5A Unit 8 A camping trip 教案

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5A Unit 8 A camping trip 教案

Unit 8 A camping trip 教案 教学内容:Unit 8 A camping trip Period 3 教学目标: 知识目标:1.能听懂,会说,会读,会拼写单词: children , a hill, fish, tin,show以及show sth. to sb.=show sb. sth   2.能听懂,会说,会读,会拼写,会使用量词:a tin of, a box of ,…   3.动词have,has的用法以及和There be 的区别。 能力目标:1.能正确运用句型:What do you /they have? I/We/You/They have … What does he/she have? He/She has …   2.能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。   3.了解课文大意,并能根据老师的提示复述课文内容。   4.能用简单的语句制定自己和家人的周末计划。   5.让学生学会一些阅读的基本技巧。 情感目标:让学生学会热爱大自然,热爱美好的生活。 教学重点:1.能正确理解,掌握对话内容,并能用较好的语音语调朗读课文。   2.能围绕课文的主题展开相应的讨论。 教学难点:1. 在理解课文内容的基础上复述课文。   2. 能模仿并写一篇有关周末计划的小短文。   3. 动词have ,has 的正确使用。 教学准备: 1.教具准备:PPT课件,录音机,磁带 2.教学准备:作业纸,课外读物 3.板书准备:Unit 8 A camping trip 教学过程: Step 1 Presentation and practice 1. T: What do you like doing on Sundays /Saturdays? S: I like … T: I like going camping. Look at the picture.(PPT 呈现野营的场景) They are at a camping site, they are having a camping trip. S:Learn the new words: camping, site, trip and the phrases: at a camping site, have a camping trip. 2. T: We are going to have a camping trip, please choose the things you need, then show the things to me, please.   S: Learn the new word: show, show sth. to sb. = show sb. sth.   S: Make a dialogue : A: What do you have? B: I have … A: Show your … to me, please.   (Show me your … ,please.)    B: OK.    A: Thank you. 3. T: Introduce two friends to the students: Miss Li and Mr Green   S: Guess: What does she / he have?   Learn the new word: tin, a tin of, fish ,a box of.   S: Let’s do it.( 量词后选择正确的名词 ) 4. T: Let’s chant.   S: Have, have, have, what do you have? Tent, tent, I have a tent. Have, have, have, what do they have? Pot, pot, they have a pot. Has, has, has, what does he have? Stove, stove, he has a stove. Has, has, has, what does he have? Blanket, blanket, she has a blanket. 5. Make a summary of the use of the words: “have” and “has”. 6. Exercise: Fill in blanks using: there be, have, has Step 2 Reading T: Show the picture of the text and ask: “How many children can you see in the picture? S: Answer the question and learn the new words: children and child 1. 通过观察课文插图,根据老师提供的特殊疑问词:what, who, when, where ,学生提出几个问题,对课文内容进行一个简单的预设。 2. T:老师提出问题:Who are they?  Where are they?  What are they doing? S: 学生听录音,并回答问题,在校对过程中学习新单词: hill,补充词组:climb the hill S:通过特殊疑问词的提示,复述课文引言部分。 3. 学生自读课文对话部分,通过了解对话的细节,完成表格: Name has/ have Things David     Liu Tao     Nancy     Helen     Yang Ling     Su Hai&Su Yang     Miss Li     Mr Green     4. 跟读课文录音,完成True or False 练习,并加以改正。 5. 自读课文,完成Summary。 Step 3 Consolidation 1. Let’s talk:   A: T: What do we need at a camping site? S: Drink or eat: apples, cakes, milk,…   B: T: What can we do at a camping site? S: Make fun: fly a kite, climb the hill, play the guitar,…   C: T: What shall we use at a camping site?    S: To use: a tent, a stove, a blanket, a telescope, … 2. T: Let’s enjoy the nature.   Where do you want to have a camping trip?   S: … 3. T: 教师师范:My plan for Saturday   S: 仿写:My plan for … 机动环节:阅读理解:判断正误。 I have a cat. She is black and white. Her name is Kitty. She has a long tail and small ears. Her tail(尾巴) is black, but her ears are white. Her nose is white, too. She has a basket. She sleeps in her basket. She gets up in the evening. She goes out at night. She catches mice(捉老鼠) at night. Kitty likes fish and milk. She eats fish every day. She drinks milk every day. Kitty does not like dogs and they do not like her. Kitty likes me and I like her. I often play with her after school. ( ) 1. Kitty is a pretty girl. ( ) 2. Kitty is a black and white cat. ( ) 3. Kitty sleeps in bed at night. ( ) 4. Kitty and the dogs are good friends. ( ) 5. Kitty has fish and milk every day. 4. 情感教育:热爱大自然,热爱美好的生活,开心每一天。 Step 4 Homework 1. 从网上查阅有关野营的知识和野营用品,拓展视野。并利用网络扩展关于野营的英语词汇,下节课展示给大家。 2. 利用课余时间制定周末家庭野营的计划。        

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