This is my family 教学反思及教案
This is my family 教学反思 This is my family 这课的内容是集功能型与交际型于一体的交际训练课。在这节课中,我采用多样化的教学手段,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,使学生通过合作学习,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。 本节课的重点就是让孩子们掌握grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin这几个家庭成员的名称。因为在第五课里面已经初步学习了father,mother,brother,sister这几个关于家庭成员的单词,所以在新授时,我通过提问“Who is he/she ?”先对已学的单词进行复习,从而引出新的知识,并对其进行学习。单词的学习比较枯燥,为了让孩子们积极有效的学好这些词汇,在教学的过程中,我采用了多种游戏的方式来进行学习巩固。如:High voice and low voice/ Quick response/Train,train,go……学完之后,我又设计了各种游戏让孩子们对这些家庭成员的单词加深记忆,如:Look and say/Who is missing?/Guess game/Let’s chant. 在学习课文对话的时候,我采用分组分角色读及齐读等方式来进行学习,在最后,我还让孩子们利用自己的照片把家庭成员介绍给大家,让孩子们在学习的基础上还会灵活运用新知。但由于准备工作还不够充分,没让所有的孩子都准备好家庭成员的照片,以致这个重要环节流于形势,并没有落到实处。 总的来说,这节课孩子们对新词汇的掌握程度较好,但是,在利用新知进行口语交际这方面还非常薄弱,在今后的课堂上还得注意多让孩子们开口说,在生活中活用英语。 6 This is my family. 一、教学内容 三年级上册Unit 6 This is my family Part A and Part B. 二、教学目标 1、能听懂、会说新单词aunt, uncle,cousin,grandfather, grandmother; 2、能听懂、会说本课对话; 3、能用英语介绍家庭成员; 4、渗透思想教育,培养学生热爱家庭的感情。 三、教学重点及难点 重点:用“Who’s he/she?”询问第三人,及用“He’s/She’s my…”对此问题作出回应,介绍家庭成员。 难点:理解并运用“He’s my uncle, and she’s my aunt.”。 四、教学准备 单词卡片、教学磁带、录音机等。 五、教学步骤 Step I Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Sing a song “Are you sleeping?” 3. Free talking. Step II Presentation 1. Review“Who’s he/she?”“He’s/She’s my father/mother/brother/sister.” 2. Learn the new words“grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin.” T(Show the picture):“Who’s he?” Then answer “He’s my grandfather.” Write “grandfather” on the blackboard, say after teacher. Learn the other words like this method. ①Game:High voice and low voice. ②Magic fingers. ③Pass the card. ④Read it one by one. 3.Drill the words. ①Quick response.Look at the mouth,tell the words. ②Who is missing? ③To be a small teacher. ④Say the words together. ⑤Guess game. He’s my father’s father,who’s he? She’s my mother’s mother,who’s she? He’s my father’s brother, who’s he? She’s my mother’s sister, who’s she? ⑥Have a chant. Father’s father, grandfather. Mother’s mother, grandmother. Father’s brother, uncle,uncle. Mother’s sister, aunt,aunt. Step III Practice 1. Open the book, turn to page 21,listen and say. 2. Act the dialogue. 3. Show the photo,introduce the family members. Step IV Listen and sing“Come and see my family”.【This is my family 教学反思及教案】相关文章:
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