Where's the post office?教案示例

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Where's the post office?教案示例

Wheres the post office?教案示例   Teaching Objectives:   掌握有关问路的习惯用语。   2.掌握有关问路及指路的表达法。   Language Focus:   go along this road on one’s way to... turn left/right at the second crossing   go on until you reach the end You can’t miss it. go across the bridge   go up this road to the end   Properties: Pictures or video   Teaching Procedures:   Step 1 Revision   Revise the expressions of asking for directions and giving directions.   在黑板上画出学校所在位置的简图,画出附近几个教筑物的名称,然后就画中的地点提问:(或利用一副显示各个地点的挂图)   Where is our school? It’s near the park.   Where is the post office? It’s behind the school.   Is there a shop near here?   Yes, there is. Walk along this road, and take the fourth turning on the left. It’s about a hundred metres along on the left/right.   … …   并让学生进行对话表演:   A: Excuse me. Where is the police station?   B: Go down this street, and take the first turning on the right. Then take the second turning on the right. You can find it on your right.   A: Thanks a lot   B: You’re welcome.   最后让学生描述自己住的地点,以及到达自己家的路线。   I live in De Pao Hotel on Xinai street, but I study at Foreign Language School. I come out of the main gate of De Pao Hotel. I ride a bike. Then I go southward about one kilometre’s drive, past the big post office to the bridge. Then I turn left and go southward this time. Drive a few minutes, I can see the Bank of China in front of me, then turn left towards the traffic limits. Past McDonald, I go across the street, eastward for another two minutes, then I get to the school.   Step 2 Presentation   方案一:   Show the picture to the students(或利用课本挂图), get them to say out the names of the buildings. Circle the place which the students don’t know. Teach the new word about the place.   方案二:   Draw a street plan on the blackboard, showing different buildings. <wbr>the <wbr>post <wbr>office?教案示例 HEIGHT=184 ALT=Wheres <wbr>the <wbr>post      然后在图中加上:a church, library, café, men’s and ladies’ rooms and video shop等地点名称,然后教学这些新单词。   Step 3 Look and say   利用上面的图,复习以前学过的问路和指路的表达法。   1. A: Where’s the library?   B: It’s behind the post office.   2. A: Excuse me, is there a park near here?   B: Yes, there is. Walk along Zhong Road, and take the second turning on the right. It’s on your left.   Have students look at the picture and ask and answers in pairs.   Step 4 Read and act   让学生看图,让学生试着表达到达library,然后教学新词汇:cross, across, crossing,分析cross 和across 的不同用法。cross= go across.   Play the tape for the students to listen. Ask How do you get to the library?   Play the tape again and tell the students to write down the directions as they hear them.   Then check the answer:   Walk along Zhongshan Road and turn right at the second crossing. Go across the bridge. The library is on the left.   Explain the difference between the usage of reach, arrive, and get.   Give the students read the dialogue in pairs. And ask a few pairs to act the dialogue.   Step 5 Practise   Show the picture to the students again. Ask them How can I get to the church.   Help the students to answer with the choices from the box:   Go along this road and take the second turning to the right. Walk across a bridge. Go on until you reach the end. You can’t miss it.   Have students make similar dialogues in pairs.   Step 6 Exercises in class   Complete the missing words.   Conversation 1 (In the hotel)   A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the barber’s. I’d like to have my hair cut.   B: Certainly, sir. Turn right at the lift(电梯). The barbers is at the end of the corridor on the left.   A: Many thanks.   Conversation 2(In the street)   A: Excuse me. Where is Jian Guo Hotel from here?   B: Jian Guo Hotel is quite a long way. How did you plan on getting there?   A: I really dont know. Can you tell me?   B: Sure. Walk down the street and turn right, then turn left at the comer. Take bus No. 1、4 or 5 there. Get off the bus at Da Bei Yao and Jian Guo Hotel is just across the street. Actually, I suggest you take a tube. It’ s rush hour now, buses are usually very crowded.   Step 7 Summary   The expression of asking the directions and giving the directions:   Can you tell me the way to. . . ?   How can I get to the …?   Where’s the . . . ?   Is there a . . . near here?   Walk along this road and . . .   Take the . . .turning on the left/right.   Go across/Cross the bridge.   Go on until you reach the end.   … . . .   Step 8 Homework   1. Practise talking about the ways to school/work/hospital in oral English/orally.   2. Finish off the workbook exercises.   3. Act asking and giving the directions.   Writing on blackboard Lesson 61 Asking the directions: Where’s the . . . ? Is there a . . . near here? Can you tell me the way to. . . ? Can you tell me how to get to...? Which is the way to. . . ? How can I get to. . . ? Giving the directions: Walk along this road Take the . . .turning on the left/right. Go across/Cross the bridge. Go on until you reach the end.

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