英语教学,词汇为本(第5册unit 5 First aid 词汇教学公开

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英语教学,词汇为本(人教版第5册)unit 5 First aid 词汇教学公开课几教案

  英语教学,词汇为本   A teaching plan for unit 5 First aid Time :Nov.3.2010  Class:Class 7,Grade 2 Teacher :韦海宁 Content :Vocabulary of unit 5  First aid 一、Teaching aims and demands : 1.To introduce the students some ways of memorizing useful words and phrases 2.To make the students interested in words and master the usages of words and phrases 二、Teaching key and difficult points :how to enable the students memorize the key words and phrases 三、Teaching aids :recorder、real obejects 四、Teaching methods : word-building 、explanation and practice 五、Teaching procedures Step1.lead in : Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. (Wilkins 1972) Step2.Ask students to read words after the tape and the teacher explains the usages of words and phrases 1.给予某人急救  2.一份临时工作   3.生病、入睡  4.受伤  (结婚、获得报酬、迷路、烧伤)、 5.血 流血  6.服毒   7.各种各样的   8.微肿、微痛   9.一把剪刀   10.一盆冷水   11.榨出  12.反复  13.适当  14.许多   15.找到  16.我请客   17.区别对待    Sum up小结”。  一、本单元可用实物、图片记的单词有 1. ankle  2.skin 3.throat 4.liquid 5.pan 6.stove 7.scissors  8.basin 9.bandage 10.ointment 11.kettle  12.wrist  13.sleeve 14.blouse  15.bleeding 16.a sprained ankle 17.swollen 18.blister  二、本单元可用构词法记的单词有 1. injury ----injure (v)----injured (adj) 2. bleed(v)---blood(n)---bloody(adj) 3.sprain(vt)—sprained (adj) 4.nosebleed ---nose+bleed 5.choke(vt)(n)----choked(adj) 6.cupboard----cup+board 7.organ(n)----organic(adj)---organize (v) 8.poison(n)(vt)----poisonous(adj) 9.variety(n)-----vary(v)----various (adj) 10.radiation(n)----radiate(v) 11.mild(adj)---mildly(adv) 12.tight(adj)----tightly(adv) 13.firm(adj)---firmly (adv) 14.watery(adj)----water(n)(v) 15.nerve(n)----nervous(adj) 16.unbearable (adj)----bear(v)---bearable(adj) 17.infection(n)---infect (v)—infectious (adj)or—infected (adj) 18.bravery (n)---brave (adj) 19.treat(vt)(n)----treatment (n.) 20.pressure (n)---press(v) 三、本单元可用比较法、同义词、反义词、谚语、归类法等记的单词有 1.aid=help=assist (同义词) 2 temporary (反义词)permanent 永久的 3 fall ill =be ill 但是 fall ill 不与表示一段时间的状语连用,而be ill表示状态,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用 4 ankle 与uncle 的 (发音相近) 5 injure(车祸等受伤)、hurt(小刀等)弄伤、(语言等)伤害与wound(战斗)负伤 6 barrier 与carrier 运输工具( 拼写相近) 7 complex(反义词)---simple 简单的 8 Mild=gentle 温柔的 9 char 与chart 图表 10 Over and over again  =again and again =time and again  反复 10. It never rains , but it pours . 不雨则已,一雨倾盆。 11. damp=wet 与lamp (拼写相近) 12. a number of 与复数名词连用,意为许多,   作主语时其谓语动词用复数。 the number of 与复数名词连用,意为。。。的数量作主语时其谓语动词用单数。 13.put one’s hands on = get one’s hands on =find 14.人体部位:1.ankle  2.skin 3.throat 4.wrist 5.organ 6.nose 7.ear …….. Step3.pratice  1.English weekly 9  ①Ex I  word spelling  (15题)  ② Ex II fill in the blanks ( 5题) Step4.homework 1.Preview(预习) the lesson unit 5 First aid and do Ex1、 Ex2 、Ex3 (see 书本 p36) 2.Read the words and phrases after classs and try to learn them by heart. 3.Vocabulary and structure (单项选择题) 1.The girl is badly injured . You ‘d better   first aid to her before taking her to hospital . A make B. do C. take  D. afford 2.Because of bad weather , my mother   and lay in bed . She  for a week . A. fell ill , has fallen ill  B. fell ill , has been ill 3.It’s a (n)  job ,but I’m hoping it will be made permanent.   A. part –time  B. machine  C. steady  D. temporary 4.I have warned you  not to do that but you did’nt listen to me.   A. over and over again B. once again  C. over again  D. again 5.Please put all the desks and chairs   after cleaning the classroom.  A. in the place B. at place C. at the place  D. in place 6.There are  flowers shown in the park and   people go to have a look . A. varieties of, various B. a plenty of , many C. various , many a D. quite a few , quite a little 7.Cleaning women in big cities usually get  by the hour. A. pay B. paid  C. paying  D.  to pay    8.My teacher has never lost his temper , that is to say, he is a   man.   A. generous  B. mild C. rude  D. awkward

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