参与课堂的贴纸,穿插于课堂教学的各个环节,以起到开阔学生视野,拓展学生思维方式,丰富和活跃课堂气氛的作用。 五、教学过程   Teaching Procdures: Step 1: Free talk 1.Greetings   T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. How are you? Ss: … 2. Review and lead in    T: Today ,we will go to Beautiful Goat’s school, do you want to go there? Ss: Yes. T : Look, what’s this? Ss:It’s a bus. T:Is it big? /Is it nice? Ss:Yes./No. T:Boys and girls,shall we go there by bus and sing a song “The wheels on the bus”? Ss:OK. (Ss sing the song together.) T : Look, what’s this? Ss:It’s a school. T:Is it big? /Is it nice? Ss:Yes./No. T: Oh ,Ben and beautiful say: Welcome to our school.We should say… ? Ss:Thank you.  T:Shall we go to Beautiful Goat’s classroom on foot ? Ss:OK. T: Oh , Beautiful Goat says: Welcome to my classroom.We should say… ? Ss:Thank you. T: Very good . Let’s have a look. Step 2. Presentation T : What’s this? S1: It’s a classroom. T: Oh, what’s this? (鼠标指着一个窗户) S2: It’s a window, too . T : There are six windows in my classroom. So my classroom is bright. (幻灯片呈现,板书新授) T: Look! There are many things in the classroom. Can you tell me ‘What’s in the classroom?’ You can answer me like this : I can see … S1: I can see a TV. T : Oh! There’s a TV. (并板书There’s )   Can you say like me? (幻灯片导入,并让学生重复一遍,奖励。) T: OK. Boys and girls, can you answer me together? Ss: There’s a TV. T: Good! What else can you see in the classroom? Ss: I can see some desks. T: Oh! There are some desks. (幻灯片导入There are some desks. 板书 There are . 让该学生There are 再说一遍) T: Can you say it together ? Ss: There are some desks. … T : Please look at the blackboard . 有   There ’ s  =  There  is      There are   Do you know the difference between them. Let’s have a look.  2 T: Very good. Let’s have a look. Whose classroom is this?   Ss: It’s Ben’s classroom.   T: Really ? Let’s ask together . OK ?   Ss: Whose classroom is this?   (幻灯片出现 Ben :‘This  is  my  classroom.’)   T: This is Ben’s classroom. Let’s ask Ben ‘What’s in your classroom?’ OK?   Ss:Oh, where is Ben? I think he is playing basket-ball in the playground. Now, who want’s to be Ben, to introduce the classroom. Please use: There’s  a/ an … There are some …   S1: There’s a /an …   S2:There are some …   S3: … (掌声鼓励说得好的同学,并给予小奖品。) 3.T: OK. Boys and girls. You are very clever. I’m very happy. Shall we listen to a song. OK? (In the classroom) 4.T: Do you often sing songs in the classroom? 你经常在教室里唱歌吗? Do you soemtimes sing songs in the classroom? 你有时在教室里唱歌吗? I think we often sing songs in the music room. (板书,新授  music room) T: Oh, Ben is still playing basketball in the playground. Who will be Ben to introduce the music room for us?   Ss: There’s a piano. There  are  some songbooks. …   T:  Now, who can answer me. ① What’s near the window?(窗户旁边有什么?) ② What’s on the piano?(钢琴上有什么?) Keys:①There’s a piano near the window. ②There are some songbooks on the piano. Say a chant : T: Let’s say a chant(Clap hands). Near , near, near the window. What’s near the window? Piano ,piano, there’s a piano Near the window. Songbook, songbook, There are some songbooks On the piano.   5.T: Good . Let’s play a guessing game.   Is there a/an … in the library?   Yes, there is . / No, there isn’t .   Are there any … in the library?   Yes, there is . / No, there isn’t. Step3. Consolidation 1.Listen to the dialogue and answer some questions. ( 2 parts) 分两部分 2.Read the dialogue follow the tape. 3.Read the text together. Step4. Homework 1.Read the  text and try to recite. 2.Try to in troduce your bedroom with the new sentences.

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