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完形填空微技能训练(1) Learning goals: 1. Try to grasp three collinear means (同现手段) 2. Improve cloze skills by doing some exercises 3. Review other cloze skills by finishing one passage Learning methods: Self-learning and working together with partners Learning aids: A multi-media computer and some reference materials Learning procedures Step one: Talk about some occassions of pleasure feelings. Step two: Learn three collinear means (同现手段) Give the students three situations to practise 1) No more __24__, confusing passwords to remember or change every few months. (07广东) 24.A.simple B. complicated C  special  D. useful   2)Then you discover what kind of wisdom has accompanied this kind of happiness. Happiness is like a pair of eyeglasses ______ your spiritual vision. A. widening B .correcting C. limiting  D. lowing 3) Not all of these   21( fairies)  are the friendly, people-loving characters that appear in Disney films, and in some folktales they are 22  and cause much human suffering.  (08广东) 22. A. powerful  B. cruel  C. frightened D. extraordinary Step three: Analysis and classification Give four short passages for the students to practise 1.  A small happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit it. Arriving there, he bounced _①_____up the stairs to the door way. He looked through the door way with his ears lifted high and his tail ____② as fast as possible. 1)  A. angrily  B. successfully C. merrily D. slowly 2)  A.. running B. wagging  C. removing D. jumping 2. A man who has not had an opportunity to get swimming for years can still swim as well as ever when he gets back in the water, He can get on a bicycle after several decades and still _____ away. (08上海卷 ) A. move.  B. drive C. travel  D. ride   3. We built more computers to store more information, to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication; we’ve become long on _____, but short on quality. A. possessions B. computers  C. quantity D. copies  4. Before a master of performance performed, his pupil told him that his shoelace was loose. The master nodded , _①_him and then squatted down to tie it carefully. After his pupil turned, he again squatted down and __②__his shoelace.(2010届惠州二调)  1) A. praised  B. thanked C. encouraged D. appreciated  2) A.. tied B. broke C. loosed   D. removed   Step four: Review other cloze skills by finishing a passage I climbed the stairs slowly , carrying a big suitcase , my father following with two more . By the time I got to the third floor , I was 1 and at the same time feeling lonely . Worse still , Dad missed a step and fell , sending my new suitcases rolling down the stairs . Damn !he screamed , his face turning red . I knew 2  was ahead . Whenever Dads face turns red, a storm is coming. Doors were opening and faces peering out(探出), I felt it in my bones that my college life was getting off to a(n)___3__start . Enter the room, quickly, I thought. Get him into a chair and calmed down . But then again would there be a chair in Room316? Or would it be an empty room?  _4__ I turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open ,with Dad still complaining(抱怨)about a hurting knee or something . I put my head in, expecting the  5___  But to my surprise the room wasnt empty at all! It had furniture, curtains , a TV , and seven paintings on the walls. And there on a well-made bed sat my new roommate, dressed neatly , Greeting me with a nod , she said in a soft voice , Hi , you must be Cori. Then, she  6__ the music and looked over at father, And of course , youre Mr Faber, she said 7 . Would you like a glass of iced tea? Dads face turned decidedly  8 before he could bring out a yes. I knew  9  that Amy and I would be  10 and my first year of college would be a success. 1.  A.helpless B.lazy C.anxious D.tired 2..A.suffering B.Difficulty C.trouble D.danger 3.A.Fresh B.late C.bad D.unfair 4.A.Finally  B.Meanwhile  C  Sooner or later D.At the moment 5.A.worst B.chair C.best D.Tea 6.A.turned on B.turned down C.played D.enjoyed 7.A.questioning B.Wondering C.smiling D.guessing 8.A.red B. less pale C.less red D.pale 9.A. soon B.there C.later D.then 10 A.sisters B.friends C.students D.fellows Step five: After finishing the passage, ask the students to fill in the blank with the correct answers, then read the passage and underline the useful words and expressions. Step six:  Finish the assessment table to find whether you have grasped the cloze skills. Step seven:  Homework When I was a college student, I did a lot of traveling abroad. That was because a professor 1  me to do so. She said, “Now is the time for you to travel around the world, build up your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun!” I agreed with her. Since I started to work for a  2  company, however, I have done most of my traveling through the Internet. By using the Internet, I have seen the  3  of many cities on my computer screen. And I have really made business 4 , too. With the help of the Internet, I have also got 5  about food in different countries. Therefore, I was beginning to feel that actual trips were no longer necessary when I happened to read a famous cook’s comment on the Internet. He said, “It is very difficult to have real Italian food in a foreign country, because we enjoy food and the 6  around us at the same time. So why don’t you fly over to Italy and enjoy real Italian  7 ?” Those words reminded me of my 8  advice. As information technology 9   , you might be able to do without making some real trips. But this also means that you will miss the various 10  you can get from traveling. Today there are people who 11   direct communication with others and spend much of their time on the Internet. It is not surprising to see a group of people 12  into their microphones. It seems as if such people are 13  by an invisible wall. They seem to be losing out on a good chance to  14  and talk with other people. I do not think that they are taking good advantage of information technology. We should use information technology as a tool to make our daily 15  more fruitful. However, we should never let it reduce our time for face-to-face communication. Let’s make use of information technology more wisely, and have great fun in experiencing the actual world. 1. A. promised B. allowed C. hurried D. encouraged 2. A. computer B. food C. clothing D. machine 3. A. life B. rivers C. sights D. houses 4. A. plans B. bargain C. progress D. trips 5. A. information B. taste C. cooks D. feelings 6. A. people  B. drink C. atmosphere D. environment 7. A. shoes  B. dishes C. customers D. situations 8. A. friend’s  B. parents’ C. professor’s D. boss’ 9. A. produces B. advertises C. forms D. advances 10. A. news B. pleasures C. troubles D. places 11. A. avoid B. keep C. lose D. enjoy 12. A. meeting  B. talking C. traveling    D. communicating 13. A. stopped B. met C .surrounded D. hurt 14. A. look at B. employ C. travel D. meet 15. A. action  B. study C. work   D. communication Answers: 1-5 DBCDA 6-10 CBCDB  11-15 ABCDD




考研英语 完形填空复习策略04-27






