Module 9 Happy Bithday Unit 1 Can I

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Module 9 Happy Bithday Unit 1 Can I have some sweets?教案

外研社版小学英语第三册 Module 9 Happy Bithday Unit 1 Can I have some sweets? 教材分析: Module 9 Unit 1的主题是“Happy Birthday”, 语言功能是征求许可,学会就当前需要进行问答;学习任务为Can I have some sweets? Yes, you can./ Sorry, you can’t. 和新单词soup, sweets, bread, biscuits, fruit。 学情分析:  本课的教学对象是四年级的学生。通过三年级的学习,他们有一定的英语语言基础,活泼好动, 乐于在老师和同学面前表现自己的长处,希望得到老师的肯定,有较强的求知欲。但是小学生不能长时间维持有意注意,需要设计有吸引力的授课环节,穿插小活动以使学生得到适当放松并重新集中注意力。 教学目标: (一)知识目标 1、能听懂、会说并认读单词soup, sweets, bread, biscuits, fruit; 2、能听懂、会说并认读句子Can I have some sweets? Yes, you can./ Sorry, you can’t. (二)能力目标 使学生能对自己日常生活中的需要进行问答。 (三)情感目标 培养学生的英语学习兴趣和良好习惯,鼓励学生大胆说英语,提高竞争意识和团结合作精神。 教学要点分析: (一)教学重点 对正在进行的活动进行问答对话,运用Can I have some sweets? Yes, you can./ Sorry, you can’t. (二)教学难点 本单元的难点在于新单词和新句子,学习过程中重在练习应用。 教学用具: 教材、单词卡片、录音机、录音带、自制动作图画。   教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up Free talk. (重点练习已学句型Can you run fast? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. 目的是与本节课要学习的句型问答法区别开来。) In this class, we will play a game. I will divide you into two groups. You are Group 1. You are Group 2. Each group has an apple tree. If you do well, I will give you an apple like this. Are you clear? OK, let’t see which group is the winner.(辅助肢体语言,向学生说明,我们这节课要进行一个比赛:全班分成两大组,每组一棵大苹果树,表现优秀者奖励苹果,看哪个组得的苹果最多哪个组就是冠军。这样从课堂一开始就激发学生的兴趣,为取胜孩子们上课会积极投入地学习,并自发地遵守纪律。) Do you remember the chant “Noodles and rice are very, very nice”? Let’s chant together. (利用三年级学过的韵律歌引导本课的新单词,调动学生的积极性。) In the chant, noodles, rice, ginger and spice are all food. And today we are going to learn some new words about food. Look at these pictures. (采用分组、大小声、个体读等方法学习新单词soup, sweets, bread, biscuits, fruit, 学完后复习五个单词。) 现在我们可以用新单词来替换这首chant。 Now I am hungry. I want to have something to eat. So I ask, “Can I have some sweets?” (教授此句子) Now Amy is hungry, and she wants to have some sweets. So Amy asks, “Can I have some sweets?” (用其他新食物单词替换) If you think it’s OK, you should say, “Yes, you can.”(画小笑脸) If you think it’s not OK, you should say, “Sorry, you can’t.” (教新单词sorry。练习问答。) Step 2 Presentation Amy is hungry. But Mum doesn’t let her have anything. Why? Let’s listen to the tape. Listen and point. (先整体听两遍新课文,形成整体概念,同时培养学生良好的指读习惯。) Listen again. Underline the new words. (再听两遍,画出生词。体现自主学习。) Learn the new words. (请学生看卡片学习背景单词turn on, light, come here, dark。 Listen to the tape and repeat. (听录音,跟读两遍。然后齐读,纠正错误发音) Answer my questions. Q1. Can Amy have some soup? Q2. Can Amy have some sweets? Q3. Can Amy have some bread? Read by yourselves. Then show to the class. (先自己读,自己消化,不会的要问。再个别展示,纠正发音。) Step 3 Practice Work in groups of four. Role-play the story. Then show to the class. (四人小组进行分角色表演。既能够调动学生的积极性,又能充分发挥小组合作的优势,尽量使所有组员掌握学习内容。) Step 4 Summary and Homework What have you learned today? (让学生自己思考总结今天的学习成果,总结提升。)我们不仅学习到知识,而且要懂得感恩,感激父母和朋友,同时要现出我们的爱心,关爱他人。 Homework: Make more diologues with your partners. (课后作业: 同桌练习,做更多的英语对话,达到能熟练运用新句型的目的。)    

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